From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 448 The So-Called "Human Nature"

Chapter 448 The So-Called "Human Nature" (Subscribe)
At this time, Shencheng Yixin looked at the other people who were hiding in the magic circle and did nothing, and his expression was a bit ugly at this time.

Before, he thought that Yudou's words were a bit too much, but now it seems that these people are really unreasonable.

Forget about Kujo Hina, after all, she was originally here as a support worker, and her spiritual power is only C-level.

If she fights alone, she may be able to win against the C-level monsters, but the monsters outside are too powerful.

Hinano is not a different kind of Youdou and Jiuxiang, so it is easy to encounter accidents. In addition, Hinano belongs to the juniors of their group, so it is reasonable for them to take care of this little girl.

But at this time, those other people who are hiding in Shencheng Yixin's magic circle and are unwilling to participate in the battle are a bit unreasonable.

You Dou had already mentioned danger before, but this group of people didn't stop at all, but now they are in such a life-and-death situation, these people still don't want to repent.

Even Hinano, who has only C-level spiritual power, is thinking about fighting at the moment, and these guys whose strength has reached B-level, are now completely hindered by fear.

"What nonsense are you talking about, there are densely packed monsters outside, I didn't see the guy who was outside before, and now there is no scum left.

Let's go out now and fight this number of monsters, don't we die? "

For Shencheng's single-minded accusation, the people hiding in the magic circle didn't care at all. As long as they can survive, face is nothing.

Compared with his own life, so what if he is shameless.

Now they have made up their minds to live as long as they can. The battle here is so fierce, I believe that there will be follow-up teams rushing here soon, and they can just choose to run when they see the right time.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me. If we chose to fight, we still have a chance.

But if you carry burdens like you without a trace of fighting spirit, it will only increase the burden on me and my friends, so I'm sorry. "

The people who were originally hiding in the magic circle wanted to mock Shencheng Yixin after hearing Shencheng Yixin's words. They just didn't go out, what could the other party do with them?
However, soon, their expressions began to become terrified.

Because they discovered that the magic formation under their feet, which originally protected them, was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the originally huge array quickly shrank to a size just enough to protect Isshin Kamijou and Hina Kujo.

As for those who stayed in the magic circle and were unwilling to fight, they were now exposed naked to the sight of all monsters.

"You seem to have made a mistake. As a magic spell master, this enchantment was set up by me, so I naturally have the ability to control it.

Protecting everyone before was to preserve combat power, but it seems that not only will you not become combat power, but you will also become a burden.

So in order to avoid my partner from being overburdened, then I can only choose to do this. "

Looking at the people who kept pleading, Shencheng Yixin's eyes were indifferent.

If the people who appeared here were those innocent civilians who were affected, then Shencheng Yixin would choose to protect these people even if he took his life.

However, these people who came to Snow Mountain originally came with a purpose, not to mention that Yudou had explained the risks to these people before, and these people were too greedy.

Even so, it's fine, after all, their countermeasure team came for "spiritual power crystallization".

But in this situation, these people still stubbornly choose to protect themselves wisely and let their partners do their best to protect them. Shencheng Yixin can't bear this.

He obviously has power, but he will not choose to resist. Even if such a guy survives here, he will die elsewhere later.

Among the hundreds of monsters, You Dou and Jiuxiang are like two sharp swords, directly tearing apart the encirclement of a large number of monsters, and turned on the random killing mode.

But because of the monsters gathered here, the best ones are C-level monsters, and there are even a lot of B-level monsters mixed in.

Facing such an army of monsters, even Yamato Jiuxiang and Yuuto couldn't kill monsters one by one like killing fish.

On the one hand, the strength of these monsters is really good. On the other hand, the monsters themselves have tenacious vitality. Even if they are missing arms and legs, as long as they are not fatal injuries, they can join the battle again soon.

And as more and more dead people died on their side, the pressure on Shencheng Yixin and the others was also increasing.
It is true that whether it is Shencheng Yixin or Baima monk, they are veterans with rich combat experience, and their methods are also better than ordinary spiritual masters. At this moment, they have multiple blessings from Yamato Jiuxiang.

But even so, they couldn't hold each other's numbers too much.

Each of them almost has to deal with hundreds of monsters, and these monsters are not just little monsters, who the hell can stand up to this!
Even compared to Yamato Jiuxiang and Yuuto, Shencheng Yixin and Baima monk, let alone counterattack in the face of this situation, they have exhausted all their strength to protect themselves.

The battle had only started for a few minutes, and almost all the timid people on their side had been eaten by monsters.

