Chapter 894

Whether you like it or not, regardless of the butterfly effect or not, the rainy season in the South Asian subcontinent is finally over with the passage of time.

The mud has not yet hardened, and the air is still very humid. However, there has been no rain for several days in a row, and at this point in October, this means the end of the rainy season.

The prince of the Mughal Empire, that is, the eldest prince Dara Shuke, was afraid that the Ming army would recover from the impact of the rainy season, and immediately ordered the whole army to go out to crusade against the Ming army in Dhaka!
There are more than two hundred thousand horses, and they can't just march in one direction, they must be divided into several groups to attack.Otherwise, the huge logistical pressure alone could crush such a huge army.

But even if it is divided into three routes, the logistics and transportation of each route are still very bad.

The rainy season has just passed and the muddy roads are a nightmare!
Every vehicle, the livestock tried their best to feed, and a large group of strong people pushed and pulled, but it was still very difficult to walk.

However, the commander-in-chief of the army, Dara Shuke, wanted to march quickly and attack the Ming army in Dhaka as soon as possible. Therefore, he was quite dissatisfied with the slow march.

For this reason, he continuously punished and even executed a group of subordinates in charge of logistics, but still failed to speed up the transportation of logistics materials.

Eventually, he had to send some elephants to deliver some important supplies in hopes of speeding up the march.At the same time, he also sent Qingqi to advance quickly to harass the Ming army and not give them a chance to breathe.

Ever since, in the eastern part of the Mughal Empire, there were mountains and plains, and endless teams continued to advance eastward.

The Mughals along the way were amazed when they saw this scene: such a huge army led by the First Prince must be invincible, right?
Don't say that the army has come from afar, even if it is a local army, how can it stop such a large-scale army attack?
Even the local spies who were sent to the territory of the Mughal Empire after being trained by the factory guards of the Ming Dynasty were panicked when they saw this huge army.

They were really afraid that the Ming army would be defeated by such a huge force.If this is the case, then all the benefits they obtained before will be returned!

However, they are just spreading the news, and they have no ability to change the upcoming war at all!

Those low-level people who were spread the news by them and yearned for the rule of the Ming army also extinguished a sliver of hope.

Originally, the army of the Mughal Empire was famous, and there were no rivals in the surrounding area except for the big country of Persia. Now that such a huge army is going to fight, the Ming army in Dhaka must have no hope!
They naturally didn't know that because of the pressure of Aurangzeb, Darashuko had to fight a very beautiful victory, so he used the style of fighting a lion against a rabbit.

This is not a question of winning or losing at all, but a question of winning beautifully or not!
Driven by this idea, when the Mughal Empire army arrived in the Dhaka area, their combat troops and logistics transportation troops were already out of touch.

However, Darashuko didn't care much about it.In his opinion, with such a huge army ahead, the Ming army would not be able to deal with it in time, and there would be no problem with logistics transportation at all!
However, sometimes things don't go as they should!
First, after the Dhaka area, the striker reported the weirdness of the terrain and roads, which verified what Shashuja's troops had said before, and the roads here are really flat, without any muddy roads.

In the end, what shocked Darashuko even more was that there were actually a lot of warships on Dhaka's side.

If that's the case, it's not surprising. After all, from the very beginning, he knew that the Ming army had more than a thousand warships.

The key point is that the warships of the Ming Dynasty are very strange.Not only is there a lot of iron armor, but there is even a chimney on the ship, which will emit smoke.

After hearing the news, Dara Shuke led the Chinese army and rushed to the Dhaka area, and saw those strange warships.

The experienced generals under his command immediately reported to him.

"Your Highness, we must block the river, or the Ming army will take advantage of their warships and maneuver to the rear of our army!"

"That's right, Your Highness, our heavy artillery is behind and has not been delivered yet, so we can't attack the city at the moment. The Ming army can use warships to maneuver, and divide our troops to sneak attack our army's rear!"

"Your Highness, our army should retreat and attack Dhaka after the rear army arrives and is completely safe!"


As expected of the main force in the Mughal Empire's southern and northern wars, the generals of the Imperial Forest Army were more or less discerning, and they could see the advantages of the Ming Army at a glance.

However, some generals didn't care about this, and also expressed their views to Darashuko.

"Your Highness, our army is attacking, and it is too late for the Ming army to defend the city with all its strength. How can we divide our troops?"

"That's right, under the rainy season, even if most of the Ming army didn't die, half of them would still be sick, right? They couldn't possibly divide up when our army came!"

