From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 548 The Southern Area Will Be Chaos, Employment Community

Chapter 548 The Southern Area Will Be Chaotic, The Employment Community (for Subscription)

The two wings are the air force in "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion", and the main mounts are Griffin and Dragon Horse.

But even in Little Garden, fantasy species such as griffins and dragon horses are quite rare.

Although the behemoths that appeared on the streets in the southern district looked similar to griffins, they were actually just hybrids between griffins and other creatures, and their blood was not pure at all.

But the griffins and dragon horses in "Two Wings", although their bloodlines are not pure blood, their bloodlines are quite pure.

To make such a Griffon team not even send back the complete news, it is obvious that the enemy they encountered is absolutely extraordinary!

"Immediately contact all combatants of the "Dragon Horned Griffin Lion" and put them on a first-level alert.

Then, all the leaders here, can you accompany me, Sarah Teldorek, to investigate the place where the Griffon team disappeared? "

If a team of Griffins can disappear without a sound, the other party must not be an idler. It is naturally impossible for Sarah to bring too many people to such a dangerous place.

Moreover, this investigation may even have direct contact with the Demon King. There are too many people who go there, not only will it not be a help, but it will become a burden.

"Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" is the strongest alliance community in the southern region. Leaving aside Sarah's own strength, the strength of other communities in the alliance is almost at the five-digit level.

If you want to go with such a lineup, even if you encounter more than a few demon kings head-on, even if you lose some, it shouldn't be too difficult to get out of the body.

However, when Sarah and the other leaders of the "Dragon Griffon Lion" community decided to set off, Cobelia, the staff officer of the "Dragon Griffin Lion" who had been silent before, suddenly stopped everyone.

"Chairman Sarah and the leaders, are you all planning to go to the end of the world to investigate like this?
Now that the main combat forces have left, wouldn't the entire southern region be in a completely defenseless state?
After all, the main battle strength of "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" is here, if everyone leaves, and this is the plan of the Demon King, then..."

Coberia hadn't finished speaking, but the others here were not fools, so they could naturally understand what Coberia was saying.

It is nothing more than that the main combat power of "Dragon Horned Vulture and Lion" has been exhausted. What if the demon king comes to steal the house at this time?
"Then what do you think, Cobelia? The Griffon team that went to investigate before was all wiped out, so it means that the opponent's strength is not bad.

If the combat power to go to investigate is weak, it will undoubtedly be quite dangerous, and if we just sit here and wait without knowing anything about the opponent's intelligence, it will be too bad for us. "

Sarah and the others are also very clear about Coberia's words, but the point now is that their "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion" has only so much power, if they want to take action, they can only choose to take a little risk.

"Although most of the words of the leader of the "Two Wings" Griffith were very unnutritious, there is one point of view that I have to agree with.

Speaker Sarah, don't forget that the powerful community gathered in the southern region is not just us "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion". "

"And when I communicated with Shiroyasha-sama before, the other party told us other things besides reminding us to pay attention to the situation in the southern district.

If it really happened that the devil attacked the southern area, you can turn to "No Name" and "Ghost travel" for help.

These two communities are the main communities that helped the North District repel the devil before, and just now I have investigated, and both of these communities have accepted our invitation this time to participate in the "Harvest Festival" in the South District. . "

As soon as Coppelia finished speaking, Sarah's eyes lit up, because she also felt that Coppelia's idea was feasible.

And compared to Coppelia, she actually knows more about "No Name" and "Ghost travel".

Don't forget, Sarah is the sister of Mandela and Sandra in the North District, although Mandela is very dissatisfied and even disgusted with Sarah's irresponsible behavior of running to the South District.

But the young Sandora has always kept in touch with her sister Sarah, especially when she learned that the Southern District may also become the target of the "Devil King Alliance", she contacted her sister more than once.

"What! That "Ghost travel" is fine, "No Name" is a community without a name and a flag, right?

We are the strongest alliance community in the southern area, "Dragon Griffon Lion", and now we are going to ask for help from this third-rate community that doesn't even have a name. Where does this put the honor of "Dragon Griffin Lion"? "

As I said before, Griffith is the "Third Fantasy Species" Hippogriff that is a hybrid of Griffin and Dragon Horse. For members of such bloodlines, he looks down on other low-blooded races, let alone the name There is no "No Name".

"Now is not the time to be stubborn, whether it is 'No Name' or 'Ghost Travel', they are indeed a powerful community, there is no doubt about it.

And "Dragon Horned Griffin Lion" really needs more combat power now, so I decided to hire "Ghost travel" and "No Name" according to what Coberia said.

Or Griffith, are you confident that you can defeat the demon king who can wipe out a team of griffins by yourself? "

Seeing Sarah's serious expression, Griffith really wanted to answer "Yes", but he couldn't say it.

Although he is very proud, he still has a minimum of character, and he also doesn't bother to brag. If he goes to investigate alone, once he encounters the devil, he really doesn't have much confidence.

"If there is no objection, then the matter of hiring "No Name" and "Ghost Travel" under the name of "Dragon Horned Lion" will be settled.

The point of the question now is, although these two communities have accepted the invitation of "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion", have they arrived in the southern region?

Now that the "Harvest Sacrifice" is just around the corner, the devil is swarming in the dark again. The situation is quite critical, and we don't have long to wait for each other. "

As soon as Sarah finished speaking, there was the sound of a guard knocking on the door, and Coppelia also showed a knowing smile.

"Because I guessed that Sarah would agree to my proposal, I sent people to find people from these two communities.

It's also a coincidence, although they have just arrived in the South District not long ago, they have made a lot of noise.

It is said that because of a gift game, there was a huge commotion, and it even directly caused a street in the southern district to completely collapse. Now that area is still in a state of paralysis.

Just like Shiroyasha-sama and Sandra-sama said, although they are powerful, they are a group of guys who are not worry-free. "

(End of this chapter)

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