From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1143 Summoned 2 Big Brother Lolita

Chapter 1143 Summoned two big boss loli

The Emperor of Heaven is very optimistic about You Dou, especially after discovering that You Dou has the strength to suppress Guanyin.

However, no matter how optimistic he is about Youdou, he doesn't think that Youdou can fight against the entire Lingshan with his own strength.

Today's Three Realms is stable, and the Heavenly Emperor, as the ruler of the Three Realms, may disrupt the order of the Three Realms because of a mere You Dou and Lingshan.

So from the very beginning, the Heavenly Emperor never thought of making You Dou feel sad when he came here.

His purpose was to wait until Lingshan beat You Dou to death, then they took the opportunity to snatch You Dou's soul, and then sent him to the list of gods.

In this case, You Dou will be ranked among the immortals and become one of the immortal gods in their heavenly court, and the Buddhism will have nothing to say.

The personal grievances between Lingshan and Youdou, after beating him to death, he already understood the cause and effect.

Moreover, the list of gods was established by the Dao of Heaven, appointed by the Taoist ancestor himself to be in charge, no matter how rampant the Buddhism is, once You Dou's spirit enters the list of gods, Lingshan can only choose to let it go.

The priesthood of the Conferred Gods List is fixed, but the person chosen is not certain, that's why there was the Conferred Gods War at that time.

When the Heavenly Court was first built, there was obviously a shortage of staff, so the Emperor of Heaven went to Zixiao Palace to cry and complain. Hongjun, who is in harmony with the way of heaven, believed that the management of the Three Realms could only be managed by the Emperor of Heaven alone, and it was really impossible to maintain the order of the Three Realms. List of Gods".

At that time, Taoism was extremely prosperous, and the two sides of "Explanation of Teaching" and "Jiejiao" fought fiercely because of the disagreement of teachings. In the end, Taoist ancestor decided to let the two religions with a large number of followers to fill the vacancy of immortals and gods in heaven.

The sect of the Taiqing lineage is rare, and Daode Tianzun was worried that only his Taiqing lineage would stay out of the matter, which would arouse the dissatisfaction of the two brothers, so he became the Taishang Laojun in the heaven with a dead body.

After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Sanqing lineage of Taoism suffered heavy casualties, it can be said that it was directly disabled, so Western Buddhism took advantage of it and rose because of it.

Now there are still vacancies for the places on the list of gods, even those who have died can reshape their bodies in the list of gods.

That's why the Heavenly Emperor got rid of Laojun and came here with him. At the critical moment, he used the "Tai Chi Diagram" to deceive the sky, saved You Dou's soul, and sent him to the list of gods.

Originally, the Emperor himself could do this, but he was worried that Lingshan would also have thoughts about Youdou, so he would not be able to stand up to Lingshan's many powers by himself.

And the facts also proved that the previous conjecture of the Emperor of Heaven was correct. After hearing the Tathagata saying that he was going to suppress You Dou under the Lingshan Mountain, the Emperor of Heaven knew that the Buddhist sect had also taken a fancy to You Dou as a thug.

What is suppressing Lingshan, baptizing with Buddhism on a daily basis, it is clearly to suppress people with power, and then let people escape into Buddhism, it is the usual routine of Buddhism.

They are important people in the heavenly court, at least they are upright ones. Leaving aside the various employee benefits, they are also working for Tiandao anyway. How can a mere Buddhist sect compare with them?

"Heavenly Emperor wait a moment, I think things may not be as simple as we thought.

The junior you are optimistic about may not be as simple as you think.

In other words, it may not be such a simple matter for Lingshan to suppress it. "

Hearing the urging of the Heavenly Emperor, Taishang Laojun did some divination according to the usual routine, but he was surprised to find that everything about You Dou was covered in a layer of fog when he calculated.

Regarding this situation, Taishang Laojun was very shocked, because with his current cultivation base and realm, there should be no one in the Three Realms who could escape his calculation.

He is already a saint, and he is also good at this way. Except for the way of heaven and the ancestor of Taoism, he can figure out one or two even for the same saint, but he can't figure it out when facing You Dou, a mere big Luo?
There are probably only two possibilities for this situation to happen, one is that You Dou is a hidden boss whose strength is not weaker than his own.

Another possibility is that You Dou is the one who should be robbed!

Practitioners have the five declines of heaven and man, and naturally there are catastrophes in the world.

Every time a catastrophe comes, there will be countless casualties, but the way of heaven will always leave a glimmer of life for people when the catastrophe comes.

And this line of life is the so-called "person who should be robbed", and it is also the so-called "variable".

Variables are existences that are beyond the scope of calculations by the Dao of Heaven. Even the Dao of Heaven cannot predict his behavior, let alone the so-called saint.

Taishang Laojun intends to use the innate spiritual treasure "Tai Chi Diagram" to deduce it again, but Yu Dou on the other side has already fought with the World-Honored Tathagata.

Thousands of monks, eight dragons, and eighteen arhats were all seriously injured. Now the jade-faced fox has led the demon soldiers in Youyu City to fight these seriously injured Lingshan monks.

However, in front of You Dou now, there are still the most difficult existences left.

Not to mention the World-Honored One, among the Three Realms where saints do not come out, the convenience is almost at the ceiling level of Journey to the West.

As for the two Bodhisattvas, Samantabhadra and Manjusri, they are also powerful men in the Three Realms, even if they are not as good as Guanyin, they should not be far behind.

Even though You Dou and the others had a lot of people, the Bull Demon King and other monster sages were no match for the two Bodhisattvas Samantabhadra and Manjushri, and they didn't even have much power to change hands in front of them.

Facing the Buddha Tathagata, You Dou already felt that it was extremely difficult. Now that the opponent has two thugs to support him, it is natural that there is no need to fight.

It is also possible to use the "Simulated Star Creation Map·Void Star Taisui" to imprison and seal the two Bodhisattvas Manjusri and Samantabhadra, but once this is done, Yudou lacks the means to restrict Tathagata.

Because besides using the "Simulated Star Creation Map" to weaken the Tathagata, he has no chance of winning by fighting against the opponent by other means.

"Follow the covenant with me, follow my footsteps and come across the border, and come here!

Traveling through fantasy, the ultimate dragon with infinite power!
The protoss who controls the sun and the white night, the white night demon king who dominates the universe! "

If it is one against three, his chances of winning are really not great. After using "Void Star Tai Sui" and using "Demon King Contract" which consumes a lot of mana, Yuuto finally chose the latter after some hesitation.

Mana can be recovered quickly in various ways, but if the two Bodhisattvas Manjushri and Samantabhadra are restricted by the simulated star creation map, then they will have no chance of winning in the face of the Buddha.

Accompanied by the two teleportation formations appearing in front of You Dou, two extremely powerful auras also flowed out of the transmission formations.

And as the light of the teleportation formation became stronger and stronger, the last two short figures also slowly stepped out of the formation.

Of these two short figures, one has waist-length black hair, and the other has white hair like snow, and the aura emanating from their bodies is also extremely powerful.

As for the appearance, apart from the fact that they are both carved in powder and jade, the two of them are obviously two loli who look less than eight or nine years old!

(End of this chapter)

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