From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 447 The monsters who took the initiative to take action!

Chapter 447 The monsters who took the initiative to take action!

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"Don't forget why you came here, everyone came here for the crystallization of spiritual power, why do you feel that I have an obligation to protect you?

Self-knowledge is the most important thing in being a human being. It is better to do what is beyond one's ability. "

Before Yuto could not bear it, he took the initiative to confess the general strength of the hair-eating ghosts and Huifangzhu.

And the effect of doing so is obviously remarkable. Many people consciously chose to give up because of the large gap in combat power.

Although the crystallization of spiritual power is good, one's own life is always more important.

Of course, in addition to those who gave up, there are naturally those who choose to stay.

But from You Dou's point of view, the rest of these people are those who have been blinded by greed, even if they are killed later, it is their own choice.

"You are a hero in the Tokyo area, and we are also people living in the Tokyo area. Isn't it what a hero should do to protect the weak?
And if it wasn't for holding the artifact, why would you be so arrogant as a brat? If the three artifacts belong to everyone in this country, isn't it quite normal to use them to protect us? "

"That's right, once you become the master of the artifact, you will be so arrogant that you can't find Bei.

Being able to repel the Baiye ghosts and become a hero doesn't all depend on the power of the divine weapon, even if the divine weapon is given to me, I can be a hero! "

Some of the people who chose to stay were just greedy, and some were not only greedy, but their concepts almost made You laugh.

Originally, he frankly admitted the strength of the hair-eating ghosts and the others, and persuaded those who were not strong enough to give up and not to make unnecessary sacrifices.

But who knows, a group of people with such a strange brain circuit suddenly jumped out.

Not only does it mean that You Dou tricked them down the mountain in order to monopolize all the crystallization of spiritual power on the mountain.

Some people brazenly expressed that they wanted You Dou to protect their safety and let them break through the encirclement and go up the mountain together.

But in the face of these shameless people, Rao Yiyoudou's character finally broke out.

"Protecting you up the mountain, what are you? Known as a hero in Tokyo, I have an obligation to protect everyone in Tokyo?

So before I do that, I would like to ask, what kind of things did you give me as a hero?I fucked your wife?Or are you my son? "

"And when did I say I was a hero in Tokyo? I'm sorry, I don't have that kind of hero baggage.

As for the Kusanagi sword, it's not that I want to monopolize it, but this guy chose me, and he won't stick to it no matter what! "

Hearing Yuto's vulgar remarks regardless of his image, these people were also so angry that their faces turned blue and white.

Sure enough, whether it is a monster or a human being, they are essentially the same. There are existences that can coexist peacefully, and there are also the same dregs.

Originally, those people who were stupefied by Yudou's swearing, after realizing it, also wanted to greet the women in Youdou's family, but at this moment, there was a huge movement on the mountain.

That's right, after the little monsters sent by the hair-eaters back to inquire about information, and after explaining the combat power of the humans gathered here, the hair-eaters chose to take the initiative to attack.

On the one hand, this group of monsters had returned to their original nature long ago due to the previous devouring of flesh and blood, but because there was too little flesh and blood just now, all of them were starving and red-eyed at this time.

On the other hand, the human beings gathered here are indeed not their opponents in strength. They don't need to hide at all, and they can choose to actively crush them.

As long as the younger brothers are fed, the team can be easily led, so when the little monsters who scouted for information came back, the hair-eating ghosts, Huifangzhu and others, after only hesitating for a while, felt that they would take the initiative to attack.

Hundreds of monsters swarmed in, and the scene was naturally very astonishing.

Even before the opponent took the initiative to make a move, the dozens of humans surrounded by them, looking at the densely packed monsters, had already begun to feel timid.

When some people look at the monster who keeps grinning at them and drools, they already start to regret it in their hearts.

He regretted that he didn't listen to Yuto's dissuasion to go down the mountain just now, but was blinded by greed, so now he didn't even have the chance to leave.

"Hey, the number of these blood food seems to be less than what was reported before, did some mice run away first?

But it doesn't matter, although some insignificant beings ran away, it seemed that a few more good prey came later. "

Because of the information given by You Dou, nearly half of the people had already given up and left before the hair-eaters rushed down the mountain.

So when they saw that there were not as many humans here as the little monsters had reported, the hair eaters were obviously taken aback for a moment.

But soon, the attention of the hair-eaters and Huifangzhu was attracted by Yuto and the others, which were not in the information.

