Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 900 Infighting

Chapter 900 Infighting
"Let me rest, why doesn't he die!"

In the tent of the Chinese army, Aurangzeb yelled angrily, ignoring Aragne's eyeliner who was kneeling on the ground to report to him.

Although he knew that Shah Jahan didn't want to see him and was eccentric, but he never expected that he would behave so thoroughly and nakedly now!
He rushed to the south from the western front, not only expelled the Portuguese in Goa, cleared up the hidden dangers of the Ming army attacking the Mughal Empire, but also wiped out several countries in the south, greatly expanding the territory of the Mughal Empire.

It can be said that in the history of the Mughal Empire, besides the founding emperor, who else can compare to his achievements?
In the past, he made seven or eight orders in succession, not wanting him to get all the merits, that's all, that's all, but now when the class teacher returned to Beijing, he was still treated unfairly, which really made Aurangzeb furious!

What's so good about Darashuko? After suffering such a big defeat and losing so much territory, nothing happened in the end. He still has to deprive him of his military power and give it to Darashuko. Is there such a way in the world?

What kind of reward? It's really nice to say, why doesn't he die?

Aurangzeb roared in the tent of the Chinese army, with a grim face, completely forgetting that he had actually been coveting the throne before.

After he vented for a while, the eyeliner kneeling on the ground was his confidant in Aragh, and rushed to report the news before Shah Jahan's will was heard.

At this time, after waiting for a while, he quickly advised Aurangzeb: "Your Highness, the situation is urgent and it is not appropriate to delay any longer. Please make a decision as soon as possible!"

After hearing this, Aurangzeb stared at him with red eyes for a while, knowing in his heart that he must hurry up.No matter what, in short, he cannot lose his military power.

Aurangzeb was a decisive person, and he quickly made a decision. He immediately ordered the eyeliner to rush back to Aragh, and then he ordered the generals of the army to discuss the matter.

Before that, he sent someone to invite the governor of the Netherlands, Kui Yi. He didn't talk nonsense. After the meeting, he just said one sentence: "I want to attack Arag and become emperor!"

Kui Yi was not surprised by this.Because before coming here, Aurangzeb had this plan.It's just that it's not clear what name, when and how to do this.

Subsequently, Aurangzeb began to perform in front of his generals.

He first communicated with these generals, reviewed the friendship in battle, and talked about the glory of expanding the territory, etc. Then, his expression changed, and he began to tell about the incompetence of Darashuko, and that the empire would definitely be defeated in the hands of such an heir to the throne!

His entrusted generals were immediately filled with righteous indignation, which led to the anger of other generals who had been beaten by him.

Only after the atmosphere reached the level did Aurangzeb start to talk about Shah Jahan's incompetence and unfair handling of the matter. He shouted the slogan "The King's Side" and revealed that he had an internal response in Aragh, as long as he sent troops to The attack will definitely succeed.And I promise that he will remember those who follow him, and share the glory and wealth!
In the original history, Aurangzeb has not yet achieved the goal of destroying the country, nor has he colluded with the Dutch.He united with the four princes to successfully seize the throne, and then killed his younger brother.

It can be seen from this that his actor training, decisiveness and hotness are not lacking.

The idea of ​​seeking to usurp the throne was originally there, and there was also preparation for this.The two generals of the Royal Forest Army who were loyal to Shah Jahan were all killed by him in the battle, and the rest were subdued by him.

Under his instigation, especially when Aurangzeb revealed that there was an internal response in the city of Arag, and the probability of success was very high, the crowd suddenly became angry, and everyone shouted for action.

Therefore, Aurangzeb immediately led the army, marched suddenly and rushed to Arag, and successfully entered the city with the support of the internal response.

Of course, this is also related to Aragh's continuous sending of troops to the Eastern Front.

In the end, Aurangzeb succeeded in usurping the throne just like in the original history.

However, unlike the original history, Shah Jahan was not under house arrest, but was killed by treacherous ministers. Aurangzeb had no time to save him, so he could only kill the treacherous minister's family and his party to avenge Shah Jahan.

And this treacherous minister and his accomplices are undoubtedly officials of the eldest prince Dara Shuke's faction.

Later, he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in accordance with Shah Jahan's last will, and issued the first decree, announcing that Darashuko had a large basket of crimes, and at the same time rewarded his ministers who were on the side of the Qing emperor on a large scale.Including the Dutch, declared allies, all the Mughal Empire was open to the Dutch to do business and make money together.

Just usurping the throne, Aurangzeb has a lot of things to do, and all places need to express their allegiance to him, the new emperor, so he doesn't care about the war in the east.

