Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 891 Optimus Prime

Chapter 891 Optimus Prime

More than a thousand warships, is there such a huge fleet?
Even the prince of the Mughal Empire, the third prince famous for leading troops, was shocked by the news brought back by the Dutch at this moment.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Mughal Empire didn't have many warships at all!Also, the Dutch fleet that fought with him actually had less than twenty ships.

In addition, the Portuguese who were driven away from Goa by him only had a dozen warships in total.

All of these, compared with the number of warships of the Ming Empire, it really pales in comparison!

On Kuiyi's side, he was not shocked by the number of Ming warships, because he already knew that the Ming Empire would definitely be able to produce so many battlefields.

What shocked him was that the Ming Empire was really lingering, and it even expanded westward on a large scale, following his footsteps, occupying the Dhaka and Chittagong areas.

The news was obtained from the Arab businessmen who left Chittagong. After the Dutch in Colombo learned about the situation, they immediately spread the news to Goa.Otherwise, the message would have been received earlier.

At this moment, Kui Yi really wanted to scold her.

He took Colombo from the Portuguese, and before he managed it well, the Ming Navy came.

He has an intuition that the Daming Navy will definitely not be limited to Dhaka and Chittagong, but will continue to advance westward, which also means that Colombo is impossible to defend.

The navy of the Ming Dynasty has a steady stream of warships. As far as we know now, there are more than a thousand ships. Once Colombo is besieged, it is difficult to escape, unless it is withdrawn before the Ming army attacks. !
God the hell!The captured nest is not warm yet, so it will be abandoned again!

Thinking of this in his heart, Kui raised his head and looked at Aurangzeb, his heart moved, and he was somewhat relieved.

Now that Goa is in the hands of the Netherlands, it can rely on the powerful Mughal Empire. In this case, it will not be afraid of the numerical advantage of the Ming army!
So, he quickly said to Aurangzeb: "Honorable Highness, I am going to vigorously build Goa and build it into the largest trading point of the Netherlands in the Far East, so that we can make money together. Please also send a large army, Your Highness." How about being stationed here in Goa?"

When Aurangzeb heard his words, he came back to his senses, and immediately asked Kui with some doubts: "Does the Ming Dynasty really have so many warships?"

"Of course!" Kui replied immediately after hearing this, "It is because Ming has so many warships, like locusts, that we had to withdraw from Nanyang. After all, we have few people, and we can't afford to waste them!"

Hearing this, Aurangzeb comforted him and said, "Don't worry, when I become emperor and you are in Goa, I will send a large army to station in Goa. If the Ming army really has to attack Goa, let them They knew that the Mughal Empire was also a powerful country!"

According to the statistics of later generations, in 1700, the population of the Mughal Empire was about [-] million.Just in terms of population, the population of Huaxia and Mughal Empire is about the same.

However, during the reigns of Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, militarism and military expansion were rampant. The main ruling forces of the Mughal Empire were military aristocrats, and the burden on farmers was huge.Thanks to this piece of land, compared with China, it has richer products, so it can bear Shah Jahan's militarism, and finally collapsed during the Aurangzeb period.And this was done by Aurangzeb himself, otherwise it might not necessarily collapse!
At this time, upon hearing Aurangzeb's promise, Kui Yi suddenly wanted him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor more than Aurangzeb himself!After all, he didn't know when the Ming army would continue west?
So, when he was about to speak, he saw Aurangzeb's personal guards broke into the room and told him, "An imperial decree has arrived!"

There is no doubt that this is Shah Jahan's will not to let Aurangzeb do his best, but it is too late.

After receiving the decree, Aurangzeb immediately understood the true meaning of his father Khan's decree, and couldn't help being very angry.

As a result, what he did not expect was that Shah Jahan had more than one edict to recall him, and then sent him a series of expedited edicts, and the wording became more and more severe.

In the end, Aurangzeb couldn't stand it anymore and went crazy!

His father Khan's desire to suppress him is also clearly revealed!
Aurangzeb, who originally had objections, made up his mind and would never catch him without a fight!

In the matter of usurping the throne, there is a family tradition, and Aurangzeb is also proficient.

On the one hand, he immediately sent his confidantes to Agra, used the wealth he had just collected from the annihilation of the country, to bribe officials in the DPRK and China, and spread the news: Shah Jahan, the second prince in the east, lost his city and land, but Shah Jahan did not punish him. Lost the majesty of the sweat.

