From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 512 The Demon King's Gift Game Begins

Chapter 512 The Demon King's Gift Game Begins

The reason why the Demon King is called a "natural disaster" in Hakoniwa is that, apart from being powerful and making people unable to refuse the game's authority, the most terrifying thing is how serious the regret of losing the game is in the Demon King's Gift game.

Just like "No Name" before, it was considered the strongest community in the middle and lower layers of Hakoniwa, but under the attack of the Demon King, it fell apart directly.

The situation facing "Perseus" today is the same, once the people of "Perseus" lose this gift game.

Then not only would Leticia be taken away, but also the inherited gifts from "Perseus", and even the banner and name of "Perseus" would be taken away as well.

Of course, since it is a game, if there is a winner, there will naturally be a loser.

As the loser, even the devil cannot escape the punishment of failure. If the gift game fails, the devil will become the property of the winner's community.

"Wait a minute, all you want is that loli vampire, there is no direct hatred between us, there is no need to fight to the death.

And this is the area guarded by the strongest stratum ruler, Shiraiyasha, in the Eastern District. Once she finds out that a demon king has appeared in the area under her management and attacked the community in the Eastern District, she probably will not choose to stand by and watch! "

Today's Luosi is really scared when he sees the black contract document, not to mention how strong Yuuto is as a demon king,
Fundamentally speaking, he, Luosi, couldn't afford to lose at all, and he couldn't imagine the consequences of losing the gift game.

Why did Luos choose to give up the past glory of "Perseus" and come to the lower level from the middle area?
The reason for this is that the previous leader abdicated, which caused the strength of "Perseus" to drop drastically, and his position in the middle class was very embarrassing.

And Luosi was originally a person who was greedy for pleasure, so he would rather go to the lower level to be a domineering person than stay in the middle level and be ridiculed.

But what he didn't expect was that he had just arrived at the lower level, and he hadn't started to enjoy the good life, but he was actually targeted by the natural disaster demon king of Little Garden.

Luosi is a bit useless, but he is not a fool. He also knows that he can be so chic now, all because of the name "Perseus".

But if the flag and name of the community are taken away, then he really has nothing left.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Luosi made a decisive decision to compromise with the Demon King.

Letting go of a mere vampire, he can live a pretty chic life, but if he loses, he will be nothing.

Regarding Luosi's compromise, other members of "Perseus" expressed slight dissatisfaction with Luosi's cowardly behavior.

They hated Luosi for being mean-spirited before, and also for being weak and incompetent now, but they bear the name of "Perseus".

The great Greek hero once accomplished such great feats as a human being, but now the descendants of that hero are so incompetent.

In the face of the devil, he didn't even have the courage to resist, so he directly chose to bow his head and surrender.

Seeing Luosi who chose to compromise, Yuuto showed a cruel smile at this time, and spread his hands and said: "I'm sorry, the appearance of the contract document means that Hakoniwa Center has accepted this gift game.

Even I, as the sponsor, seem to have no way to interrupt the gift game at will, unless you can find a reason or loophole for interrupting the game from the rules. "

"And I said it from the beginning, I really didn't lie about your community being targeted by the devil.

As for the loli vampire, you don’t need to give it to me. After all, I am the devil now, and I can snatch everything I want by myself.

And the conditions of the game are quite favorable to you, right? There are so many of you, as long as one person can survive within an hour, I will be the loser. "

The gift game started, and unlike the previous gift games, this gift game called "The Birth of the Demon King" restricted the intervention of other non-game participants.

Because the territory of "Perseus" at this moment is Yuto's hunting area, all non-game participants have been thrown out of this game space at the beginning of the game.

For some types of gift games, Hakoniwa will prepare a special space, and even if the characters in the game die, they will only be kicked out of the game space.

Obviously, You Dou's current gift game with a hunting nature is this type of game.

The limited area of ​​the gift game is You Dou's game field, and the only game field he owns is the inherent enchantment - Ghost Domain!
The gloomy and dark game field replaced the gorgeous palaces around at an extremely fast speed, and the endless darkness was like a huge mouth of an abyss, directly swallowing everyone in "Perseus".

When Luosi and the others reacted, they found out in a daze that they were in a darkness where they could not see their fingers.

"Damn it, isn't it said that the lower strata of the Eastern District are the safest because of Shiraiyasha?

Why did we meet the Demon King just after we arrived here!Blame that damned vampire, if he hadn't ran out to find that "No Name" without authorization, so many things wouldn't have happened afterwards! "

If you want to say who is the most ruthless person in Luosi now, it is not the "No Name" who provoked him before, nor the current Demon Lord Yuto, but the vampire Leticia.

Originally, Mr. Lu came to the lower class to enjoy life, but now because of that vampire, the community is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Thinking of this, Luosi gritted his teeth angrily, wishing to go out and give Leticia a few more whips.

However, no matter how angry he is now, it doesn't help. Even whether their community can continue to exist is still a matter of debate.

"Master Luos, although the place we are in now is quite unfavorable to our actions, the conditions of both sides are equal right now.

In such a dark environment, I believe that as long as everyone doesn't make too much noise, it shouldn't be a simple... thing for the other party to find us in the dark. "

The "Perseus" member hadn't finished speaking when a flash of silver light suddenly appeared in the darkness, but soon, the voice of this "Perseus" stopped abruptly.

At this time, Yuto's ghostly voice also echoed in the entire dark space, directly hitting the hearts of everyone in "Perseus".

"This is my playing field, do you think I will be limited by the environment here?

Even if I take a step back, my vision is also limited in such an environment, but your voice and breath are still as conspicuous as a high-wattage light bulb in the dark! "

(End of this chapter)

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