From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 541 5 digits are all vulnerable groups?

Chapter 541 Five-digit numbers are vulnerable groups?
In the community of "Ghost travel", the ranks of positions are actually quite strange. Maids should belong to the low-level group who serve others, but in this community, they have become the highest-ranking group of people.

At least La Ting and Weser, when they called the three members of the maid group, no matter who they met, they had to add "My lord".

And even though they all have "godheads", if they really wanted to fight, they wouldn't be able to beat anyone.

"Master Yuto, about the "Harvest Festival" in the southern district, shall we go or not?

The "Harvest Festival" in the North District can be regarded as a rare large-scale festival in the South District, and there should be a lot of gift games.

Our community has just gained a firm foothold in the North District. Although there is no major problem in terms of strength, it is far from being self-sufficient in other aspects. "

Compared with the previous "Fire Dragon Birth Festival" in the northern district, the "Harvest Festival" in the southern district is not a little bit larger, because this is a large-scale festival that sweeps the entire southern district, and almost all communities in the southern district will choose to participate.

Moreover, "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" belongs to the alliance community, and in terms of strength and prestige, it is far from being comparable to "Salamandra".

"You said 'No Name' and 'Will o'wisp' were also invited, so have they decided to go?"

Taking a sip of the black tea in his hand, Yuto looked at Leticia in front of him. He knew that Leticia had been in touch with "No Name".

"Will o'wisp" Yuto doesn't really care, but "No Name" is the protagonist group. If they decide to go to the southern district, then according to the protagonist's law, the southern district will definitely become the center of the storm this time.

But even if Leticia hadn't given the answer yet, based on Yuto's knowledge of those problematic children, they probably wouldn't choose to stay obediently in the East District with such a lively event as the festival.

"Black Usagi and the others set off with Izayoi, including Ren and Lily, the day before.

It is said that this time "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" generously provided them with the fee for using the portal, so the black rabbit agreed very readily. "

The next day, You Dou and his party, who were all ready to go, finally decided to go to the Southern District to participate in the Harvest Festival after some internal voting.

And when deciding who to go to the southern district, Yuto and the others also conducted a fairly fair lottery decision.

After all, they are also the ones who build the community now. The whole community chooses to participate in the festival, which is obviously not acceptable. Two people must be left to look after the house in the community.

As for Weser, looking at the red ticket in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. He heard that Shiliuye also went to the Southern District this time, so he would have a chance to compete with the other party in the gift game in the Southern District. .

And before Weser was happy, he found that a black wind suddenly blocked his sight, and in the next second, the red ticket in his hand became a white ticket to stay behind...

Weser knew exactly who that power belonged to just now. However, just as he was about to say something, he immediately met the dangerous sight of a certain spotted loli, which also caused Weser to immediately misfire. , with the white sign in his hand fluttering in the wind.

There is no way, although Pester is no longer his immediate boss, but in the final analysis, because of his own kindness, Weser has always regarded Pester as a respected person in his heart.

Now the eldest wants to play, and if he is the younger brother, he can only stay as a coolie.

Because of what happened to Weser, La Ting, who was very eye-catching, immediately ran to Yudou to show him after seeing that she had won the red lottery.

After all, both she and Weser belonged to the "vulnerable group" here, and if she got a red ticket, it meant that there was another boss who got a white ticket.

In order to avoid being changed, it is best to show the red sign early. After all, even Lady Leticia and the others cannot violate the rules on the bright side.

And the next few people also showed the lottery they had drawn. Yuto was the red lottery, Leticia was the red lottery, and La Ting was also the red lottery, so the last white lottery is...


The white paper was instantly petrified, and then instantly shattered into powder with a crackling sound.

At this moment, a certain purple-haired loli also raised an extremely aggrieved face and looked at Yuto, saying that she just saw the lottery paper, and the lottery paper instantly petrified.

Because it was broken, it doesn't count. Alger said that another round of lottery needs to be done.

Weser was dumbfounded, he really didn't expect such a wave of operations to be possible.

"Master Alger, in fact, even if you destroy the signing paper, it doesn't make sense.

If everyone else is red, then yours can only be white..."

Before Weser could finish his words, a certain purple-haired loli had already appeared in front of him, and the next second, Weser, who was struggling so hard, shot backwards at a speed that surpassed the third universe.

"I don't care, I don't care, you all ran out to play, I don't want to stay in the community alone.

If you don't take me with you, I will cause trouble in the North District and petrify all other communities. "

Don't doubt Alger's words, if it is someone else, it may be just a joke, but Alger's words, she may really choose to do this.

Don't forget, she was one of the problem children in Little Garden before, although the current three views, because of Yuto and Leticia, are much more normal than before.

But in essence, she is still a willful and unreasonable childish character. If she is left to look after the house in the North District, and there is no Yuto and Leticia who are watching her, something big will happen.

In the end, after some friendly negotiations, Yuto and his group finally set off, and those who were determined to stay in the community changed from the previous two people to one person.

As for who this unlucky guy is, there is no need to say more. As the most humble "disadvantaged group" in the community, Weser has always silently shouldered everything.

In terms of strength, he and La Ting belong to the weakest group in the community, and in terms of gender, as the only male compatriots in the community, he and Lord Yudou also belong to the weakest group.

So combining the above two situations, his Weiser is weaker and weaker, and he has no right to speak at all. He probably just doesn't engage in the lottery ceremony, and the person who finally decides to be left behind should be himself...

Because the distance between the North District and the South District can be said to be the farthest, it is obviously unrealistic to continue to come from the East District to the North District in the past, so Yuto and the others plan to use the world-transmitting gate this time.

And in front of the World Transmitting Gate, You Dou and the others also saw that there were many well-known communities in the North District, apparently they were also invited to go to the South District.

Even in these communities, Yuuto also met "Will o'wisp", an acquaintance he had met in the Pest gift game before.

(End of this chapter)

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