Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 896 The top achievement of Daming Ge Physics

Chapter 896 The top achievement of Daming Ge Physics

When the most elite guards in the Mughal Empire army also fled, the entire battlefield collapsed!
The knights and lords of the Mughal Empire army were rampant on the battlefield, and anyone who blocked their escape, whether it was people or livestock, all swung their knives at each other.

In order to be able to escape from birth, these knights and lords are red-eyed, people block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.The light infantry in the Mughal Empire army did not dare to fight back, so they could only dodge as much as possible.

This battlefield is completely in a mess and a mess.

Of course, there is no chaos.

The ones that are not chaotic are in the Ming army.

Seeing that the Mughal Empire army was about to flee, the Ming cavalry immediately accelerated and began to charge forward in pursuit.

Like hunting skills, every cavalry soldier is already very proficient.

Those Mughals were still forming positions, so they attacked that place; anyway, as long as they were in order, they were all not allowed, and they were the first targets of the cavalry.Whether it is to drive away the defeated soldiers, or to charge directly, in short, it is to disperse the Mughal Empire army.

When the soldiers of the Ming army were chasing and killing them, they had even learned the official language of the Mughal Empire. While chasing and killing them, they shouted: "Kneel down and surrender!"

The Ming army has always followed a principle: God has the virtue of good life, if you can do it without killing it, don’t do it. These are all free labor, how can they be wasted!
The Ming cavalry was behind the enemy, chasing and chasing them unhurriedly. The infantry no longer hid behind the chariot camp, but followed the cavalry to clean up the battlefield and gather the prisoners.

Over the city of Dhaka, Yang Weizhi put down his binoculars and looked at the backs of the cavalry officers and soldiers chasing after them. He turned to Zheng Zhibao who was standing beside him and said, "It seems that the rainy season is over, and the Mughal Empire army will immediately Come and attack. In this case, our Ganges battle will be launched and invade the hinterland of the Mughal Empire army. It is time for you to go out too, first take Colombo, which was taken by the Dutch, and then go to Gogo with the Portuguese Ah, land from there and launch a counterattack against the Mughal Empire!"

"The last general obeys!" Zheng Zhibao immediately accepted the order and replied loudly. Then he hesitated and asked Yang Wei, "Lord Zhongcheng, what if Goa is also taken by the Dutch?"

The Portuguese were still too weak. They were constantly bullied by the Dutch along the coast of Daming and in Nanyang, taking all the territory of the Portuguese away.

A while ago, this side already knew that Colombo was also snatched by the Dutch.

Based on the news, Zheng Zhibao was a little worried that the Portuguese territory in Goa might also be taken away by the Dutch.

Therefore, he asked this question.

Yang Weizhi listened and pondered for a while.According to the news from the imperial court, Goa has always been under the control of the Portuguese.

However, the imperial court has also given a clear reminder that the news changes rapidly and cannot be rigid and dogmatic.

Now that Zheng Zhibao raised this possibility, Yang Weizhi replied after thinking for a while: "If Goa is taken by the Dutch, it's just right, you take it back and build Goa as Ming's next supply point! "

After a pause, he added to Zheng Zhibao: "After Yang Zhan's navy arrives, I will send him to meet you as soon as possible."

When Zheng Zhibao heard this, his heart tightened.

At this time, he was not worried about the fact that Yang Zhan's navy did not know when the regular reinforcements would arrive, but on the contrary. At this time, he was very unwilling that Yang Zhan's navy would arrive soon.

In addition to the small and medium-sized warships that participated in the Battle of the Ganges, among the Ming warships in Dhaka and Chittagong, there are at least four hundred warships under Zheng Zhibao's command that are suitable for sea combat.

Such a huge warship is completely enough to deal with the Dutch fleet.Zheng Zhibao had the confidence to defeat the Dutch on the Dongwu Sea side.

However, he also knew that the ultimate goal of the imperial court was not to compete with the Dutch for the Dongwu Sea, but to continue westward.

Every new territory needs to be defended by troops, and he has no idea how many new enemies there will be.After all, he had never been to such a far place before, so he had no reason to object to the imperial court mobilizing the navy to come here continuously.

Therefore, after hearing Yang Weizhi's words, Zheng Zhibao secretly made up his mind that he must move quickly to occupy Colombo and even Goa before the arrival of Yang Zhan's navy.

So, he stopped writing, and immediately bid farewell to Yang Weizhi, and led his navy, heading west along the coastline.

Yang Weizhi didn't go to see him off. It's not that he's a big official and wants to put on airs, but that he has a lot of things to do.