The Ming Dynasty has annexed one country after another, and now they have reached the doorstep of the Mughal Empire, but the court still doesn't pay attention to it, and doesn't immediately dispatch troops and generals. Is it necessary to wait for the entire east to fall?
In addition, Agra also began to praise the great deeds of the third prince Aurangzeb, who expelled the Portuguese and conquered several countries in the south. There was a third prince in the Mughal Empire, who was Optimus Prime!
On the other hand, Aurangzeb returned to Beijing immediately, and along the way, he publicized his victory with great fanfare.All kinds of trophies are placed in conspicuous places, so that everyone along the way will know that he, the third prince, is brilliant and powerful, and his achievements are unrivaled!
However, Aurangzeb himself here continued to give Shah Jahan memorials, expressing the meaning of obedience.Shah Jahan said what, that is what, to cover up his killing intent.

Under his momentum, Shah Jahan and the great prince Dara Shuke have been under great pressure.

For the lost cities and territories in the east, those who should bear the responsibility and those who should be punished are not punished; the Ming army occupied the territory of the Mughal Empire, but the court did not pay attention to it, and let the Ming army occupy it without counterattacking!

Successive battles and victories in the south have conquered one country after another, but the imperial court wants to suppress the third prince who has made great contributions to the country.If the imperial court does not know the rewards and punishments, how can the lieutenants be asked to fight for the country in the future?
Shah Jahan, the ruler of the world, suffered a great deal of damage to his reputation. In the end, Shah Jahan had to adjust his previous countermeasures: he sent a decree to Darashuko, asking him to lead the troops eastward and deal with the In the war, even if the Ming army in Dhaka cannot be eliminated, it must be expelled.

The eldest prince is the one who will inherit the throne, and his prestige cannot be compared with the third prince's. He needs this feat to prove himself!

The domestic situation of the Mughal Empire suddenly became complicated.


On the Dhaka side, unexpectedly, the army of the Mughal Empire did not come to counterattack, which allowed the Ming army to speed up the construction of the Dhaka and Chittagong area.

By this time, Du Yinxi had already rushed to Yunnan to serve as the governor of South Asia, in charge of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and military and political affairs in Dongwu and the Mughal Empire.

And Yang Weizhi, the governor of Yunnan and the governor of Dongwu, has arrived in Dhaka, brought the civil officials for local governance, ended the previous military control, and everything has entered a normal track.

People from Jinyiwei and Dongchang have also entered Dhaka in large numbers, training some local people who have become Ming people, and let them disperse into the territory of the Mughal Empire along the Ganges River to promote Ming's policies here.

Generally speaking, it is still a domestic method: it is to overthrow the local authorities and wealthy households, that is, the owners of the local means of production, and deprive them of their means of production, such as land and houses.Then part of it will be given to the people at the bottom of the Mughal Empire to win the hearts of the people, so that they can gain a firm foothold in this foreign country.

In the Mughal Empire, at least half of the land belonged to the Mughal Emperor.The remaining half are basically military nobles and local tyrants.Ordinary people are just like serfs.

This set of policies, let alone, is very effective.

On the side of Dhaka and Chittagong, those who refused to accept Daming worked to death in the prisoner camps. Of course, the official statement is that it is just reform through labor.Most of the people at the bottom support Da Ming wholeheartedly, because they are the beneficiaries after Da Ming captured here.

In addition, there is another point that is also very important.

Most people in the Mughal Empire were superstitious.With the arrival of the Ming army, the God of Plague fled without a trace, which shocked them intuitively.Afterwards, they gradually learned that there were really miracles in the Ming Dynasty, and the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty had performed miracles in public.

Under the dual focus of material and spirit, if the Mughal Empire army dared to fight, they would definitely take up arms and fight the Mughal Empire army!

The same is true, many local people are very active in the recruitment of factory guards, because once they have made meritorious service, they will have land and houses to allocate, and they may even go on a pilgrimage to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. This is their motivation.

By the beginning of August in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, a large number of local people had already traveled up the Ganges River to build momentum for the Ming army. At the same time, news of the Mughal Empire was also sent back.

It is also because of the support of the local aborigines that the spies sent by the governor of the Mughal Empire, Shashuja and Bengal, will be discovered by the local aborigines even if they bypass the inspections that are not accepted at the periphery of the night. Daming government side, in exchange for rewards.

It can be said that at this time in ancient times, the Ming Dynasty at this time was the most useful for the hearts of the people.

Most ancient people looked down on the low-level people and regarded them like pigs and dogs, not to mention that the Mughal Empire already had caste traditions, and they would not care about the feelings of the low-level people. Otherwise, Shah Jahan would not have resorted to military action At the same time, there will be a lot of construction.

If the Mughal Empire counterattacked immediately after losing Dhaka, then the Ming Expeditionary Army would not have time to do so many things.But because of their domestic political situation, the Ming Expeditionary Army finally managed to complete these things.

Once the rainy season is over, it is time for the Ming Expeditionary Army to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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