Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 893 Thunderbolt 1 Strike

Chapter 893

"You're right, it's not just because he was born early, what can he do!" Shashuja said angrily, "I'm sure, if he comes, he will also fail. At that time, no one can say Who!"

After hearing this, the Governor of Bangladesh quickly followed suit and said, "What we are leading is only the local army, but His Royal Highness has the Royal Forest Army dispatched by His Majesty. If it is changed, His Highness will definitely win the war!"

The meaning of this sentence is that if Shashuja wants to have Darashuko's army, he will definitely win, which is much better than Darashuko!
So, just like that, after discussing with each other, the two led the troops to the south and fled.

Shashuja's move even surprised the Ming Expeditionary Army, who fled without fighting?
But looking back, just using warships to harass, more than half of the army can be killed, it is simply a mob, and it is not surprising that they choose to escape.

Even Ma Shouying, He Yilong and others are sure that even if they were not recruited back then, they would probably be able to defeat this Mughal Empire army.

For the Ming Expeditionary Army, this invasion can only be regarded as an episode. Afterwards, what the Ming Expeditionary Army should do is still the same. Everything is preparing for the war after the rainy season ends.

During the rainy season, it is really not suitable for fighting, whether it is the problem of difficult roads, or because the Ming army has basically realized the military firearms, even in the era of flintlocks, it will still be affected.


This was true of the Ming Expeditionary Army, and it was also true of the Mughal Empire's army.

Especially the army belonging to the Imperial Forest Army of the Mughal Empire has more firearms than the local army.After all, the only firearms workshop in the Mughal Empire was controlled by the royal family.

Therefore, the army led by Dara Shuke is actually advancing eastward slowly. First, it does not want to fight with the Ming army during the rainy season; second, it forces the second prince Shashuja to lead the army to fight the Ming army World War I.

If it is said that the army led by the second prince can defeat the Ming army, that would be the best. On the side of the eldest prince, he can rush to pick peaches in time according to the news of the battle report ahead; Army, after consuming the Ming army and weakening the Ming army, the difficulty will be reduced a lot before the First Prince leads the troops to conquer.

As a result, what the eldest prince Darashuke never expected was that Nashashuja did not go to fight the Ming army, but went far south.

"How dare he?" Dara Shuke was furious after hearing the news, "Ignoring the imperial father's will, this is disobedience and rebellion!"

Hearing this, his subordinates dared not speak.Although the eldest prince was already a crown prince, before he ascended the throne, in the history of the Mughal Empire, there was never a time when he could be a stable emperor.

Right now, Shah Jahan's three princes are fighting openly and secretly to grab the emperor's position, who doesn't know?

Although there is a high probability that the eldest prince has the highest odds of winning, but everything is under the will of God, who can guarantee that it is impossible for Shashuja to become emperor?
Therefore, after Darashuko finished his fury, one of his subordinates reported cautiously: "Your Highness, the local army of the third prince was harassed by the forward of the Ming army. It is said that it was defeated after the bombardment. He just wanted to attack Dhaka." It's also impossible!"

"Waste, it's just a waste!" Darashuko commented in that very disdainful tone after hearing this.

In the original history, Shashuja established himself as the emperor in Eastern Bengal, and he was the one who led the army to quell it.

Although this incident has not happened yet, it does not prevent him from despising this younger brother.

After Darashuko vented for a while, his subordinates suggested to him: "His Royal Highness, we are now facing the Ming army in Dhaka. They are waiting for work, and there are boats supporting them in the river. If they attack in rainy days, the morale of the army will be high." There are quite a few problems. The subordinates think that it is better to launch an attack after the rainy season is over!"

"Yes, Your Highness, the road is muddy, it is inconvenient to march, and the logistics are heavy, which is not conducive to war!" Other subordinates also echoed.

Dara Shuke listened, glanced at them, saw that they all had the same meaning, finally nodded and said: "Okay, then we will attack after the rainy season. At that time, let the Ming army know that the Imperial Forest Army is not Shashujana No-name army can compare!"

After finishing speaking, he paused and immediately ordered: "During this period, I will impeach Shashuja and make him pay the price he deserves!"

To be honest, at this time, in Darashuko's heart, his two strongest younger brothers are his serious worries.As for the Ming army, they had to rank behind instead.This reason is also the real reason why he followed the advice of his subordinates.

After Shah Jahan heard the news, he had a headache.

Aurangzeb in the south even wiped out several countries in the south before the decree arrived, and achieved full success. Now it is even on the way to the teacher, and everyone inside and outside the capital is praising Aurangzeb’s great achievements. This put a lot of pressure on Shah Jahan.