According to the will of the imperial court, once the war started on his side, the Mughal Empire would be caught off guard, and the Battle of the Ganges must be launched as soon as possible.

To attack the hinterland of the Mughal Empire along the Ganges River, the number of troops in hand, plus the navy and army, is only about [-].

And his opponent is the entire Mughal Empire, a country about the size of the Ming Dynasty, with a very large population.In the process of breaking into the hinterland of the Mughal Empire, the Ming army is likely to be intercepted by the main force of the Mughal Empire army, and a big battle is inevitable.

For such a situation, it would be false to say that there is no pressure.

Therefore, Yang Weizhi had to make as many preparations as possible to ensure the smooth progress of the battle.

Not to mention, there is still a lot to do in a great victory under the city.


During the period of time when the Ming Expeditionary Army and the Mughal Empire army began to fight, the north of the Ming Dynasty was already cool.

However, in Zijin City, the square where Wenhua Hall and Wuying Hall are located can be said to be crowded with people.

Of course, the sea of ​​people in Zijin City is different from the sea of ​​people in ordinary markets outside.

First of all, those who are qualified to enter the Zijin City are all people with fame, and these people either have high fame or are valued by the emperor. Besides, it is impossible to enter the Zijin City.

Secondly, although the number of people is very large, they are actually very orderly.Civil officials and generals, craftsmen, students and teachers of the Academy of Sciences, etc., all stand according to their respective ranks, and no one dares to go beyond the etiquette system.

At this time, everyone's faces were very excited.They all looked at something covered with a red cloth on the side of the Wenhua Hall, and they were all whispering.

"I heard that this thing is a simplified version of a steam train, maybe it will be able to use this thing in the future!"

"That's right, riding a horse or sitting in a sedan chair, that's too common, this thing is good!"

"You guys are wrong, this is not a simplified version of a steam train. I heard news from the Academy of Sciences that this thing is much more advanced than a steam train!"

"I've also heard that this is not powered by a steam engine. Otherwise, if you all use this thing to go to court, can you imagine that the streets are full of smoke?"

"Could it be that this thing doesn't emit smoke? That's pretty good! Think about it, too. If it's powered by a steam engine, our capital city of Ming Dynasty would probably be called the City of Smoke!"

"Then what does this thing use as power?"

"This is said to be kept secret, but since the emperor wants to test it in person in front of the public, it must be made public, and we will know it in a while!"


Just as they were discussing, Emperor Chongzhen arrived with a smile on his face. Obviously, he was in a good mood!
Prince Zhu Cihong also followed behind the emperor.Since the last private visit to the microservices in Beijing, I have spent more and more days with the emperor.

After the civil and military officials attended the ceremony, I heard Emperor Chongzhen standing in front of the red cloth, holding an electric speaker in his hand, and said with a little excitement: "I called all the ministers here today to let you witness together, Daming, It is also the first car in the world!"

It turns out that the thing under the red cloth is called a car?
All the courtiers knew what was under the red cloth after hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said.Afterwards, they all became curious again, what does this so-called car look like?

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen didn't keep them waiting any longer, so he waved his hand, and Fang Yizhi, who was standing beside the big red cloth, pulled it hard, and immediately took off the red cloth.

When all the civil and military officials present saw it, their eyes widened and they looked over.

It is true that it has wheels, but it is different from a horse-drawn carriage or a steam locomotive. At least it is not that big. If you have to describe it, it seems to be a house with wheels, which is rather strange.

They were looking at it when they saw Emperor Chongzhen walking over, looking at this car specially painted in the representative color of Ming Dynasty, and touching it with his hands, he seemed very moved.

Others don't know that Emperor Chongzhen was thinking of the video communication between him and Liu Weichao, and he was shocked when he saw a car driving past Liu Weichao.

Unexpectedly, now, he also has a car!

Although it is said that the cars of the Ming Dynasty are far from being comparable to the cars of Liu Weichao's era, it is undeniable that with the help of Liu Weichao, the cars of the Ming Dynasty have developed by leaps and bounds, reducing many of the original cars in history. stage of automobile development.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, looked around the ministers, and said loudly with an electric horn: "Don't underestimate this car, Zhuqing. I can tell you clearly that in this car, It condenses the top achievements of our Gewuxue in the Ming Dynasty!"

Hearing this, all civil and military officials were dumbfounded.From the first assistant Sun Chuanting to the captain of Jin Yiwei who stood aside, everyone was surprised.

The top achievement of Ming Dynasty Gephysics made up this car?Doesn't that mean that this car will be very expensive?
Thinking of this, everyone was very curious and wanted to know more about this strange-looking car.

(End of this chapter)

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