Chapter 892 Crowd
However, before the end of the rainy season, the army of the Mughal Empire finally launched an attack on Dhaka.

This army of the Mughal Empire was commanded by the second prince Shashuja and the governor of Bengal, with a total of [-] horse infantry, known as [-].

The army of the eldest prince Dara Shuke has already moved over here.If Shashuja and the Governor of Bangladesh still do not attack after arriving, they will definitely be taken down and questioned.

Due to the situation, the two had no choice but to attack.

In the past, they only sent people to spy on the military situation of the Ming army on a small scale, which did not go well.

The patrols of the Ming army were all armed to the teeth.Even their rain gear was something Shashuja had never seen before.It is said that the rain gear is very soft and does not hinder movement at all when worn on the body, but the rain does not penetrate into it at all, which is very miraculous.

Sha Shujia and others, of course, do not know that this kind of rain gear is a rubber raincoat. As the rubber trees in Qiongzhou and Dongfan mature, more and more rubber is harvested. In addition to making wires, other rubber products are mainly The team headed by Song Yingxing is already trying to do it.

Considering the rainy season on the South Asian subcontinent, some of these rubber raincoats were allocated, but only the most elite Ming army could wear them.

Of course, when the production capacity is sufficient in the future, it will definitely be no problem to distribute rubber rain gear to all soldiers.

Back to the moment, Shashuja and the Governor of Bangladesh are actually not sure that the Ming army will win at all, but they have to go out again.Along the way, both of them prayed. Under the influence of the rainy season here, the Ming army, as they expected, got sick and died.

No, the governor of Bangladesh comforted Shashuja and said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I have already inquired. Many untouchables escaped from Dhaka and other places, and they must have done so because they couldn't survive."

After hearing this, Shashuja frowned and asked, "Then did anyone else escape? Is there any specific news?"

"It's just some untouchables who escaped!" Hearing this, the governor of Bangladesh replied with a bitter face, "Others didn't see anyone escaped until we set off!"

After hearing this, Shashuja asked, "Did you ask those untouchables?"

"I just asked my subordinates to inquire, and said that there was chaos there, and the Ming army was arresting and killing people everywhere." The Governor of Bangladesh said this, and hurriedly added, "This is almost what we guessed!"

After hearing this, Shashuja asked dissatisfiedly, "Guess, why don't you ask more clearly?"

"Your Highness, what do those untouchables have to ask?" The Governor of Bengal said indifferently, "If you ask them, they won't be able to answer!"

Obviously, the distinction between high and low is deeply ingrained in his mind.

After hearing this, Shashuja still frowned and didn't speak. Obviously, he should also agree with the words of the Governor of Bangladesh, but he still felt uneasy because he didn't know anything about the Ming army.

At this moment, suddenly a fast horse ran over in the rain, and reported to Sha Shujia: "Your Highness, we found something strange ahead!"

"Strange?" Shashuja asked in surprise when he heard it, "What's weird?"

"The road ahead is no longer muddy, what a strange road!"

Hearing this, the Governor of Bangladesh immediately reprimanded the man: "Why is the road no longer muddy? Have you never seen a stone road?"

"No, it's not a stone road, it's really a strange road!"

After hearing this, Shashuja and the Governor of Bangladesh looked at each other, and then drove forward to see what was going on.
On the road ahead, all the troops who opened the way stopped here, whispering in the rain.

Seeing a group of guards approaching the Governor of Bangladesh and the Second Prince, they all looked up at them, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

Sure enough, after Shashuja passed by, he found that the ground turned out to be a layer of white road with rainwater flowing on it. However, when the troops set foot on it, no matter whether they were horses or people, they could see the soles of their feet, and they did not sink into the ground at all. in.

Seeing this scene, Shashuja was also curious, disregarding the possibility of getting wet, he immediately got off the horse and stepped on the ground with both feet.

Sure enough, it felt hard, as if stepping on a rock.

Looking up, Shashuja found that there were all such roads in front of him. He turned around and asked the Governor of Bangladesh, "If I remember correctly, this road was not like this before, was it?"

At this time, he was a little suspicious, whether he had made a mistake in his memory.If there is such a magical path, he will not fail to remember it.

The Governor of Bangladesh is obviously more familiar than Shashuja. Hearing his question, he immediately replied in an affirmative tone: "Your Highness remembers correctly. It used to be an ordinary road here, and it is definitely not such a strange road!"

As they talked, they pondered for a while, but in the end they still couldn't figure out why this road became like this.

So Shashuja and the Governor-General of Bangladesh finally led the army to move on.

