From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 542 Commission from "Will o'wisp"

Chapter 542 Commission from "Will o'wisp"
The reason why Yuto noticed "Will o'wisp" is also very simple, because this time "Will o'wisp" is going to the southern area to participate in the harvest festival. There is an extra face.

The other party has long silver-blue hair tied into twin ponytails. From the perspective of age and height, it is obviously only comparable to Aysha who is beside Jack.

But there is a kind of glamorous and cute but defenseless magic, with an immoral and sexy appearance that can deeply attract men and a proud bust that is extremely disproportionate to her appearance.

Let's put it this way, this person has Leticia's three-none expression and exquisite appearance, Alger's troublesome personality, and La Ting's hot body!
The point is that besides the girl's striking appearance, Yuto also felt an aura far surpassing that of Pumpkin Jack and Ayesha from her.

It stands to reason that Ayesha and Pumpkin Jack, as "Will o'wisp" who often participate in various gift games, should already be the strongest duo in the community.

According to Leticia's investigation, "Will o'wisp" is similar to "No Name", the members are all the souls of children, and it should be impossible to be stronger than Jack and the others.

That is to say, since the opponent is stronger than the Pumpkin Jack duo and is a member of "Will o'wisp", then the opponent can only be...

And just when You Dou had a rough guess about the identity of the girl in front of him, and was about to say hello, he suddenly saw a cross blunt weapon flying towards him...

Of course, in the face of such a simple attack, Yuu Dou, whose saber skills are already at full capacity, and whose five senses are far superior to ordinary people, naturally cannot be hit.

However, when Yuto avoided the oncoming cross blunt weapon with a very small movement, he found that the girl in front of him took out two cross blunt weapons again like no one else was there.

And looking at his face, expression, and posture, it seems that he doesn't know what he is doing now, and it is no different from provocation.

Even if you are cute and have a hot body, you can't do whatever you want!
Fortunately, just when the girl was about to continue throwing the two blunt crosses in her hand, Aisha and Jack at the side finally reacted, and hugged the girl's two hands respectively, and kept apologizing to Yuto.

"Hohohohohoho, everyone from "Ghost Travel", this is the first time we've met since the "Fire Dragon's Birth Festival".

We are deeply sorry for the rude behavior of our "Will o'wisp" just now, probably because we told the leader a lot about Mr. Yuto at the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, that's why she cares so much about Mr. Yuto Bar. "

Regarding the attack on the North District by the Demon King Alliance a while ago, although many people only knew that Pest had attacked the new ruler of the stratum, they knew nothing about His Highness and the others.

For fear of causing turmoil, both Sandora and Shiraiyasha decided to block the information.

But for "Will o'wisp", one of the most powerful communities in the North, they naturally know more.

At the same time, it is quite clear that it is Youdou in front of him who is trying to turn the tide.

But what makes Yuto feel puzzling is that it is not a strange thing to be interested in him, but what the hell is throwing a cross hammer at him as soon as they meet?

"I'm sorry, this has been a headache for us all the time. Miss Vera is good everywhere, but she just has a rather nasty habit, which has always caused a lot of trouble for others.

For those who are interested and meet for the first time, sister Willa will hide or throw a blunt cross at the other party suddenly, and then observe the other party's reaction.

And when she made such a move, it was completely due to Miss Vera's instinctive reaction, and she wouldn't even realize what she had done afterwards..."

Hearing the explanation given by Aisha, Yuto was speechless. Having traveled through many worlds and met many people, it was really the first time for him to experience this peculiar habit.

But this also explains why Yuuto didn't feel a trace of hostility when the other party threw a blunt cross at him before. The feeling is just a subconscious behavior of the other party observing your reaction.

And through Ayesha and Jack's confirmation, Yuto finally became convinced that the girl in front of her was the great demon who claimed to be able to cross the boundary between life and death, and was dubbed the strongest "Cangyan Demon" in the Northern Region, Vera... Zar Ignifertes.

"It's the first time I've met you. I'm Yuto Tenshangin. I'm the leader of the community "Ghost Travel" that has just settled in the North District. At present, I can be regarded as a demon king. I'm also a friend of Aisha and Jack."

Yuto pointedly stretched out his right hand to the girl in front of him, and the girl stared at Yuto with a blank expression, then took out a cross blunt weapon again...

Apparently the girl is very obsessed with hitting someone with a cross blunt weapon, and what makes Yuto speechless is that the other party is clearly wearing only a crisp dress, how on earth does he carry so many "weapons" with him?

"Miss Vera, if you hit someone with a cross hammer again, we will completely offend "Ghost Travel".

We still have things to ask each other, if you make each other angry, then Yuto-san will really not help Vera-san. "

Seeing the cross blunt weapon that the girl secretly raised, Yuto originally wanted to pretend not to know and let the other party hit it.

After learning that the other party was due to a strange hobby, rather than having a grudge against him, Yuuto originally wanted to cooperate with the show because he didn't want to be remembered all the time.

After all, with his current physique, even if he was hit hard with a cross blunt weapon, it would be nothing, so he should do Aisha and Jack a face.

But who knew that Aisha's words made the cross blunt weapon that Vera was about to attack come to an abrupt stop.

Obviously, what Aisha said has surpassed Vera's strange habit to a certain extent, so she had to stop this almost instinctive action.

"Please ask me if you have something to do? If you are borrowing money to pass through the crossing gate, don't talk about it. Our community has only been established not long ago, and now it is also clinking poor.

And as you can see, we have so many people going to the South District this time, and one person is two double goddess gold coins.

Your "Will o'wisp" is an established community in the North District anyway, so you shouldn't borrow money from us..."

When hearing Aisha's words, Yuto subconsciously thought that the other party wanted to borrow money to pass through the boundary gate. After all, "Will o'wisp" is a powerful community in the North District.

But like "No Name", it doesn't seem to be a strange thing that the underage children in the community can't afford the money to use the world-transmitting gate.

Moreover, the North District and the South District are the farthest from the lower floor of Hako Garden, and the cost of using the Boundary Gate is as expensive as the gold coins of two goddesses, which is simply not something that ordinary communities can afford.

"Hohohohohoho, Yuto-san really likes to joke, although we "Will o'wisp" have a lot of children, but it's not so embarrassing.

What we want to ask you to do is actually something else..."

(End of this chapter)

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