From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1144 The Battle of Almighty Begins

Chapter 1144 The Battle of Almighty Begins

Orpheus hasn't seen Yuto for a long time, although his emotions are still indifferent, but Yuto can see his happy mood.

On the other hand, Bai Yasha was in some trouble. The relationship between the two of them could not be said to be very deep, they could only be regarded as ordinary friends. At this moment, Bai Yasha might not be able to do his best to ask the other party to help him deal with such a difficult enemy.

But fortunately, although a certain White Night Demon King has a lolita appearance, he is a proper old pervert on the inside.

You Dou promised to give her a set of out-of-print collection of beauties after the matter was completed, and guaranteed that the beauties in it would not be inferior to Heitu, and this guy finally compromised.

The opponents are all superpowers that are rare in Lingshan. Even summoning thugs and finding ordinary existences are basically free.

Even Athena, the Trinity God, or Fenrir, the Godslayer, are the same.

The previous Avalokitesvara was able to compete [-]-[-] with Youdou, who is fully in combat power. The two Bodhisattvas Puxian and Manjusri are also called the Four Great Bodhisattvas, so there should not be too much difference.

However, the Trinity God Athena and Demon Wolf Fenrir are far from being their opponents. That is to say, if they are summoned to be the opponents of the two Bodhisattvas Puxian and Manjusri, they are almost no different from Baige.

The two loli in front of Youdou, one black and one white, are not ordinary loli, but super loli who are extremely capable of fighting even in the heavens.

The black-haired loli is the infinite dragon god Orpheus in the "Devil's High School World". He is known as a god with infinite power. one status.

It is the ultimate dragon feared by gods and demons in all mythological systems. Although the power is only half left, the half of the infinite is still infinite.

The white-haired loli is named Shiraiyasha, from the "problem children's world", the protoss of the sun and Baiye, and the demon king who was the ultimate human tester in "Baiye said".

Even in the Little Garden world where gods and Buddhas walk everywhere, and the devil king is not as good as a dog, the strength of the white night devil king at full strength is still at the top of the triple digits.

Note that in Hakoniwa's world view, the existence of double digits and single digits are not normal organisms, but rules and other unpredictable things.

That is to say, even in the plane full of gods, Buddhas, dragons, protoss and other strongest species, Shiroyasha's strength is at the ceiling level.

And in the world of Hakoniwa, there are existences like the World Honored One, because in that world, there are gods and demons from various mythological systems in the world, and even scientific hypotheses and various fantasy creatures.

So when Shiroyasha was summoned by Yuto, looking at the trio with the Buddha's light on the opposite side, he knew that the other party was the Sakyamuni Tathagata of this world, the strongest existence of Buddhism.

"Although it is not the Buddhist gate of Hakoniwa, the Sakyamuni Buddha in this world is equally strong and unfathomable.

Boy, if you want me to deal with him, it's probably useless. This is not the world of Hakoniwa. I have said a lot of hypothetical bonuses, and I may not be his opponent. "

Sakyamuni Tathagata in Hakoniwa World is also a three-digit top existence, and White Yasha once obtained Yasha Godhead from the other party.

And if he was in Hakoniwa World, if he used Sun Sovereign's combat power at full strength, Shirayasha felt that he could still meet the opponent.

But this is not Little Garden, she has been suppressed a lot, and the Tathagata Tathagata in front of her feels stronger than the Buddhist supreme in the world of Little Garden!

"You Dou, I shouldn't be able to beat him. If Samael didn't take half of his strength, I might be able to fight him, but now..."

After White Yaksha, Orpheus also weighed the strength of the enemy and us, and then said.

"You don't need to deal with the World Honored One, you just need to help me share the other two opponents. If this is the case, do you have any chance of winning?"

Infinite Dragon God Orpheus and White Night Devil King White Yaksha, these two are already the strongest thugs Yuuto can summon so far.

If even they can't stop the two Bodhisattvas Puxian and Manjusri, they can only consume a lot of mana and play crowd tactics.

"If it's just the Buddhist Bodhisattva over there, then we should be fine.

But you don't want to play anymore, kid, promise me a reward after it's done. "

After quickly scanning the compassionate Bodhisattvas Samantabhadra and Manjushri with his eyes, Bai Yasha rushed out first and fought with one of them.

At the same time, Orpheus also nodded towards You Dou, then transformed into a colorful western dragon, and rushed directly to another bodhisattva.

The strength of the space barrier in the Journey to the West plane is extremely high. After all, it is a world of gods and Buddhas, which is completely enough for Orpheus and the others to toss.

And after Orpheus and the others shared the bodhisattvas of the two Da Luo Jinxians for You Dou, now only You Dou and the World Honored One of Lingshan are left on the field.

"It turns out that the benefactor is not from this world, no wonder why we couldn't figure out the origin of the benefactor before.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders, and the background of the donor really opened the poor monk's eyes. "

Previously Tathagata could not figure out the origin of You Dou, and thought that You Dou had extraordinary foundation, or had great power to help him cover up the secret.

However, Tathagata immediately understood when he saw Orpheus and Shiroyasha summoned by Yuto through the teleportation formation.

It turns out that You Dou and the others are visitors from outside the realm, because the aura emanating from the teleportation formation just now obviously does not belong to this realm.

And what surprised Tathagata even more was that no matter it was Shiraiyasha or Orpheus, both of them obviously had different power systems before.

However, when he came to this world, the power system in his body, with the help of the rules of heaven and earth, turned into the realm and power system of this world.

Such an unimaginable thing even made Tathagata guess whether the existence standing behind You Dou is the Dao of Heaven itself!

"If you open your eyes now, it would be too early, and ask the World Honored One to learn about this king's supernatural powers."

After drinking all the wine stored in "Endless Wine Reed" and barely recovering a lot of mana, You Dou turned into a [-]-meter dragon again, and then spit out a large amount of black mud.

Seeing a large amount of black mud exuding malice and negative emotions, spewed out by Youdou like a wave, even the Tathagata retreated with a frown.

People with advanced cultivation bases are most afraid of the determinism of cause and effect, especially Buddhists. Those with pure six sense organs are most afraid of being entangled in sin karma.

Once harboring evil thoughts and being corrupted by sin, even a high-ranking monk will degenerate into a demon monk in an instant.

This is the same even for the Tathagata Buddha of Lingshan, after all, this is how the so-called Wutian Buddha came out.

"The evils of this world" swarmed in like a tidal wave. The World-Honored One could only urge to sit down on the ninth-grade lotus platform transformed from the fragments of the "Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue", and build a golden mask in front of him, covering all the evil in this world. Evil is completely blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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