Later, they discovered that there seemed to be a dividing line between a dirt road and this strange road just now.After embarking on this strange road, the road leading to Dhaka is all so strange.

Even later, they discovered that the fields, the banks of the river, etc., were also such hard roads.People and horses walk on it, no longer have to worry about getting stuck in the mud, and walking is not difficult.

Looking at this scene, both Shashuja and the Governor of Bangladesh faintly felt that this kind of strange road might have something to do with the Ming people.

When the sky got a little dark, the rain finally stopped, and the army needed to find a place to camp.

The whole army was wet, and most people were complaining.

The light infantry in the army, before they have a rest, they have to serve the knights and their horses first.

For the Mughal Empire, knights were a status symbol.The difference between the powerful and the high and low of the official position lies in how many knights they can master to distinguish the degree.

For example, the prince of the Mughal Empire, Shah Jahan's eldest son Dara Shuke, was rewarded with [-] horses. Later, because of the threat of Aurangzeb, he added another [-] horses.

Finally, when it was about to get dark, Shashuja's [-] horses camped on the high ground, where they were not soaked by water.Burying pots for cooking, boiling water for the master to take a bath, etc., are very noisy.

However, what they didn't expect was that at this moment, an alarm sounded from the forward side.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Shashuja couldn't help being very surprised when he heard the movement coming from ahead. It's getting dark and there's going to be a war. Can you see it?
When he really wanted to send someone to inquire about the situation, he saw the governor of Bangladesh running over in a panic and told him, "Your Highness, it's not good, Ming warships are attacking along the river!"

In the Dhaka area, during the rainy season, there are rivers everywhere, and even the local indigenous people mostly use boats as a means of transportation.

Shashuja's army happened to camp on the embankment, because the official road was flooded and it was impossible to camp.

At this time, Shashuja was shocked when he heard the governor of Bangladesh explain that the army was attacking by boat. Before he could react, he heard the loud sound of artillery.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Shashuja couldn't see the distant ship clearly, but he could see the flash of fire.

The people and horses in front were all in a mess, and no one dared to stay on the embankment anymore, or even run away from the embankment.

In this kind of ghost weather, firearms and artillery are prone to moisture, including bows and arrows, and they can't be used.

However, the Ming army came by boat. Their artillery was inside the boat, avoiding the rain, and they bombarded row after row. Almost everywhere they went, Shashuja's army was fleeing.

Seeing this, Sha Shujia was about to scold his mother, but his personal guards hurriedly advised him to flee quickly, and the warship of Ming Dynasty sailed over.

At this time, Shashuja also saw clearly that the warships of the Ming Dynasty were all small ships, about one warship with two cannons, spouting flames.

It was getting dark, and the artillery of the Ming army must have been inaccurate, but Shashuja was afraid, what if there were shells that did not have eyesight?
So he also ran away.

When it was completely dark, the warships of the Ming Kingdom went down the river again and disappeared from sight.

However, the army on Shashuja's side fled all over the mountains and plains.

Tired and hungry, and drenched in the rain, I don't know if it will rain at night, what a damned Ming army!

In the end, there was nothing to say all night, and the Ming army did not sneak up again in the dark.

At dawn, Shashuja's subordinate leaders began to gather their troops.After a whole morning of busy work, they only gathered more than [-] people.

The total number of dead and wounded soldiers found was about [-] or so, but there were only a few of them gathered. Needless to say, in yesterday's chaos, those who were not gathered all fled. Most of them were light infantry. That is, those at the bottom of the Mughal Empire Army.

Hearing the report from the Governor of Bangladesh, Shashuja's face was as ugly as it was.

Just being harassed by the Ming army, the army will be defeated. How can we fight this war?
The governor of Bangladesh looked at the gathered more than [-] people, and their morale was also very low. After weighing it in his heart, he advised Shashuja: "Your Highness, if we continue to attack Dhaka, we have no chance of winning!"

In fact, when they decided to lead the army to attack Dhaka, they had no chance of winning.It was only under the pressure of the First Prince that they had no choice but to send troops.

At this time, Shashuja heard his words and said angrily: "What if we don't fight? Darashuko wants me to die!"

The Governor of Bangladesh obviously had an idea, so he whispered to him: "Your Highness, why don't we go south, say that the army was scattered by the flood, and went to gather the army, and get out of the way, and let His Royal Highness go to fight the Ming army first?"

In the original history, Shashuja proclaimed himself emperor in Bangladesh because he had the support of his confidants here.Hearing this suggestion at this time, he rolled his eyes and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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