From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1142 You Dou: It's not too late to leave the relics!

Chapter 1142 You Dou: It's not too late to leave the relics!

At the same time that You Dou was blown away, Eighteen Arhats also got out of trouble, and they were quickly escaping from the position covered by the thundercloud.

"Come when you want, leave when you want, that's such a good thing, don't you want to subdue the dragon?

This king still wants relics!Use the spirit as a lock to bind all spirits, Tao Binding 63 Chains! "

In the area where the Eighteen Arhats were located, golden chains suddenly sprang out of the void, and wrapped the Eighteen Arhats at an extremely fast speed.

The chain is neither gold nor jade, it is made by You Dou's ghost way, and even the Eighteen Arhats are practitioners with great physical bodies, but at this moment they have tried their best to shake the chain.

"Thunder listens to my orders and kills my enemies!"

And just when the Eighteen Arhats were still struggling to get rid of the chains, accompanied by waves of thunder billowing above the sky, thunderbolts as thick as mountains suddenly descended from the cloudy sky and completely enveloped the Eighteen Arhats .

Facing the enhanced version of Nine Heavens Thunder, the Eighteen Arhats exploded with magical powers one by one, turning themselves into little golden men. At this moment, it didn't help at all, and they were instantly shocked.

When the first wave of sky thunder fell, the golden arhats vomited blood just because their golden bodies were broken, but when the second wave of sky thunder fell, these golden arhats fell from the sky in pitch black. down.

And just when the third thunder was about to fall and was about to send all these golden arhats to bliss, the Tathagata Tathagata made another move.

I saw him reciting the true sound of Buddhism, "Namo Amitabha Buddha", under the blessing of his boundless magic power and Buddhism, formed a substantive sound wave.

Thousands of Thunderbolts vented down, but before they touched the Eighteen Arhats, they were stopped by this repeated wave of sound.

The thunder, which was originally as thick as a mountain peak, was weakened layer by layer in the face of waves of Buddhist scriptures, until it finally disappeared into nothingness.

"The benefactor is too murderous. The poor monk was unwilling to go to war. It seems that now he can only forcibly take the benefactor back to Lingshan to suppress it, and then use the Dharma to cleanse the benefactor's heart every day."

Tathagata clasped his hands together, showing great compassion, shook his head and sighed while looking at Yuto, as if all he did was for Yuto's good.

Tathagata thought it through clearly, Yu Dou was responsible for the crimes of the Three Realms, and his existence cannot be erased, otherwise the Three Realms would fall into catastrophe.

And this karma, Lingshan can't afford it at all, and even Buddhism may be destroyed because of it.

The World Honored One has been sitting on the sidelines before, because he has been thinking about how to deal with You Dou's situation.

Now he finally thought of a feasible solution. Although Yu Dou could not be killed, he could choose to suppress or seal him.

Of course, the final choice is to seal him under the Lingshan, and then use Buddhism to cultivate him daily. In time, the other party will be washed by them..., influenced by their Buddhism, and become a part of their Lingshan.

"It seems that the Tathagata is going to make a move. The Buddhism is indeed easy to calculate. If the Nether King enters his Lingshan, in time, Lingshan may have another Buddha with good strength."

A hundred miles away from where You Dou and the others were fighting, a middle-aged man wearing a crown and an old man wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk were also watching the situation in You Yu City from afar.

And the reason why the two were able to hide their aura and figure in front of the many powerful people in Lingshan was entirely due to the mirror above their heads.

The Haotian mirror, one of the prehistoric innate spiritual treasures, is also the strongest magic weapon of the Jade Emperor. It was refined by Taoist Hongjun himself, and it is a rare defensive treasure in the world.

Not only can it evolve the future, but it also has the ability to conceal the breath. It is even said that the mirror forms a space of its own. Even if Da Luo is trapped in it, it is not easy to escape.

The Jade Emperor is the second generation of Heavenly Emperor, originally a Haotian boy next to Daozu Hongjun. According to rumors, his surname is Zhang and his name is Bairen.

Is the Jade Emperor weak?Not at all, it is better to say that it is quite strong.

Among Zixiao's three thousand guests, one of the people who listened to the Tao was an ordinary person, not to mention that the Emperor of Heaven was still the boy who accompanied Daozu Hongjun.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, only Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, and Nuwa exist. When the Emperor of Heaven meets them, he just calls them senior brothers and sisters, and their seniority is not low.

And if he was a weak and incompetent person, how could he be chosen by Tiandao and Daozu to become the master of the Three Realms.

When the monkeys made troubles in the Heavenly Palace, the most outstanding performer was undoubtedly the Emperor of Heaven.

He obviously has the ability to turn his hand over monkeys, but he has become the most cowardly one.

Of course, there are also rumors that the current Heavenly Emperor is just a part of Haotian Boy's "killing the three corpses".

Beheading all three corpses would make him a saint. As a peer of the Six Sages and a person who has survived from the prehistoric times, Haotian Boy couldn't chop off three corpses, but it shouldn't be impossible to chop off one corpse, right?

As for the Taoist robed old man beside the Heavenly Emperor at this moment, he is naturally the Supreme Old Monarch of Tushita Palace.

If it is said that the Emperor of Heaven is not the person who hides the deepest in the heavenly court, then the one who hides the deepest is undoubtedly the Taishang Laojun.

Perhaps in the eyes of monkeys and many other existences, Laojun is an alchemist in heaven, but he is the real super boss.

The three Qings are Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing, which are transformed by the spirit of Pan Gu, and their foundations are extremely good.

And Taiqing is the big brother of Sanqingzhong. Although he is not as prosperous as "Explanation of Education" and "Jiejiao", his strength is equally good.

And the Taishang Laojun, one of the three Qings, Taiqing Daotianzun "cut the three corpses", is the real saint clone!
It's just that although the Taishang Laojun is powerful, he never cares about things, and only likes to concentrate on alchemy and cleansing.

It's like when "explaining education" and "intercepting education" were fighting to the death, while the people's education in Taiqing was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai to watch the show.

Taiqingyi is originally pure-hearted and ascetic, he doesn't like to get involved in vulgar affairs, he just wants to practice the Dao in meditation.

The reason why Laojun appeared here this time was the result of repeated pleas from the Emperor of Heaven.

In short, the Heavenly Emperor is just selling miserably to the old gentleman, saying that they have no one in the heavenly court who can beat them, and they are completely suppressed by Buddhism. It is really boring for him to be the master of the three realms.

Buddhism is so prosperous, but their Taoism is suppressed so aggrieved. Brother, as the Taoist ancestor of the Taiqing, exists in Taoism, and at the same time holds a post in the heavenly court, so you can't ignore it.

All in all, after a lot of selling and persuasion, coupled with Daozu's face, Laojun was finally persuaded by the Emperor of Heaven and decided to take a dip in the muddy water.

Of course, as the founding patriarch of the Taiqing lineage, Laojun didn't want to go against his original intention. He said that he would not interfere in the fight between Youdou and Lingshan, let alone go against Buddhism because of it, and would only do so when necessary. At this time, he rescued You Dou's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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