Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 899 The crime of non-war

Chapter 899 The crime of non-war
In the main hall, only the roar of Shah Jahan was heard.

"What's going on? Ah? What's going on?"

"Two hundred thousand horses, even two hundred thousand sheep, can't be wiped out by the Ming army in half a day!"

"What about the damn rainy season? Where did the rainy season go? Why was the Ming army not affected?"

"And that cold and fever disease? Don't tell me, Ming people won't get cold and fever disease?"

"A crushing defeat is simply a disgrace to my Mughal Empire!"


All the civil and military officials in the hall were afraid to speak, and they had to hold back their farts, or let them out a little bit, for fear of making a little noise, which would arouse Shah Jahan's anger.

To be honest, they all couldn't figure it out: the eldest prince Dara Shuke is not ignorant of soldiers, at most he is not as famous as the third prince Aurangzeb, even if he led [-] troops to attack, it would be a bit exaggerated, but the Royal Forest Army is the real deal Earth elite, how could they be defeated as soon as they arrived in Kaka?It's like an egg has touched a rock!
In addition, not only the Dhaka area, but also other places in the Mughal Empire, a large number of people die of cold and fever diseases every year. Logically speaking, people from the Ming Dynasty who came to the territory of the Mughal Empire should be no exception. , Surely a large number of people will die, right?
This cold and fever disease not only has a high mortality rate, but can also infect a large area. How can the Ming army not be affected?

On the throne, Shah Jahan roared for a while, but none of the people below made a sound, and roared lonely. It was a one-man show, but he finally vented the anger in his heart.

Then, his heart skipped a beat, and he realized that he was furious and dizzy.

To lose such a big temper, isn't it telling the courtiers that Darashuke and Nashashuja must be severely punished!

On the other hand, Aurangzeb won an unprecedented victory and returned after destroying several countries in the south. Doesn't this mean that he will be replaced as a prince?
As Aurangzeb's father, Shah Jahan saw the shadow of himself in him.He was very afraid that once the power of the crown prince returned to Aurangzeb, making him more powerful, he might not be able to wait for the day when he died, but could not wait to usurp the throne!

Also, Aurangzeb disagrees with him on some religious ideas.

All these things, if it is possible, Shah Jahan is absolutely unwilling to let Aurangzeb become the prince, otherwise, he himself will be threatened, not to mention whether there will be problems with the Mughal Empire, it is still unknown !

On the contrary, the eldest prince, the current prince Dara Shuke's ideas are in line with his, which is why he made him the prince early.but why?Why is Aurangzeb so much inferior to Aurangzeb in leading troops to fight?Even if Dara Shuke and the Ming army are in a stalemate!
He really is an unsupportable prince!
As an emperor, when considering a matter, it is obviously not just from a simple battle.

After thinking for a while, Shah Jahan made a decision in his heart, then looked at the courtiers of the Darashuko faction in the court, and gave them a signal with his eyes.

What he meant was to let these people intercede for their master, so that he could push the boat along and give Darashuko another chance.

Unexpectedly, perhaps because he was so frightening just now, these courtiers belonging to Darashuko actually lowered their heads one by one, and did not receive his signal at all.

Instead, officials belonging to Aurangzeb's faction began to speak boldly.

"Great Khan, now the facts have proved that only His Royal Highness the Third Prince is the pillar of our Mughal Empire. I implore the Great Khan to be the commander of the Third Prince to conquer the Ming army and destroy the invading Ming army!"

"Great Khan, my minister seconded the proposal. His Highness the Third Prince easily wiped out the southern countries, which is enough to prove that His Highness the Third Prince is the future of our Mughal Empire!"

"The Ming army can be so arrogant only because they have not met His Royal Highness the Third Prince! If His Highness the Third Prince leads the troops to conquer, the Ming Army must not be the opponent!"


Hearing these words, Shah Jahan was troubled.

Your Highness the Third Prince, Your Highness the Third Prince, I think you will call your Majesty the Third Prince tomorrow, right?

When he was secretly angry, suddenly another horse came to report.

Upon hearing this, Shah Jahan was immediately shocked: "What, the Ming army has captured Bagalpur?"

Bhagalpur is a city in the eastern part of Bihar state, located on the banks of the Ganges River. It is the trade and handicraft center of the South Bihar Plain. That area is also an important source of taxation for the Mughal Empire.

The most important thing is that Dhaka is far away from Bagalpur. How could the Ming army attack Bagalpur so quickly?It's incredible!

Bhagalpur is only twice the distance from Dhaka to Agra. With the attack speed of the Ming army so fast, doesn't it mean that Agra will also be in danger?

At this moment, all the civil and military personnel in the hall were shocked along with Shah Jahan.

