From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1154 Empress Nuwa wants to take You Dou as her apprentice!

Chapter 1154 Empress Nuwa wants to take You Dou as her apprentice!

"You don't need to worry about your husband, although I don't know exactly what happened.

But what is certain is that your husband did not die here. I am actually very curious about that little guy, and even have the idea of ​​taking him as a disciple. "

Compared with the other five saints, Empress Nuwa is one of the few saints who has no disciples.

As for You Dou, who is also a monster clan, but established the "You Yu City" and wants to promote the coexistence of humans and monsters, he also has a good impression.

When hearing the words of Empress Nuwa, the jade-faced fox, including other people who cared about Youdou, showed a look of ecstasy.

As for those who thought that Youdou was dead and started to have thoughts about the huge foundation of Youyu City, when they heard the words of Empress Nuwa, they also completely cut off their thoughts.

The Nether King is not dead!That was in the face of a saint, and he was still able to escape under the eyes of all the saints.

Now that he knows that King Youming is not dead, and facing such a powerful existence who can escape from the hands of a saint, those ambitious monsters naturally dare not think about Youyu City and the jade-faced fox at this moment.

And even if King Nether was seriously injured and died, the meaning that Empress Nuwa wanted to express just now is actually very obvious.

Empress Nuwa, who is a saint, actually intends to take King Nether as her apprentice!

Whether Empress Nuwa's words were unintentional or really meant, the monsters don't know, but they are quite clear about one thing, the Youyu City will not change its owner in the future.

Because Empress Nuwa's words are basically not much different from saying that this place is covered by her.

In the future, let alone the inside of their monster clan, even if other forces want to take action against Youyu City, they have to weigh whether they have the ability to offend Empress Nuwa.

After all, Empress Nuwa said that she intends to take You Dou as her apprentice, so it doesn't matter if it's just a named disciple, that's a real disciple of a sage.

Unlike the Sanqing and the Second Saints of the West, they all have their own orthodoxy, and there are countless disciples and grandchildren under them. The Nuwa Empress is the only one, and the gold content is completely different.

All in all, even if You Dou is not in You Yu City after that, basically no one would dare to provoke the Jade Faced Fox and the others.

After all, the current jade-faced fox can be said to be quite "high and powerful", the No. 1 wife of the demon clan, and behind her is the saint Nuwa Empress as her backer.

Although her own cultivation is not good enough, her background is really strong enough!
The world of Liaozhai, a wilderness place
A figure suddenly appeared in the sky without warning, and then fell vertically to accept the effect of gravity, and directly smashed a pit several meters deep on the ground.

The rather huge movement directly caused many animals in the forest to flee in fright.

And this figure that fell from the sky, needless to say, is You Dou who escaped from Journey to the West.

You Dou, who was affected by the "evil of this world" at that time, has completely lost his mind, and only wants to kill the clone of Taoist Zhunti in front of him.

And when Zhunti Taoist's avatar self-destructed, the self-conscious "evil in this world" judged that if Youdou, as the host, suffered the death of the opponent's self-explosion, the lack of it as the host would lead to a sharp drop in strength.

Generally speaking, "The Evil of This World" naturally hopes that Yuto, who is both a container and a shackle, will die early so that it can regain its freedom.

But under the circumstances at that time, "The Evil of This World" felt that the timing was really inappropriate.

Don't ask why, it's that Zhunti sage blew himself up. There are five other sages out there, besides Daozu Hongjun. They will let their own "evil in this world" that can grow exist in the world?

So in that situation, "The Evil of This World" could only do its best to protect Yuuto, and under the condition that the system also wanted to protect itself, it completed the negotiation with him.

All the reputation points accumulated for a long time were consumed, and a nearby plane was randomly selected to travel.

Because of the self-destruction of the saint's clone, "the evil of this world" has also suffered some trauma, and Yuto's current situation is not much better.

Due to the long-term erosion of excessive "evil in this world", and the destruction of the dragon's real body, the current body of Youto is almost riddled with holes.

But fortunately, the vitality of the dragons and ghosts is tenacious enough, and Yudou also has the ability of "super-speed regeneration", so in a short time, they have already escaped from the dangerous situation.

However, due to the impact of "The Evil of This World" before, Yuto's mental level was also severely injured. Although the external condition of the body has been recovered, the spirit has been in a coma until a person came from the forest. The team broke into here.

The team was led by two beautiful women, while the other men looked more like servants.

But looking at the skillful movements of these people's bow and horse, it is not difficult to see that they are all people with martial arts skills.

These two beautiful women are actually a pair of sisters, named Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, and the people behind them are their father's original subordinates and family servants.

The purpose of their trip was actually to rob prisoners and rescue their father, Fu Tianchou, formerly a member of the imperial court.

This is an era when treacherous officials are in power, the government is chaotic, and people's livelihood is difficult. A few loyal and good people are framed and imprisoned like Fu Tianchou.

In order to prevent their father from dying innocently, the sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi chose to take risks.

"Sister, this person is still alive, shall we take him with us?"

Fu Yuechi looked at You Dou lying motionless on the ground, and was stunned for a while, because although the man on the ground looked quite embarrassed, it was not difficult to see that the other party was extremely handsome.

Going forward to test the other party's breath, Fu Yuechi found that You Dou's breath was long, obviously just fell into a coma and did not die.

"Since you've met it, take it with you, it's not easy to live in such a troubled world.

Let him be left alone in this deep mountain and old forest, even if he is still alive, he will soon be transferred away by the wolves, tigers and leopards in the forest. "

Regarding Fu Qingfeng's decision, although the other loyal people who had followed the sisters to save people felt that the sisters were somewhat benevolent, they were doing something that would kill their heads this time, so it was nothing to bring a burden.

However, in the final analysis, Fu Qingfeng took the lead in this matter. Although they had complaints in their hearts, they didn't say anything at the moment.

Because a group of people came to rob prisoners, there was no such thing as a carriage, and they were all one person and one horse.

Yuto who is in a coma cannot ride alone, so naturally he can only ride with others.

But other people were originally dissatisfied with the behavior of the two sisters meddling in their own business and saving passers-by, so they naturally refused to ride with You Dou at this moment.

"Sister, let me ride with him. After all, I was the one who discovered him. It doesn't seem good to leave him here."

(End of this chapter)

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