On the one hand, apart from their group, the spiritual power exuding from their bodies is the strongest among them, on the other hand, Yamato Jiuxiang and Kujo Hina's beautiful hair attracted the attention of the hair eaters.

"You all have beautiful hair, but you don't deserve such beautiful hair. Only a beautiful person like me can have such beautiful hair.

But you don't have to worry, when I eat your hair, I will also bite off your heads, and I won't leave you with any regrets. "

As soon as the two sides met, there was no thought of wrangling, and the battle broke out directly.

Dozens of human beings face hundreds of monsters, with such a difference in numbers, the result can be imagined.

Although almost all the people who came to Snow Mountain had an average combat power above C+ level, but among the younger brothers brought by the hair eaters, the monsters with the best monster power were also C level monsters.

Coupled with the stimulation of these flesh and blood, these monsters are now completely in a state of madness. In terms of momentum, Dangdang instantly overwhelmed everyone's psychological defense.

It's not that some people have never tried to beg for mercy in order to survive, and his end is to be eaten instantly by the swarming monsters.

Facing hundreds of monsters, a person with a hundred catties of flesh obviously couldn't even let these monsters get stuck between his teeth.

And now that they are hungry and red-eyed, they will obviously not listen to your begging for mercy and choose to let you go. After all, the human beings here not only taste good enough, but also help them increase their strength.

When they had the opportunity to give up before, they were blinded by greed and did not give up.

But now because they are dominated by fear, they chose to give up before fighting.

However, it was too late, giving up now would mean death, monsters would not be merciful, and in their eyes, everyone is now just a piece of meat that can enhance their demon power.

"Things are a bit troublesome. If this situation continues, our spiritual power will soon be exhausted.

Hahaha, if we had known this was the case, we should have joined the team of the Yamato family by relying on the relationship of Jiuxiang sauce. "

Shencheng Yixin held several spells in his hands, and a circular array was arranged under everyone's feet. When many monsters charged into the array, they would be bounced away by the light curtain of spells rising around them.

But as soon as the monsters hit Shencheng Yixin's magic circle, the spells arranged under their feet would start to burn rapidly. As for Shencheng Yixin, they could only concentrate on replenishing it quickly.

Because the situation just now was too sudden, Shencheng Yixin's magic circle can only protect the people standing around them just now. As for the guys outside, they can only face more monsters and more slaughter.

However, facing such a large number of monsters, even Shencheng Yixin, who is good at using spells and magic circles, is quite struggling at this time.

Although for a spell master, if he has a spell prepared in advance, he can display a combat power far beyond the surface during the battle.

However, driving these spells and constructing the magic array all require spiritual power, especially when the enemy's strength far exceeds one's own, this consumption will be infinitely expanded.

At this time, Shencheng Yixin looked extremely relaxed on the surface, and even had the energy to joke around, but only Jiuxiang and Yuto, who were familiar with him, knew that this sloppy uncle was completely stubborn.

The monsters on the curse light curtain, almost like locusts, lay densely on the entire floor.

Every time they attack, the spell light curtain will be like the surface of the water, causing waves of ripples, and judging from the fast burning spells under their feet and the light curtain becoming weaker and weaker, Yuto and the others also know that Kamijou has one heart Can't last long.

Although the people in the magic circle are also doing their best to reduce the number of monsters surrounding them, but for such a huge number of monsters, it is still a drop in the bucket.

"We must find a way to break through, and don't let senior Shencheng bear all the pressure alone, otherwise we will be wiped out sooner or later."

Yamato Jiuxiang pulled out Onikiri from his waist, first used the spell of the Yamato clan to bless everyone, and then rushed out with the sword in hand.

"Origin Style Sword Technique Flow - Broken Wound!"

Yamato Kuka, who pulled out Onikiri, changed her aura from a cold shrine maiden to a dashing Valkyrie in an instant. While slashing out with her sword, several sharp sword auras instantly wiped out the person lying on the light curtain. Several monsters were torn apart.

And at the same time that Yamato Jiuxiang rushed out of the magic formation, Yuto almost followed closely with Shenyou, rushed out, and found the strongest monsters.

As for the white horse monk, almost at the same time, the monster power of the whole body exploded. Under the light of the Baizhang Buddha, two huge angry-eyed King Kong slowly appeared from behind him.

Even Hinano, who had only C-level spiritual power, originally wanted to rush up, but was dragged back by Shencheng Yixin, and it was enough to let him stay obediently in the magic circle to cover himself.

"Everyone, my team members have all stepped out of the magic circle to fight to the death, and you have been hiding here to fight timidly, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

(End of this chapter)

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