Fortunately, at this time, a detailed message has been delivered at the same time.

But even so, they were shocked.

"What, the Ming Dynasty has warships, even if they go upstream, they are very fast?"

"A warship that still smokes, won't it catch fire? It's just too strange!"

"The Ming army used this kind of strange warship to pull them, day and night, that's why they were so fast?"


Amidst the surprised inquiries, Shah Jahan understood after a long time.The reason why the Ming army captured Bagalpur so quickly was actually Darashuko's fault.

When he led the attack on Dhaka before, he recruited the local army in the area east of Bhagalpur. As a result, he did not expect that he was defeated as soon as he arrived in Dhaka.

The local troops had just been transferred from these places, and they did not expect that the First Prince's army would be defeated so quickly, so they had no way to fight back against the Ming army's blitzkrieg along the Ganges when they were caught off guard.

Moreover, the tactics of the Ming army were to use warships to penetrate along the Ganges River to Bagalpur first, and then return to the division to sweep the eastern region after taking it here, and flank the eastern region with the army that has been coming west.

Shah Jahan basically thought through the whole process.However, for the eastern part of Bhagalpur, there is simply no way out.The most important thing right now is to keep the Ming army in the Bagalpur area, and the Ming army can no longer continue to advance westward.

So, he immediately asked, "Where is Darashuko?"

Of course, Dara Shuke escaped from the attack range of the Ming army in one breath, and would stop only when there was no danger.After he was defeated in the previous battle, he fled for a long time, stopped to catch his breath, and then found that the Daming warship had already run in front of him. He was so frightened that he fled westward again. After repeating this a few times, he also ran to the limit. It was broken in half, and finally fled to the west of Bagalpur. The Ming army stopped to rest after they stopped moving westward.

After asking about the situation, Shah Jahan had an idea in his mind, and immediately said solemnly: "This station is due to the strange warships of the Ming Dynasty. It is too unimaginable to have such a big defeat. It is not a crime of war! Passing orders to Dara Shuke, immediately reorganize the army, make sure to annihilate the invading Ming army and regain the lost ground!"

Hearing his words, the hall was very quiet for a while.

For such a disastrous defeat, Shah Jahan actually made such a decision, which none of them thought of.

All of a sudden, the civil and military officials of Dara Shuke's faction were overjoyed and praised Shah Jahan for his brilliance and martial arts.

However, civil and military officials from other factions, especially those from Aurangzeb's family, were very dissatisfied.

So, they played one after another, disagreeing with this conclusion.

"Great Khan, His Royal Highness the First Prince is obviously lost to the Ming army, and if he is under his command, it will be easy to lose again!"

"The minister also objected. It is time for His Highness the Third Prince to lead the troops to Bagalpur. Only His Highness the Third Prince in the Mughal Empire has the ability to defeat the Ming army!"

"That's right, His Royal Highness the Third Prince has already proved that he is the greatest general of our Mughal Empire with the achievements of the southern countries. Only when he commands the army can our Mughal Empire defeat the invading Ming army!"


Shah Jahan had a gloomy face, watching these courtiers talking freely and generously!
In the past, he said that one is one, and there were absolutely not so many opposing voices.

But now, after Aurangzeb won a big victory in the south, the courtiers in the court actually started to oppose his opinions!If he is not suppressed, maybe these courtiers will call him to abdicate to Aurangzeb later!
Thinking of this, Shah Jahan's face was so ugly.

However, he also knew that now that the prince Dara Shuke had suffered a big defeat, and he wanted him to lead the army to pay off the crime, even if he made an excuse, it was not fair and reasonable.

However, he is the emperor, the emperor who claims to be the ruler of the world, and any of his decisions cannot be questioned by these courtiers, let alone the sensitive battle for the throne!

Therefore, the more vigorously these courtiers spoke, the more disgusted he felt.

After waiting for a while, his face suddenly changed, and he seemed to be more friendly. He said to the courtiers who supported Aurangzeb: "He led the southern expedition, and he really worked hard. I can't catch him and use it hard. After all, he is I love my concubine's son the most, and if I want to love him, I must let him rest and recover before he can be worthy of my dead concubine!"

After a pause, he then said a little more seriously: "Now, Darashuko is already familiar with the Ming army, unlike Aurangzeb who knows nothing about the Ming army. Therefore, Darashuko still has to come Only by commanding can the chances of victory be increased.”

After saying this, he suddenly became very serious, his voice became louder, and he announced loudly: "I have decided to reward Aurangzeb and let him have a good rest in Aragh. Go eastward, under the command of Dara Shuke, and destroy the invading Ming army!"

(End of this chapter)

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