Chapter 895 Collapse
The gates of Dhaka City were wide open, and teams of Daming cavalry swarmed out. Right under the eyes of the Mughal Empire army, relying on the city walls, they formed an attacking formation.

The Ming army is all in uniform red uniforms, with strong skills and superb horse control skills. The Mughal Empire army, whose cavalry is the main force of the imperial army, felt a strong pressure when they met here.

If the Mughal Empire army dared to retreat at this time, the Daming cavalry who were still out of the city would inevitably pursue and kill them, which would lead to the collapse of the Mughal Empire army.

Under the scrutiny of the powerful enemy, the generals of the imperial forest army in the Mughal Empire did not dare to underestimate them at all, and immediately put on a defensive posture and waited for them.

In this way, the Mughal Empire army could not retreat, but the Ming warship was still going upstream at an unimaginable speed, sailing behind the Mughal Empire army.

Seeing this, Darashuko sweated from his brow.

He is not a rookie in the army, and even if his command ability is not as good as that of Aurangzeb, it is not much worse.In the current situation, the Ming army has used a conspiracy.

They used that strange warship as a traction, so that their warships could quickly attack along the river. Needless to say, the purpose was to attack his rear army responsible for transporting food and supplies; and the army that was swarming out of the city was It is necessary to contain his main force and prevent him from returning to defense.

If this continues, the rear army will definitely be defeated by the Ming army.And if there is no food, grass and supplies, and the Ming army cuts off the rear, the collapse of the army will be inevitable!
This time, Darashuko was in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the check-in area, the army was in danger.

At this time, he never thought that it was because of his aggressiveness, because he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Ming army had not recovered from the rainy season and wanted to win a beautiful battle, so that his army was in danger from the very beginning. environmental.

But now it seems that the Ming army who fought so many battles did not appear to be affected by the rainy season at all!

"What should I do?" Darashuko became anxious when he saw it, and shouted quickly.

The experienced general of the Yulin Army under him quickly gave a suggestion to reserve a part of the army to stop the Ming army leaving the city, and the other troops retreated for protection.

In this situation, there is no other way but to do so.

So, Darashuko immediately began to send orders.

On the head of Dhaka city, Yang Weizhi, who observed the enemy's situation through the telescope, immediately ordered the same: "The car battalion goes out to fight, attack and advance!"

Cheying was created in Qi Jiguang's era, and it was specially used to deal with cavalry troops.Since Daming knew that the main force of the Mughal Empire's army was the cavalry, the Cheying weapon would not be used.

The roads in the Dhaka area, etc., are all built with cement roads. In addition to civilian use, they are also convenient for vehicle camps. This is also one of the purposes of building cement roads.

The Ming cavalry is very precious, and it will definitely not be consumed in a battle with the cavalry of the Mughal Empire, that would be too uneconomical.

Da Ming's tactics, from the very beginning, positioned the Da Ming cavalry for hunting and killing.

As the chariot battalion left the city, they lined up in two horizontal formations, with the flanks covered by cavalry, and launched an attack on the Mughal Empire army.At the same time, another Ming warship appeared on the river, ready to support the troops on land and flank the Mughal Empire army.

Seeing the formation of the Ming army, the experienced general of the Mughal Empire Imperial Forest Army suddenly changed his face.

If they saw the number of the Da Ming cavalry before, they felt that they were sure to stop the pursuit of the Da Ming cavalry, but now, seeing the movement of the Da Ming cavalry, they have no idea at all.

The cars lined up there, and the cavalry couldn't charge at all, while the Ming army hid behind the cars, obviously shooting with muskets. as a living target.

In other words, the cavalry of the Mughal Empire could not threaten the Ming army, and the Ming army was approaching step by step, what should we do?
If you follow the normal style of play, in fact, this kind of tactics is not impossible to restrain.It is to directly mobilize heavy artillery to bombard the vehicles of the enlightened army for defense.However, the road is muddy and the heavy artillery is still behind. There is no heavy artillery at all on the front line of the battle!
Even at this time, the soldiers with long-range weapons were transferred to both sides of the river embankment to intercept the warships of the Ming Dynasty. The cavalry of the Ming Dynasty staring at the two wings of the car?
At this moment, the generals of the Imperial Forest Army with the most combat experience in the Mughal Empire Army were also a little panicked.The next battle will be difficult!
The Ming army's car battalion was not for long-distance combat, so there were only artillery and gunpowder in the vans, and there was no need to bring food and supplies at all. It could be said that the speed of pursuit was not slow, whether it was lightly packed or lightly packed on the cement road.