And the two angry-eyed Vajras behind the white horse monk also changed from shining golden light at the beginning to now dim and dull, and their huge size is constantly shrinking.

Even the white horse monk who was shrouded in the golden light began to become panting.

The situation on Shencheng Yixin's side was not much better. Although he had prepared a lot of spells before coming to Snow Mountain, the amount of spells he had consumed was too much, and now he could hardly bear it.

After discovering the unfavorable situation of his companions, Yamato Jiuxiang wanted to break through to support Shencheng Yixin and the others, but was stopped by the hair-eating ghost who had been watching the battle.

Even after the other party saw Yamato Jiuxiang's waterfall-like black hair, he even said bluntly that Jiuxiang's hair would soon become his favorite collection.

As for You Dou's side, originally he planned to keep paddling, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Originally, he planned to use the hands of the spirit-killing families in Tokyo to kill traitors like the hair-eating ghosts. While consuming the power of killing spirits in Tokyo, he also eliminated dissidents by the way.

But I didn't expect that each of these spirit-eliminating families was as smart as ghosts. Even in the face of the temptation of "spiritual power crystallization", they chose to let others come up to explore the way first.

In the end, they didn't expect that they were the first to bump into them.

The situation of the white horse monk over there is even more precarious. The two angry-eyed King Kongs have been completely dimmed. Although the white horse monk flicked the rosary in his hand, he knocked away the monsters approaching him one by one.

But soon, more monsters will pounce on the white horse monk. Seeing that the thrown white horse monk is about to be swallowed by the group of monsters, Yuto doesn't care about keeping it, and directly bursts out the strongest spiritual power .

Holding Shenyou in his right hand, he cut it with a knife, and the flames of the aggression of the greedy wolf instantly burned all the monsters in a straight line in front of him to ashes.

And just when You Dou was about to rush towards the white horse monk in this path, a huge figure suddenly stopped in front of You Dou.

"It seems that you are an exorcist who is good at using flames, but if you meet my Huifangzhu, you can only be considered unlucky.

I have a natural resistance to flames. Not only can flames not hurt me, but they can also become my strength.

The spiritual power in you is very strong, and you are still so young. Presumably, you should be a so-called genius exorcist by human beings. The flesh of such an exorcist should be more delicious, right? "

What appeared in front of Yuto was a huge monster like a cloud of black smoke.

In the gray smoke, the opponent's red eyes could be vaguely seen, and although the mouth could not be seen, an extremely low voice came out of the smoke.

When Huifangzhu appeared, those monsters who were burned to charcoal by Yuto's aggression like fire and greedy wolf, at this time, accompanied by a monster wind, the black charcoal powder instantly gathered into a black cloud, And instantly enveloped You Dou.

The black charcoal powder covered the sky and the sun, and when it was blowing towards You Dou, it not only hindered the flow of spiritual power in the air, but also accompanied by a little bit of red sparks emerging, like a black storm, gradually completing the rendering in the air , Gradually evolved into a red sandstorm like wildfire, which looked extremely gorgeous.

And if you look carefully, you will find that the red sandstorm that rolls in is not a real sandstorm, but tiny charcoal particles that have been burned red.

As we all know, when charcoal is used to burn a fire, the surface temperature of the red charcoal is much higher than that of an open flame.

So when the high-temperature charcoal like a red sandstorm swept over, the surrounding white snow was almost instantly melted and evaporated by the high temperature.

"If I were to make so much black charcoal myself, it would be fine, but it would undoubtedly consume a lot of demon power.

It's thanks to you for getting rid of the waste, and I can also use the waste. "

"In order to use spiritual power and spells, a spiritual master needs to absorb the spiritual energy of the five elements from the air, but my charcoal powder has the effect of hindering the flow of the surrounding spiritual energy.

You should try the taste of adding charcoal fire to your body, this is the end of playing with fire and self-immolation! "

The red sandstorm with high temperature has not yet swept towards Youto, but Huifangzhu has already shown an expression that he is sure of victory.

When the spirit power is at the same level as the monster power, the monster will indeed be stronger than the spirit master, and the power Hui Fangzhu is using is not only strong, but also has the help of the surrounding environment, and he does have the confidence to be complacent.

Unfortunately, the spiritual master he met was not the ordinary spiritual master with A-level spiritual power.

I saw that when the red sandstorm hit, Youdou continued to charge forward at a high speed, and at the same time used the divine protection of his right hand to slash and kill all the monsters blocking the way. As for the left hand, he reached out and touched the edge of another sword behind him. hilt.

(End of this chapter)

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