From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 545 Six Nights of Soaring Strength

Chapter 545 Izayoi's Soaring Strength
Just like the big stomach king gift game before, this gift game similar to tug-of-war rarely involved humans.

Like the traditional tug-of-war game, the two parties participating in the game stand in two directions and hold the rope with one hair.

Corresponding marks are tied on the rope as scoring points. The closer the mark is to the opponent, the more points you will get. Unlike ordinary tug-of-war, even if you are pulled over by the opponent once, you will not declare defeat immediately.

Instead, at the specified time, the scores obtained by both sides are counted, and the one with the most points wins.

And during the tug-of-war, game participants can use any gift to interfere or attack the opponent, but once a certain part of the body leaves the rope, it is considered a game failure.

And considering that the participants in the gift game are not all kinds of demihumans with infinite strength, or huge phantom beasts, so the game does not use ordinary stretchers, but iron chains that are as thick as a child's arm.

If it is an ordinary person, not to mention using such an iron chain for tug-of-war, even holding it is quite strenuous, but this is the southern district with strong folk customs, so naturally there is no problem.

If someone really couldn't even lift the iron chain, then naturally he would have no face to stay and continue to participate in the gift game.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or the host saw that Yuto and Izayoyo were both weak humans, and couldn't bear to arrange a strong opponent for them, so in the first round, they actually met each other.

As one of the very few ordinary humans in the game, the two of them naturally attracted the attention of many melon-eating people present. It was not that there were no cheerleaders, but many of them were mocking.

"Are those two human heads broken, or are they really looking for death? They actually went up to compete with phantom beasts and demihumans. How could such weak human spirits win?"

"Well, compared to previous years with the same winners, this year is somewhat more fun, isn't it?
I just don't know if these two guys can't even lift the iron chain on the ground. It's made of pure iron, and it weighs hundreds of catties at least. "

Rather than watching the exciting gift game, most people want to have fun, because they think that Yuuto and Izayoi, two extremely thin teenagers, will make a fool of themselves soon.

However, soon, the crowd who were going to watch the show could no longer laugh, because the scene that happened before their eyes was too amazing!

I saw that the iron chain, which was as thick as a child's arm, was easily picked up by two extremely thin teenagers, and when the two of them exerted their strength, the iron chain, which weighed hundreds of catties, was actually in the air. Pulled straight!

You must know that even those demihumans or phantom beasts who are good at strength, when using this chain to tug of war, the chain will form a certain arc in the air.

But the two in front of them should have been the objects of ridicule by everyone, but at this moment they pulled the huge iron chain into a straight state.Doesn't this mean that the strength of the two on the iron chain at this moment is far stronger than that of other game participants?
And what's even more incredible is that tug-of-war is originally a game of accumulating power, and speaking in the middle of it may lead to a split in the air and defeat.

However, the two people in front of everyone not only straightened the iron chain at this moment, but even chatted with ease...

"At first I just wanted to compete with the so-called phantom beasts, but I didn't expect to meet the guy I most wanted to meet at the beginning.

Brother You Dou, how much strength is used now?If you still decide to keep it, then I will take the points first. "

Unlike ordinary tug-of-war, it is supposed to preserve strength first, and then go all out at the end, but this gift game is decided by accumulating points.

In the beginning, Yuuto planned to save his strength to kill Izayoi. After all, even if the two sides were equal in strength, but in terms of durability alone, Izayoi would definitely not be Yuuto's opponent.

Just as Izayoi's voice just fell, the iron chain that had been pulled straight in the air made a tooth-piercing sound, and finally changed its unchanging trajectory, and began to go in the direction of Izayoi.

And Yuto's feet, accompanied by Izayoi's dragging, inevitably also plowed two deep ravines on the ground.

Seeing that the mark marking "one point" was about to be obtained by crossing the white line in front of Izayoi, Yuto held the iron chain with both hands, and his arms began to exert strength.

And with the strength of his arms, You Dou began to chant something in his mouth.

"O King of Kings! The mask of flesh and blood, Vientiane, Feather Bowl, who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, the wall of guiltless dreams, stand only on it!
Thirty-three of Breaking the Way: Canghuo Pendant! "

Because it is a tug-of-war game rather than actual combat, Yuto is not afraid of wasting time at all, and uses the ghost way to perform a full chant.

And with his current monster power, the power of the No. [-] Breakthrough completely chanted can be imagined.

As the surrounding temperature began to rise, when everyone looked up at the sky, they suddenly found that when Youdou had finished chanting the mantra, a blue fire ball with a diameter of several meters suddenly appeared in the air, and it moved at an extremely fast speed. speed, falling from the sky at extreme speed.

As for the high-temperature blue blue flames, the target of the attack is naturally Izayoi, Yuto's opponent.

"It's Cangyan, that's right, it's clearly a flame that hovers between life and death, why can Yudou also use it?"

As for the "Blue Fire Drop" that plummeted from the sky, others only felt that this gift was powerful, but Vera was quite surprised.

Known as the "Cangyan Demon", the gift of fire she uses also comes from this kind of flame on the border between life and death, but what puzzles her is why Yuuto can also use it, is it true that Yuuto is actually Your own kind?
"Canghuo Pendant" belongs to the ghost way, and the ghost way is the fighting technique of the god of death. It seems that there is no problem at all to say that the god of death is an existence that hovers on the border between life and death.

Of course, Yuuto now has no time to notice Vera's surprise, but is fully alert to Izayoi's counterattack.

It is not the first time for Yuto to fight against Izayoi, but what surprised him is that no matter it is Izayoi or Asuka, after each meeting, he can feel the obvious growth in each other .

The three problem children in "No Name" are completely different from what he saw when he first came to Hakoniwa.

Maybe it's because they were in the ordinary world and their abilities couldn't be developed, or maybe the aura of the protagonist on the other side is too awesome.

But Yuto could clearly feel that Izayoi in front of him had become stronger again since the last time he fought His Highness and the others.

Even the current Izayoi may have surpassed the five-figure figure and become a four-figure guy!
(End of this chapter)

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