"Even if the Ming army really wants to take advantage of the river channel and use warships to maneuver, don't forget that this is the downstream, and Ming's warships go upstream, what speed can they have? Can they be rowed by oarsmen? How long can they row?" ? Do you want to rest on the shore, or be washed back downstream by the river?"


Listening to the chatter of his generals, Darashuko felt that both sides were right.

At this time, the pressure from Aurangzeb was revealed.If he chooses to retreat, even if he wins this battle, the people on Aurangzeb's side will probably say that he is timid or something.

In addition, at this time, his three-way army had already joined forces, and there were nearly [-] soldiers, including [-] cavalry, which was his courage. In the end, he did not order to retreat.

By the next morning, Darashuko regretted this decision, because this morning, he finally witnessed the miracle of Da Ming.

I saw a sudden movement in the warship gathering area on the other side of the water gate in Dhaka City.

"Boom bang bang..."

With the weird sound, thick smoke began to rise from the armored warships with chimneys.Afterwards, these warships really began to go upstream, rushing towards their rear along the river.

Behind these smoking iron-clad warships, ordinary warships are towed by ropes, about five to ten ships are towed by each ship, there are a total of twenty smoking iron-clad warships, majestic and very eye-catching ,Shock.

The troops of the Mughal Empire were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

What kind of strange boat is this that can go so fast upstream on the river?
If the Dutch were here, they would definitely tell them that this is a steam ironclad warship of the Ming Empire!It is powered by steam engines, not human power.And just for the blueprint of this steam engine, the Dutch spent one million taels of silver to buy it, which is definitely worth it!

It's just a pity that Darashuko and others have never seen a steam iron-clad warship, so they were naturally very shocked when they saw it.

Even some soldiers in the Mughal Empire Army, especially those light infantry who did not belong to the Imperial Forest Army, after seeing this scene, many people knelt and kowtowed.

Because this is beyond their cognition, since it is beyond their cognition, it can only be a miracle!

But soon, a general in the Royal Forest Army came back to his senses, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly told Darashuko: "Your Highness, it's not good, these ships must be going to cut off our retreat!"

Hearing this, Dara Shuke came back to his senses, panicked, and immediately ordered: "Quick, stop them, stop them..."

If the material transportation in the rear is raided by the Ming army, it will be a big defeat. Dara Shuke is still insightful about this.

So, as his military order was passed down, the Mughal Empire's army jumped up and down, and the long-range troops were mobilized from all over the place, rushed to both sides of the river to intercept the warships of the Ming Dynasty, or shot with arrows, or shot with matchlock guns, There are also some small cannons that can be carried on the shoulders. In short, all kinds of long-range weapons were used to intercept them under the urgent medical treatment.

However, how could the warships of the Ming Dynasty allow them to intercept them instead of fighting back.

Soon, the artillery of the Ming warship began to roar.

"Boom boom boom..."

The warships in these rivers are not the kind of large sea-going ships, but mostly ships that flow down the Dajinsha River and are specially used for rivers.Most of the equipment on it are small and medium-sized Fran cannons, not Hongyi cannons.

For the immediate interception battle, the Fran cannon is the most suitable. Not to mention the fast firing speed, the power is far farther than those long-range weapons in the Mughal Empire Army. It is enough to expose the muzzle, and there is no problem in terms of defense.

Even on some of the troop carriers, the Ming army officers and soldiers returned fire with flintlock guns on board.

It’s just that when the Ming army opened fire, it immediately overwhelmed the long-range firepower of the Mughal Empire, hitting the Mughal Empire soldiers on both sides of the river. Not to mention the word "intercept"!
Seeing this scene, Darashuko and his generals were all ashen-faced!

It wasn't until this time that they really realized that the Ming army was so difficult to fight!Not only do the firearms look very powerful, but even the warships are so unreasonable, they can still go upstream when they are smoking, so fast!
One of the generals of the Royal Forest Army was the first to come back to his senses, and quickly reported to Darashuko: "Your Highness, we must withdraw our troops and return to the rear defense!"

Darashuko is still stronger than his idiot second brother Shashuja. Hearing what his general said, he immediately understood that it is not a matter of winning or not, but to ensure that he can win first!

Therefore, he didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily ordered that the whole army retreat, not to give the warships of the Ming Dynasty any chance to steal their way back.

Unexpectedly, before his military order had time to spread throughout the army, another accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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