Chapter 1155

The so-called non-intimacy between men and women, for people of this era, the act of a man and a woman riding a horse together is already considered a very intimate act.

Both Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi are well-known ladies, and they are not yet married. Riding a horse with a strange young man will obviously damage their reputation.

When he found out that the other person was himself, Fu Yuechi felt that he couldn't let his sister take the blame for him, so he took the initiative to resist this heavy responsibility.

And then the group of them pretended to be ghosts and ambushed in the forest, and when they were about to launch an attack on the passing escort troops, they got acquainted with the two men again because of an oolong.

One of them was dressed as a Taoist priest and claimed to be Zhiqiu Yiye, a mage of the Kunlun School.

The other one looked sloppy, but he could vaguely tell that he was a scholar with a beard. He was about to introduce himself, but Fu Qingfeng recognized him as Zhuge Wolong, a rare celebrity at that time, through the signboard that fell on the ground.

Seeing that the other party mistook him for a famous person in the world, Ning Caichen originally wanted to explain, but when he saw Fu Qingfeng's appearance, Ning Caichen immediately chose to remain silent.

No one else, because the girl named Fu Qingfeng in front of her looks exactly the same as the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian whom Ning Caichen met in Lanruo Temple before!
Ning Caichen, who regards the other party as the reincarnation of Xiaoqian, intends to renew the relationship with the other party, but suffers from having no reason to approach the other party.

And right now, the other party obviously regarded him as "Zhuge Wolong", so if he put on this vest, wouldn't he be able to act with the reincarnated Xiaoqian?

With this in mind, Ning Caichen and Zhiqiu Yiye, who wanted to please "Zhuge Wolong", joined the Fu family sisters' team of robbers.

Known as "Zhuge Wolong" who is known as a fortune teller, he was willing to help them, and Fu Qingfeng and the others naturally had no reason to refuse, so they quickly found someone to find a deserted villa to rest and prepare to wait for the prison car to pass by.

While resting in the villa, Fu Qingfeng wanted to ask Mr. "Zhuge Wolong" for advice, but Ning Caichen wanted to tidy up his appearance first.

Because he felt that the reincarnated Xiaoqian did not recognize him, and the big reason was because of his current sloppy appearance. After all, his current beard was even worse than that of Yan Chixia.

Facts have proved that Ning Caichen's appearance is really good, otherwise he would not have fascinated the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian.

But after seeing "Zhuge Wolong" shaved off his beard, Fu Qingfeng obviously didn't expect that Zhuge Wolong, who is known as the master of the sky, is so young.

However, apart from lamenting that "Zhuge Wolong" is younger than he imagined, Fu Qingfeng has no other impression of Ning Caichen's face.

Even when Ning Caichen took out the token of love between him and Nie Xiaoqian, and read out the love poem on the painting, Fu Qingfeng didn't feel the slightest bit...

No, it would not be accurate to say that he had no feelings at all. Ning Caichen was flirting with her, but Fu Qingfeng thought that the other party was seeking advice from her, so he quickly got the information about "Shili Pavilion" from the poem.

I feel that Mr. Zhuge Wolong thinks that the prison car will pass by the Shili Pavilion in the forest, so he specially told himself in the form of a poem.

Ning Caichen wanted to explain clearly, but Fu Qingfeng felt that the time was not waiting for me, so he summoned people in a hurry.

As for the other side, Zhiqiu Yiye has been in a state of nervousness since entering this deserted villa, and has been sleeping with strange words such as "corpse breath" in his mouth.

Fu Yuechi and the others obviously regarded it as crazy, and did not choose to go along with each other.

Regarding the theory of ghosts and ghosts, the people present are all well-read poets and books, and they are not ordinary people, so naturally they don't believe it.

However, the other party is someone who is with Mr. Zhuge Wolong, and he himself claims to be a mage of the Kunlun School, so he still has to give some face.

"Master Zhiqiu thinks this place is inappropriate? But it's okay, we're just here for a short rest, and we're leaving soon."

Due to Zhuge Wolong's face, someone in the team looked at the nervous Zhiqiu Yiye and said.

"That can't be done, my generation is a practitioner, so it's natural to take killing demons and demons as our duty.

It's fine if you don't encounter it. Now that you have encountered it, you can't let this kind of harmful thing continue to exist in the world.

It's a pity that this villa is obviously full of strong corpse aura. Logically speaking, there should be "ghouls". Why can't I feel it? "

Zhiqiu Yiye circled around the entire villa, even the coffins placed in the villa were not spared, but he still couldn't find the evil spirit.

After looking around at the crowd, Zhiqiu Yiye quickly fixed his eyes on Youdou lying on the ground, with a hint of suspicion on his expression.

And after feeling Zhiqiu Yiye's gaze, Fu Yuechi also protected Youdou behind him with a nervous face and said: "You don't think he is the evil spirit you mentioned, do you?
This person is not from this villa at all, but a victim we found in the forest, and his body has temperature and breathing, so it is impossible for him to be the ghost you mentioned! "

At this moment, Zhiqiu Yiye is completely neurotic in the eyes of everyone, and Fu Yuechi is also worried that he will casually treat people as evil spirits and kill them.

Just like a man will be attracted to sex, a girl will also have a heart for spring.

When Fu Yuechi found the comatose You Dou before, he felt that the other party was very handsome, just after the other party had undergone a simple cleaning.

Fu Yuechi was surprised to find that the other party was only handsome, and he could be called one of the best-looking men she had ever seen in her life.

"Everything should not be confused by appearances, the best trick of many ghosts and monsters is to confuse everyone with good-looking skins.

The person you picked up from the forest cannot be an ordinary person at all!

Although I can't tell what he is, but one thing I know quite well, he is definitely not an ordinary person like you. "

In fact, ever since seeing You Dou, Zhi Qiu Yiye felt that You Dou was not simple, because he felt the magical power that ordinary people could not possess from You Dou.

It's just that Yu Dou doesn't have too strong evil spirit, so Zhi Qiu Yi Ye regards him as a fellow.

But at the moment the villa is full of corpse aura, and the only extraordinary person present is Yuto, Zhiqiu Yiye doesn't think that Yuto did the trick, but just suspects Yuto.

Seeing that Zhi Qiu Yiye wanted to get close to You Dou, Fu Yuechi pulled out his long sword, but through the previous fight, they knew clearly that although Qiu Yiye looked neurotic, he was really capable, at least Fu Yuechi is definitely not the other party's opponent.

"It's not good, there are some strange things outside, not only extremely fast, but also bites when it sees people, and several of us have been scratched."

Just when Zhiqiu Yiye was about to cross Fu Yuechi, there was a sudden exclamation from outside, and then he seemed to sense something, and Zhiqiu Yiye also rushed out with a look of understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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