However, the Mughal Empire army, under the pressure of the Ming cavalry army, did not dare to turn around and escape, and could only retreat slowly in the face of the Ming army.

The pursuit speed of the Ming army was easily faster than that of the Mughal Empire troops who were slowly retreating on guard while still chaotically dispatching troops.

It is foreseeable that the two armies will be at war before long.

The distance between the two armies is getting closer and closer...

At this time, the warships of the Ming Dynasty on the river had already traveled a long distance.However, what the Mughal Empire army did not expect was that these Ming warships did not continue to move forward, but began to dock.

Originally, because of the bombardment and flintlock shooting from the Ming warship, the Mughal army had already moved away from the river bank. Therefore, as soon as the Ming warship pulled over, the soldiers on board disembarked one after another, and the battle began easily by the river. array.

This action is very fast.When Dara Shuke got the report and quickly observed the situation on the river bank behind, the Ming soldiers had already disembarked about half of the boat.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Ming army who disembarked did not continue to wait after the queue was completed, but immediately attacked the chaotic Mughal Empire light infantry in front of them.

Cannons with wheels were pushed to the front of the position and aimed at the chaotic enemy army.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fusiliers, over the artillery positions, opened fire on the enemy.

"Blah blah blah..."

All of a sudden, under the sudden side attack of the Ming army, the light infantry of the Mughal Empire, these troops from the local area, suddenly fell into chaos.

Seeing this, Dara Shuke's face changed greatly in fright, and he hurriedly wanted to mobilize the Royal Forest Army ahead to stabilize his position.

However, the troops in front of the Ming Dynasty, including chariot battalion, cavalry and other arms, were firmly biting the Mughal Empire army.If they dared to turn around to support the rear, their backs would be exposed to the Ming cavalry, which would definitely be fatal.

Seeing this scene, Darashuko's face turned green.

For a moment, he was at a loss. He just stood there looking at the back, then at the front, and shouted loudly: "Hold it, hold it, hold it for me..."

The Royal Forest Army in front was not bad, and under the pressure of the Ming army, they still maintained their formation without collapsing.

However, under the sharp attack of the Ming army, the light infantry in the rear only worked for a short while. It can even be said that they never failed to collapse.

As soon as the Ming army went ashore to attack, the light infantry of the Mughal Empire army had already collapsed.

Amidst the roar of guns and artillery, the Ming army inserted into the light infantry camp of the Mughal Empire army. Most of the light infantry soldiers of the Mughal Empire fled backwards, but there were also less than [-] light infantry soldiers who were driven away by the Ming army. , and began to attack their main force of the Royal Forest Army.

In the Dhaka area, the rivers are crisscrossed, which is not very conducive to cavalry battles.The small area restricted the mobility of the cavalry, and when they were squeezed by these light infantry of the Mughal Empire, the Imperial Forest Army of the Mughal Empire was immediately thrown into disorder.

Before Darashuko could react, the generals in the Ming army were all experienced generals who had been trained in many years of warfare. They immediately seized the opportunity and did not need the commander to issue military orders on tactical details. The Mughal Empire army launched a fierce attack.

All of a sudden, on the land of the Dhaka area, there was a lot of gunfire.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Blah blah blah..."


The imperial forest army in the Mughal Empire army has never fought such a useless battle.From the very beginning, the army fell into a passive state, and during the whole process, there was no way to fight back!

Looking at the Ming army attacking from all directions, at least with a little experience, they can see that the defeat is irreversible.

What a battle this is!
"Your Highness, retreat immediately. If you are surrounded by the Ming army, you will not be able to escape!"

"Yes, Your Highness, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"


Listening to the advice of the generals around him, Darashuko wanted to cry but had no tears.

He led the army here to win the battle, but to win a beautiful battle.However, the army had just arrived in Kaka, and it was fought head-on by the Ming army in a beautiful battle. In this case, there is no way to explain it when you go back!

Looking at the entire battlefield, even the elite soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army were already panicked.He also knew that the defeat was absolutely irreversible.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!" Darashuko looked at this scene and muttered to himself very decadently, "Aurangzeb must be laughing..."

Hearing his words, the general of the imperial forest army beside him became anxious immediately, and shouted at him: "Your Highness, if you don't withdraw, you will have nothing if you die here. At least if you escape, Your Highness will still have a chance!"

Under the yelling, Dara Shuke came back to his senses, and immediately nodded in panic and said: "Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

The Ming army was nothing like the army they had seen before. Under the unexpected use of the new military equipment, the army of the Mughal Empire suffered a crushing defeat just after reaching the Dhaka area!
This is something that the Mughal Empire never thought of!

(End of this chapter)

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