On Dara Shuke's side, he had originally received Sha Jahan's order, and he was very grateful to Sha Jahan at once, and at the same time vowed in his heart, this time, he must fight hard and defeat the Ming army, otherwise he will not be a human being!
As a result, before he had been happy for two days, word of Aragh's rebellion reached him.

He also had an eyeliner in Aragh, and when there was a war, he would come to report to him. Suddenly, it was like being splashed with a basin of cold water in the cold winter months.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

"How dare he, he dares like this!"

"Rebellious officials and thieves, rebellious officials and thieves!"

"Killing the father and usurping the throne, the gods and men are all angry!"


Hearing Darashuko's wailing there, his confidant couldn't help it, and quickly reminded: "Your Highness, let's think about what to do next? His Highness the Third Prince must want to get rid of His Highness and then hurry up!"

Hearing this, Darashuko suddenly lost his mind, and hurriedly begged: "What else can I do now? Arag has fallen into his hands, and his subordinates are still elites. What can you do? Say it quickly, say it quickly..."

At this time, he is obviously lost.

Dara Shuke himself knew that his ability to lead troops to fight was simply inferior to Aurangzeb.In the past, his biggest reliance was the favor and support of Shah Jahan.

Now, his biggest reliance is gone, and Arag has fallen into the hands of Aurangzeb.Moreover, he himself had just experienced a big defeat and lacked confidence, while Aurangzeb returned with a big victory.

With all these things, he really didn't have any confidence. He felt that he could still fight against Aurangzeb after losing Shah Jahan.

His cronies are all bound to him. Seeing him like this, they have no choice but to give him advice.

Afterwards, Dara Shuke also immediately announced to the world that Aurangzeb killed his father and usurped the throne. He ascended the throne as a prince and proclaimed himself emperor.

The civil strife in the Mughal Empire suddenly made the Ming Expeditionary Army who invaded the eastern part of the Mughal Empire seem like outsiders, and they were directly ignored by them.

The Ming army, of course, would not be polite, and immediately swept the eastern region with all their strength.With the help of the maneuvering of the warship, the army that made a surprise attack thousands of miles finally joined forces with the army that was steadily advancing along the Ganges.

In this process, the indigenous spies that the factory guards had spread out before finally played some role.

Generally speaking, such expeditions to foreign countries have different customs, habits, and even races. It takes more energy and time to conquer.

Just communicating about such a matter, there will be many difficulties, after all, there is no language at all.

However, those indigenous spies who spread out in advance have already propagated Ming's policies among the locals.

But at first, no one believed it.Even though those aborigine spies worked hard, some people believed it, but they couldn't believe it!

After all, it is an area ruled by the Mughal Empire. If you want to show that the army is good, do you need your head?

The rule of the Mughal Empire was mainly based on military rule, and soldiers were often killed, so warriors were too lazy to talk.

However, when the Ming army defeated the army of the Mughal Empire, occupied this place, and still showed a strong attack power, beating the shit out of the army of the Mughal Empire, those aboriginals who dared not speak came out one after another. Come out to explain the policy of the Ming army, which is very conducive to stabilizing the situation in the occupied areas.

Otherwise, the language barrier and behavior habits are different, and it is impossible to kill all the aborigines. It will take a lot of time just to stabilize the situation.

In this way, with the help of the indigenous spies scattered by the factory guards, this large area from Bagalpur to Dhaka quickly adapted to the occupation of the Ming army.

For them, as long as they understand what the Ming army is like, then they will not care whether it is the Mughal Empire or the Ming Empire above their heads.

They naturally have a steelyard in their hearts, knowing whose rule they will live well under!

Even under the influence of the Ming Dynasty's policy of expanding territory, not only actively cooperated with the Ming army, but even took the initiative to arrest those former masters, hoping to get more benefits from Ligong.

By the end of December in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the large piece of land occupied by the Ming Expeditionary Army had been stabilized.The people here seem to have never experienced war, and they can do whatever they want.

As a result, the main force of the Ming army also began to gather at Bagalpur, preparing for the next stage of attack.A steady stream of supplies were transported through the waterway of the Ganges and hoarded to Bhagalpur.

However, during this whole process, Mu Tianbo, as the commander of the expeditionary force, had no chance to breathe at all.Behind the front line, there are a lot of things to deal with every day, and Yang Weizhi is still in Dhaka and has not been to the front line, so the pressure is on him.

On this day, when he was busy, he suddenly saw Li Ruolian, the Commander of Jin Yiwei, walking in.

At this time, Li Ruolian had already been made an earl, but Mu Tianbo was a duke, so there was a gap in his title.

However, Li Ruolian was in charge of the military supervision affairs of the expeditionary army, and was also the commander of the Jinyiwei, so Mu Tianbo noticed him immediately and rushed over to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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