From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 556 You Are Strong, But Not Purely Human

Chapter 556 You Are Strong, But You Are Not A Pure Human (Fourth)

After all, the Endless Wine Reed is also an SS-level prop, and it is also an "artifact"-level item in the world of You Dou Master.

And as mentioned in the previous system introduction, the endless wine reed is originally a defensive item, and Yuto has also used it to resist Abe Seimei's full blow, and the defense is really amazing.

However, the SS-level endless wine reeds may already be considered top-level props in the lower realm of Yudou Master's world, but in Hakoniwa, a world full of multiple universes, it is obviously not enough.

Endless Jiulu smashed the Rashomon before, resisted the attack of the strongest onmyoji, nothing happened.

But now, under Azi Dakaha's terrifying bite force, only a moment passed, and cracks appeared on the surface of the wine reed, which obviously couldn't last for a long time.

Seeing this scene, You Dou pulled out the Divine Blessing that was inserted into the opponent's eyeball at an extremely fast speed, and then stretched out his hand to retract it before the endless wine reed was completely shattered.

"O King of Kings! The mask of flesh and blood, Vientiane, Feather Bowl, who bears the name of man! Fever and strife, across the sea to the south, step forward!
Breaking the Way No. [-]: Red Cannon! "

Even when the Endless Wine Reed was taken back by him, Yudou was still chanting the spell quickly, and in the next second a huge red cannon exploded directly in Aziz Dakaha's mouth, making him finally scream roared out.

But at the same moment, Az Dakaha's head on the right also caught a flaw in Yuto's about to retreat, and directly bit him where he was.

A smear of red blood flew up, and the next second, You Dou's figure fell to a corner on one side, but one of his arms disappeared at this moment.

The arm that released the broken red cannon before it had time to retract was torn off by Azi Dakaha!

He stabbed Aziz Dakaha blind in one eye and blew up the opponent's mouth, but these were all at the cost of sacrificing his left arm.

"Whether it is strength, will, or fighting skills, they are all top choices, maybe you can become the first person who is surpassing me.

However, I can feel that you are not a pure human being, and your power is still reserved, but it is the power that does not belong to human beings, which is really a pity. "

The "Red Cannon" fully chanted by Yuto hit the most vulnerable part of the throat at close range, and now Azi Dakaha has nothing to do except a little smoke from his mouth.

And looking at Yuto who lost his arm, Aziz Dakaha's five eyes even revealed a little pity.

The courage and wisdom that Yuto showed in his confrontation with him before, obviously made Aziz Dakaha regard him as the best human being.

However, it is a pity that, as the other party said, Yuto is not a pure human being, and without the essence of a human being, he is absolutely unable to overcome the final test of human beings!

"Aurora Pillar!"

Just as Aziz Dakaha was watching Yuto and speaking with regret, a blue-white beam of light suddenly broke through the ruins, rushed out of the ground, and directly hit Aziz, who obviously hadn't reacted yet. Dakaha.

The mighty power emanating from the thick beam of light seems to be able to pierce through the stars in the sky, and the blowing power makes people unable to resist even a little bit.

Under the impact of this beam of light, Aziz Dakaha's body was also taken several kilometers away. During this period, a large amount of blood fell from his body. The pressure on La and Heitu suddenly doubled.

At the same time, His Highness also used his own simulated star creation map "Avatāra", thinking it meant "incarnation (reincarnation)".

Ten different universes are preserved in it, which is a force that transcends the existing laws of the universe, and is called "the ultimate of omniscience and omnipotence".

When using this simulated star creation map, His Highness can have "wisdom that humans cannot reach, arm strength that humans cannot reach, and starlight that humans cannot reach."

It is also because of the ten cosmology that His Highness can achieve the true power of "Leo" in the Sun Sovereignty, probably because among the ten cosmology he possesses, there is a cosmology that fits the characteristics of "Leo".

Originally, the power of "Simulated Star Creation Map·Void Star Taisui" can also be used by His Highness through his own all-knowing and omnipotent simulated star creation map "Avatāra".

But now this simulated star creation map is in the hands of You Dou. Given the relationship between them, it is definitely impossible for the other party to give it to him, so His Highness can only use the power of "Leo".

However, this is the case, His Highness now through "Avatāra", also obtained "wisdom that humans cannot reach, arm strength that humans cannot reach, starlight that humans cannot reach", and his strength has increased significantly.

Coupled with Izayoi's "Aurora Pillar", the two seem to have been suppressing Aziz Dakaha at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Yuuto seriously injured Azi Dakaha at the beginning, now Izayoi and His Highness have exploded with extremely strong strength, suppressing "absolute evil" to death, Sarah, Kurotu and others People, the morale is also boosted at this moment.

Although with the injury of Aziz Dakaha, more and more god-level avatars were transformed into blood, but Sarah and Heitu understood that Aziz Dakaha was the most difficult one.

As long as they can defeat Aziz Dakaha, no matter how many clones of Aziz Dakaha at the god level, they also have the hope of winning.

Of course, not everyone maintains such an optimistic mood, at least Yuto, Izayoi and His Highness do not think so.

Bystanders saw all three of them individually wounding Aziz Dakaha and leaving a lot of blood.

But only they who have been fighting with Aziz Dakaha know that Aziz Dakaha has never used his strength to fight them from the very beginning.

They seem to have caused damage to it, but such damage is very limited.

But even for such a very limited damage to the opponent, they have already exerted their full strength. On the other hand, the opponent has never used any gifts since the very beginning, and has only been fighting them with the powerful physique of the dragon species.

The other party didn't use even one of the powerful gifts such as "Thousand Magic", "Overlord's Light Wheel", and "Dragon's Shadow".

Even as the battle lasted longer, Izayoi and His Highness had a clearer understanding of Azi Dakaha's strength, believing that the other party was simply invincible.

But the most troublesome thing right now should be You Dou, the left arm that was lost before, because of the ability of "regeneration", it has been fully restored.

But looking at such an unrivaled Azi Dakaha, Yuto really couldn't think of how he could defeat him.

Even if he is not affected by the simulated star creation map "Avesta" and uses the power of "half ghost", compared with the current Azi Dakaha, the level of power is too different.

(End of this chapter)

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