After Aurangzeb arrives in the capital, he still doesn't know how to deal with him!
If it is said that the east side also won a big victory, and the contributions of the several sons are all about the same, then it will appear that he, the emperor who is the father, is wise and powerful, which is a good thing!
However, that Shashuja was so unreliable. Not only did he lose Dhaka and conceal it, but it also showed that the army would not adapt to Dhaka. The Ming army collapsed when they were frightened.

Annoyed, Shah Jahan personally wrote a decree to Darashuko, urging his eldest son to fight a beautiful war in the east, and absolutely not let Aurangzeb be better than the former, otherwise , His position as the crown prince may be unstable.

For this reason, Shah Jahan also authorized Darashuko to use his imperial envoy authority in several eastern provinces, and he can mobilize any force to guarantee his victory in this war!
Dara Shuke received Shah Jahan's reply, and he couldn't help but be very grateful to his father Khan, and at the same time, he was very jealous of Aurangzeb. This battle in Dhaka must be won, and it is best to return If very beautiful victory!
To be honest, his pressure is actually a bit high!

The expeditionary force of the Ming Dynasty is not comparable to those of the small southern countries. The information he obtained as Prince Dan of Darashuko, at least he knows that the Ming army must be elite, otherwise it would not be possible to easily capture Dongwu, and then he The incompetent younger brother was defeated so badly that he didn't dare to say that he lost Dhaka.

In this Eastern Expedition, the imperial forest army he brought totaled nearly [-] horses, most of them were cavalry, and they were very mobile.However, the rivers in the Dhaka area are crisscrossed, and there must be cavalry troops alone.

It just so happened that Shah Jahan gave him the greatest power, so he recruited local troops in several surrounding provinces, including cavalry and light infantry, and there were also [-] people who transported logistical supplies. The army of [-] people is going to give a heavy blow to the Dhaka battle as soon as the rainy season is over and before the Ming army recovers.

However, at this stage of preparations, although all aspects were going smoothly under the authority of his prince, the spying on the news of the Ming Kingdom was not going well.

The scouts he sent encountered the strong defense of the Ming Dynasty that never stopped at night. Every time they fought, the entire army was basically either wiped out or forced to flee back. It was impossible to go deep into the Dhaka area to investigate the actual situation of the Ming army.

As for the spies sent there, they disappeared without a trace, and none of them could go back.

These situations made Darashuko really uneasy.He couldn't figure out the specific situation in Dhaka, so he didn't know.

You know, not only did he want to defeat the Ming army in Dhaka, but he also had to win beautifully, so that he could resist the prestige gained by Aurangzeb's destruction of several small southern countries.

However, for this situation, his subordinates also explained it from another angle.

"Your Highness, the Ming army strictly guards against death and does not allow us to inquire about the situation in Dhaka. This may just show that the situation of the Ming army may not be optimistic!"

"That's right, the rainy season here is unbearable even for our own people. I don't know how many people die of cold and fever diseases every year! The Ming army came from afar, and the impact will definitely be more serious!"

"It must be like this. Faced with the pressure from His Highness, the Ming army wanted to keep His Highness from knowing the truth and dare not attack. In this way, when the rainy season is over, they can give them more time, maybe they can slow down, or Get more reinforcements."


Listening to the explanations of his subordinates, Darashuko felt that it made sense.

If it wasn't for the Ming army's desperate efforts in intercepting news, how could it be possible that no news could be revealed?
Not to mention the battle between the scouts from both sides, but to say that the spies were all disguised as civilians, or even untouchables.They didn't have the word "secret agent" written on their foreheads. How could the Ming army find out all of them in this foreign country?

Dara Shuke probably never dreamed that the spies he sent out were not found by the Ming army at all, but by the people under the Ming Dynasty who took the initiative to report outsiders, and then wiped out these spies.

Otherwise, if it wasn't for the power of the people, how could the Ming army wipe out all the spies!

In this world, no matter whether it is the East or the West, they don't have much awareness of the power possessed by the people at the bottom.In other words, the East's understanding of this is far deeper than that of the West.

Princes, generals and ministers, they would rather be kind!
Water can carry a boat and overturn it, which also shows the greatness of the underlying power.

Today's Ming army, under the guidance of Liu Weichao, has made full use of the power at the bottom.

Dara Shuke, who knew nothing about the methods of the Ming army, made preparations according to the plan. When the rainy season stopped, he immediately launched a thunderous attack on the Dhaka area.At least in his opinion, that is the case!

(End of this chapter)

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