Chapter 544 Arriving at the Southern District's Ghost Travel (Ghost travel)

In the end, "Will o'wisp" and Yuto and their community went to the southern area through the gate.

As for the commission of "Will o'wisp", Yuto also took over in the end. According to Leticia, they were going to fight against the "Devil King Alliance", and Maxwell was a member of the Demon King Alliance.

Since they are enemies, why not do it while protecting Vera and making extra money?

Moreover, their community, with the little background they earned in the "Fire Dragon Birth Festival", is now completely in a deficit after buying land and building a community.

The bag of gold coins from "Will o'wisp" is completely irresistible to them.

Compared with the northern and eastern districts, the architectural style and customs of the southern district are very different.

There are many kinds of demi-humans walking on the street, and there are many shops around. It can be seen that in terms of commerce, the southern district is much more developed than the northern and eastern districts.

Even fantasy creatures such as griffins, which are extremely rare in the eastern and northern districts, can be seen passing through the sky from time to time in the sky of the southern district.

From the point of view of the overall environment, the Southern District is more in line with the fantasy worlds that the travelers talk about. The fantasy background, demi-human beast mothers, and various landmark buildings like the Colosseum deeply fascinated the adventurer. Feeling longing.

Walking on the streets of the Southern District, You Dou and his group undoubtedly received the most attention.

No one else, because they are too conspicuous in the eyes of others.

A male leader walked in front, followed by a group of women, and these women, whether they were Lolita or Yu Jie, were all beauties.

You Dou, who was walking in the front, probably could have found a few more handsome than him in the whole street in terms of appearance.

The largest community in the southern region is "Dragon Horn Griffon Lion", which is a union community similar to Thousand Eyes, and most of its main members are also various demihumans.

The structure is roughly divided into "one corner", "two wings", "four legs" and "six wounds". It is said that the names of these communities are all named after the characteristics of the dragon-horned vulture and lion.

And now the current chairman of the alliance of "Dragon Horned Griffin Lion" is the leader of the corner, and is planning to succeed Sarah Teldorek as the ruler of the southern district.

If you hear this surname, probably many people will think of it.That's right, Sarah Teldorek is actually the sister of Sandra and Mandela in the North District.

Even the one who was supposed to be the stratum ruler of the North Zone should be Sarah, but due to various reasons, Sarah came to the South Zone, and seemed to be entrusted by the previous stratum ruler, and could only become a new "corner". leader.

"Harvest Festival" is an annual large-scale celebration in the Southern District. The powerful community in the Southern District will hold various gift games every year at this time.

Although the prizes were only various agricultural products harvested by the community, they managed to stir up the atmosphere.

Most of the communities in other regions will also participate in some small gift games to warm up before participating in the large celebration prepared by "Dragon Horn Griffon Lion".

It's like the current Yudou and the others, after wandering around the streets, have seen all kinds of wonderful gift games.

Among them, there is even a big appetite gift game that compares food intake, and the point is that Yuto and the others also saw their acquaintance Kasukabe Yō and Aisha from "Will o'wisp" in it.

The two of them were obviously very conspicuous among the other gift game participants, and they belonged to the kind that it was difficult not to notice.

This is not to say that the two are cute and eye-catching, but that in this gift game of the big eater, except for the two of them who look like normal humans, the other players are almost all kinds of griffins and dragons. giant.

As for the petite Kasukabe Yao and Aisha, in front of these huge phantom beasts, they are almost no bigger than their fingernails.

Now it's not a competition of combat power, but a competition of food intake and appetite. How could human beings compare to griffins and dragons and horses.

Because of their huge size, these phantom beasts eat a basic meal equivalent to that of a dozen adults, and even this gift game itself is prepared for them.

However, when the gift game started, a scene that surprised everyone happened.

The girl named Kasukabe Yao, seeing all kinds of food on the table, her eyes lit up, and then she started to move her hands in an orderly manner.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Yao, as a human girl, basically went up to run with her.

But tens of minutes passed, and some of the huge phantom beasts left the stage because they were full of food, but Yao was still eating at almost the same speed as at the beginning.

The girl's eating was obviously very elegant, and she didn't show any signs of gobbling, but the food in front of her was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What's even more outrageous is that the girl has eaten twice as much food as herself, but her stomach is still flat.

However, in order to compete with Yao, Aisha who participated in this gift game was eliminated in the first round, and her belly was as bulging as if she was pregnant in October.

Even when the last griffin, the previous champion, couldn't eat anymore, when the host announced that the girl had won the final victory, did the girl actually say that she could eat the food on the table before leaving?After all, the act of wasting food is shameful...

The normal food intake of ordinary phantom beasts is more than ten times that of humans, but the girl in front of her, in this gift game, ate a full amount of food equivalent to the food intake of a dozen phantom beasts...

In addition to this kind of wonderful big stomach king gift game, there are also many other gift games on the street.

Of course, because this is the southern area, the main residents are all kinds of demihumans and phantom beasts, so the gift game is like the big appetite gift game, which is more beneficial to demihumans and phantom beasts.

However, the strength of Yuto and his group is too high. Even if they are against demihumans and phantom beasts, as long as they participate in the gift game, they will almost never fail.

It's like a gift game that drives animals to fight. Because of the participation of Latine and Alger, almost all other participants were swept away.

It’s also like a gift game for flying speed, which means that anyone with “wings” can participate in the game. As a result, Leticia’s blood wings almost make the fastest-flying griffin unable to see her taillights.

It was like the gift tug-of-war game in front of him, Yuto was also one of the participants in the game, and interestingly, he met an acquaintance again.

When the boy on the opposite side saw Yuto, his originally disinterested expression instantly became excited.

"I didn't expect to meet Brother You Dou here. If it's a fight, I'm not an opponent for the time being, but if it's just a competition of strength..."

 Don't just collect it, but also follow up to the latest chapter, woo woo woo (╯﹏╰)
(End of this chapter)

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