From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 513 The Gift of Invisibility

Chapter 513 The Gift of Invisibility

Yuto's sudden appearance obviously startled the people of "Perseus" immediately, and soon, they also suddenly found that the person who spoke before seemed to have no movement now.

And in such an environment where you can't see your fingers, although the people of "Perseus" want to fight back, they are worried that they will accidentally hurt their companions.

After all, they don't know how big the dark space they are in. Although You Dou is around them now, their companions are also around them.

"It's too bad for us to go on like this, everyone ran around separately, try to keep the distance from each other as far as possible, if possible, try to find a cover to hide.

An hour is not a long time, as long as one of us can survive this time, then we "Perseus" will win. "

The vice-leader of "Perseus" was obviously a talented person, and while Luosi was still panicking, he immediately gave orders in place of the leader.

And judging from the current situation, the order given by the deputy leader of "Perseus" is indeed the most correct.

In such a pitch-dark environment, it would be foolish to attack the target hastily, and the opponent is still the Demon King. Although the people of "Perseus" are proud, they are not yet confident enough to single-handedly challenge the Demon King.

Even in this dark environment, Yuto, who is the demon king, can see them, but as long as they escape separately, even if Yuto can hunt them down, it will take more time.

The deputy leader of "Perseus" obviously has a higher prestige in the community than Rouss. After hearing the order given by him, the members of "Perseus" also showed determination on their faces, and quickly ran around scattered and fled.

As for the deputy leader, he also grabbed Luosi, who was paralyzed by fright, and fled in the same direction.

"Master Luos, you have to cheer up, you are the last hope for our "Perseus" to win!

Although this game field is extremely unfavorable to us, it may be our only chance to win. If you use that gift, even the other party will not be able to find you, right? "

The deputy leader told the members of "Perseus" to flee in all directions, on the one hand to buy more time, and on the other hand, to use them as bait.

Although "Perseus" has fallen, the leader Luos still holds several Perseus' inheritance gifts in his hands, and these gifts are also their last chance to obtain this gift game.

Apart from the sickle-shaped knife that Luosi took out at the beginning, Perseus left behind a gift of inheritance, in addition to a helmet and a pendant.

The sickle-shaped knife is the knife used by Perseus to cut off Medusa's head. As for the helmet, it is called "Hades' Helmet", which is also based on the legend of Perseus.

Legend has it that Perseus was able to approach the sleeping Medusa quietly because of wearing this helmet, and cut off her head from behind.

Therefore, this "Hades Helmet" is also endowed with the gift of invisibility, and this invisibility is quite perfect, not only the figure, smell and even breath, but also can perfectly complete the camouflage, it is truly invisible.

The chance of victory that the deputy leader thought was this gift in Luosi's hands.

He believes that the gift game they are experiencing now is actually a simple ghost-and-man-and-man game, and being found means failure.

But with the gift of "Hades Helmet", coupled with such a dark environment, it is destined not to be too easy for the other party to find Luosi.

And even taking a step back, Luous was found by the other party in the end, and the pendant on his neck was also the strongest gift possessed by the "Perseus" community.

As the leader, Luos, although he is still unable to control this gift very well, but if it is only an hour...

The pendant on Luosi's neck is actually the head of Medusa. It is also called "Algar" in Little Garden, because it represents "the most vicious magic star", so it is the same as Shiraiyasha. The most advanced protoss of the race.

Legend has it that after Perseus beheaded Medusa, he gave the shield and Medusa's head to the goddess, and the goddess turned Medusa's head into a gift and gave it to Perseus.

Protoss Algar, as the highest level protoss, is also a well-known problem child in Hakoniwa, and has the terrifying gift of petrifying the entire world. He was also a demon king in the past.

Perseus was able to kill him because of the assistance of various artifacts and a sneak attack. Otherwise, even the best protoss would be far from being able to fight against humans.

After some encouragement from the deputy leader, Luosi finally cheered up again, holding the pendant on his chest at this moment, his confidence also greatly increased again.

Previously, he was intimidated by the "devil king"'s tomorrow and the sudden start of the gift game, but after being reminded by the deputy leader, he suddenly remembered that with the current conditions of "Perseus", he really wouldn't be afraid of a novice demon king.

Algar on his chest is also the original devil king, and he is also a devil king with a lot of background. With the addition of "Hades' helmet", they not only don't need to be afraid in this gift game, but they have a great chance of winning.

And once it is their "Perseus" who wins the game, then he, Luosi, will be able to control the second demon king. Who will dare to say that their "Perseus" has fallen?

And while Luosi was still immersed in endless obsession, Yuto hunted and killed all the members of "Perseus" who were scattered and fled at an extremely fast speed.

The process only took less than five minutes, which is quite different from what the deputy leader of "Perseus" had imagined before.

It is not surprising that such a situation occurs. Although "Perseus" is a middle-level community in the past, and the quality of its members is high enough, it is still far behind Yuto.

And in such an environment, they would even lose their direction, let alone fight.

For Yuto, the members of "Perseus" are really like lambs to be slaughtered, there is not much difference.

And when Yuto kicked the other members of "Perseus" out of the game space, he suddenly found that he couldn't find the trace of Luosi and the deputy leader of "Perseus".

"Interesting, it seems that he used the gift that can hide his figure.

But it's too simple to think about it, as I said before, even if I can't see, I still have multiple senses such as smell and hearing.

Do these take me for Medusa?Or do you think of yourself as the Greek hero Perseus? "


A clear sound of gold and stone colliding sounded in the darkness, followed by a few sparks splashing out, Youdou's divine blessing slanted against his back, firmly catching the sneak attack from behind.

However, what makes people feel weird is that there is someone attacking Youdou behind him, but at this moment, there is no trace of the other party's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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