From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 547 What kind of animals are these two guys!

Chapter 547 What kind of animals are these two guys! (seeking subscription)
The originally busy street, due to the subsidence of the ground and the commotion caused by it, has already caused Yuto and Izayoi to be surrounded by no one.

Even if there are still people watching the battle, they are standing on the high-rise buildings in the distance at this moment, or some phantom beasts and sub-talents with the ability to fly stay in the sky above.

Although the ground has collapsed, both Yuto and Izayoi still firmly remember the position where the line was drawn on the ground.

While everyone else was running for their lives because the ground collapsed and collapsed, Yuto and Izayo thought they had seized the opportunity, and began to hold the iron chain in their hands and exert their strength violently.

"Brother Youdou, you probably won't escape, right?"

Izayoi tightened the iron chain in his hand, but his expression at this moment was full of fighting spirit.

Since his last defeat at the hands of His Highness, Izayoi had indeed been lost for a while, but he soon got out of the predicament and found that he has become stronger now!
If he was fighting Yuuto with a long sword in his hand, Izayoi thought that the current self still had no chance of winning, but if it was just a competition of strength, it was impossible for Izayoi to lose again!
Izayoi's determination and strong strength are directly transmitted to Yuto's side through the iron chain. Although the speed of the iron chain's movement is not obvious, it is indeed slowly moving towards Izayoi at a speed visible to the naked eye. near.

And when Yuuto realized that even the "Strange Powers and Chaos Gods" that he had activated with all his strength could not gain an advantage from Izayoi, he was surprised, and just about to show stronger strength, he found that the iron chains in the hands of the two of them came out. The voice is getting louder.

In the end, the iron chain, which was as thick as a child's arm, was violently torn apart by Yuuto and Izayoi when the sound of toothache sounded!

Even because of the sudden break of the iron chain, the two people who had no point of exertion, lost the corresponding pulling force, and directly slammed into the building behind them.

As for the other people around who watched the battle and participated in the game, they were dumbfounded at this moment, because they were also guessing who would win among the two monsters.

However, what they never expected was that such a thick iron chain would be broken by someone!

You must know that this iron chain is made of cold iron. In terms of hardness, it is only a little worse than precious mineral materials such as "Shenzhen Iron".

And such a thick chain, even if nearly ten adult griffins pull each other, it may not be able to deform the chain, but now it was violently torn apart by two humanoid creatures!
Doesn't this mean that the strength of these two people is comparable to a dozen full-grown griffins?
There are human beings here, they are simply ancient beasts!

In a conference hall located in the central area of ​​the South District, the community leaders of the alliance "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" are all present here at this moment.

On the conference table, Sarah, who is the new chairman of the alliance, also sits at the top, and on both sides are the leaders and staff of other communities such as "Two Wings", "Four Legs" and "Six Injuries".

As for the reason why they appear here is also very simple, that is, there are some things about this "Harvest Festival" and the Demon King.

"Chairman Sarah, you don't want to cancel this year's "Harvest Festival" just like those false rumors before.

Moreover, our invitation letters have been sent to many well-known communities in other regions. If we cancel it rashly, it will have a great impact on the reputation of our "Dragon Horned Lion". "

Griffith, the leader of the "Two Wings", looked at the dashing Sarah in front of him, and made a strong protest against the proposal just made by the new speaker.

Because of what was discovered in the North District, Bai Yasha also secretly reminded the stratum rulers in the South and West Districts.

Especially when His Highness and the others retreated for the last time, giants suddenly appeared to stop them. Bai Yasha also specifically asked Sarah to pay more attention to the movements of those giants on the southern border.

Afterwards, Sarah did accept White Yasha's suggestion and rode a griffin to the end of the world in the southern area.

However, soon, she also discovered that the giants who originally lived in that extremely cold place had all disappeared without a trace.

Generally speaking, these giants rarely leave their habitats, and even if they do, it is impossible for them all to disappear together.

Combined with the recent events in the North District and the East District, Sarah always felt a little uneasy, that's why this meeting was held, and she proposed to suspend the celebration and enter a state of alert.

If the so-called "Devil Lord Alliance" will strike in the southern area, then this celebration is the best time.

Because of the large influx of other communities into the southern area, the manpower of "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" is simply not enough. It is really easy for the other party to sneak in.

"Then Griffith, do you think the reputation of the "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" is more important, or the safety of the entire southern region is more important?
The other party is a group of guys who make the devil king of the white night helpless, and do you think the stratum rulers in the eastern district will joke about this kind of thing? "

Sarah's words made Griffith a little silent, but soon, he made another rebuttal.

"Whether the so-called "Devil Lord Alliance" will attack the southern district is still completely unknown, and all of this is just Shiroyasha's prediction.

And there are so many communities that choose to gather in the southern area, even if the devil really comes, they can become a powerful force, right?
After all, you, Sarah Teldorek, have always been an outsider, and you don't understand what the name "Dragon Horde Lion" means to our community. "

Griffith's words seem to be quite embarrassing. It means that although Sarah is the leader of "One Corner", she is also the chairman of the alliance of "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion", and may even become the leader of the Southern District. class rulers.

But for the Southern District, for "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion", the opponent is always an outsider.

Griffith is the "Third Fantasy Species" eagle with the bloodlines of Griffon beast and Dragon Horse. He is absolutely proud of his own bloodline, so he also pays more attention to the meaning of "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" than anyone else. .

However, when the atmosphere of the meeting was getting more and more oppressive, and it seemed that there was going to be a quarrel, a young man in armor with the "Two Wings" logo on it hurried into the meeting room.

"Chairman Sarah, and all the leaders, something is wrong. A team of Griffon Knights who were monitoring the border in the southern region just now suddenly lost contact.

And the last message they sent was the giant..., the devil king, and the sound of the piano, such strange information. "

The words of the members of the "Two Wings" who rushed in were obviously like a big basin of cold water, which chilled the hearts of everyone who was at war in the meeting room before.

Among them, Griffith, the leader of the "Two Wings", slumped down on a chair in a daze, and muttered, "The devil really came..."

(End of this chapter)

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