From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 557 Crisis, the strongest gift of the flash heat system!

Chapter 557 Crisis, the strongest gift of the flash heat system! (fifth more)

(The number of words at the end has been updated, because it was recommended on the Internet, and this is probably the last big recommendation of Zhayu. Friends who are capable, please subscribe and give a reward, and help push the list.

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Although the system also reminded before that the promotion mission will be more difficult than the normal world mission, but now Yu Dou feels that this mission is not difficult anymore.

It's the difficulty of death, the kind that can't be completed at all. Azi Dakaha, a three-digit top natural disaster demon king, is far stronger than the night blade god he met before. .

On the other side, Azi Dakaha, who had been suppressed before, seemed to feel that he had tested the limits of His Highness and Izayoi, and did not intend to continue playing.

As the power he used became stronger, the situation began to reverse as Yuuto and the others guessed at the beginning.

Az Dakaha admitted that both Izayoi and His Highness are considered the most outstanding existence among human beings.

But strong power alone is not enough. They have not discovered the essence of "absolute evil" in the final trial of human beings.

Even Izayoi, who has always been a slippery mouth, was speechless in his argument with Aziz Dakaha. He was even annoyed. Not only could he not do anything to Aziz Dakaha, but instead Was crippled by the opponent.

"Sure enough, if we want to defeat "Absolute Evil" like this, there is still too little preparation before, so we should retreat temporarily here.

Through this battle, we at least know how strong "absolute evil" is as the final test of mankind, so it is not useless. "

Seeing that Izayoi's arm was crippled, Yuto's aura was also extremely unstable. Although His Highness's injuries were not many, he was not too sure about Azi Dakaha in front of him, so he suggested temporarily retreat.

Leaving aside the others, for Yuto, Izayoi, and His Highness, it was the first time for the three of them to meet Aziz Dakaha, and it was also the first time they fought against each other.

It is not that simple to overcome the final trial of mankind, so His Highness thinks that this time he should go back and absorb it, and prepare for the next crusade.

However, although the idea is good, Aziz Dakaha is not a dungeon monster, and they are not gamers. They can come and leave whenever they want.

Although Az Dakaha represents the "final trial of mankind", it does not mean that he will always give chances to optimistic human beings. After all, the feeling of being sealed all the time is quite uncomfortable.

"It seems that your limit is limited to this. Although you can reach the peak of human beings, you cannot cross the limit of human beings.

That is, if you can't cross me, then you are not the person I have been waiting for.

Khvarenah (Khvarenah)! "

Although Aziz Dakaha appreciates Izayoi and His Highness quite a lot, it is limited to appreciation. As the final test of human beings, he is not going to release water, and it is impossible to release water.

At this time, the three dragon heads raised their heads high, as if a terrifyingly high temperature had gathered in their mouths, and the surrounding air was even distorted due to the change in temperature.

The light exuding high temperature is constantly converging, forming a light wheel exuding a terrifying aura. Just looking at the momentum of the light wheel, it can be seen that it is stronger than the breath released by Aziz Dakaha before. It's not a star.

Obviously this is one of Aziz Dakaha's strongest gifts, known as the strongest gift of the flash system, said to be able to destroy a third of the world's inheritance, the overlord's light wheel!

Seeing the halo of light shooting towards them, everyone present could only feel that the sight in front of them was completely occupied by golden light at this moment.

And faced with such a terrifying and powerful gift, everyone also found that they seemed to have no other choice but to hang their hands and wait for death.

The gift of being able to destroy one-third of the world is not just talk. In the face of this level of power, even the upper-level gods and Buddhas are probably a joke.

"Aurora Pillar!"

Izayoi's right hand was crippled, so he could only use his left hand to unleash his strongest attack.

Even His Royal Highness on the side, after imitating Izayoi's world view with his own simulated star creation map, also used his omniscient and omnipotent ability to imitate Izayoi to shoot another "Aurora Pillar".

The two soaring up to the sky, like white energy pillars that can penetrate the stars, the moment they collided with the golden light wheel, the whole earth began to shake violently.

At the center of the collision, the space is like glass, and a large area collapses.

Two pillars of white light energy that can penetrate the stars, and a golden light wheel that can destroy a third of the world. The fluctuations generated by the collision of the two are now definitely comparable to the top three-digit level.

However, what made everyone feel unoptimistic was that the two aurora columns, which had an advantage in numbers, did not have the advantage they imagined in the confrontation with the golden light wheel.

The two pillars of white light that soared into the sky had a posture that was enough to penetrate the sky at first, but as time passed, the rotating golden light wheel began to crush the two pillars of white light inch by inch.

And Shizayoi and His Highness, who released the "Aurora Pillar", also because of the terrifying pressure from their arms, their bodies were constantly pushed back, and even their feet plowed two deep marks on the ground.

Since ancient times, the opponents have always lost to the left. Regardless of the issue of combat power, Izayoi and His Highness have problems with their positions now.

Anyone with a discerning eye can now see that, as the speed of the "Overlord's Light Wheel" depresses faster, the two aurora pillars are smashed to pieces in the back.

Sarah and the others wanted to follow Izayoi's instructions and run a long enough distance during the time they were procrastinating, but they were surrounded by a large number of Aziz Dakaha's clones.

Obviously, in the previous battle between Azi Dakaha and Yuto and others, he didn't show his real strength at the beginning. Apart from wanting to see the limit of Yuto and the others, he had already thought of the current situation.

The large amount of blood that flowed out before has now formed a large number of god-level clones, which are just used to prevent others from leaving.

And the purpose of his "Tyrant's Light Wheel" was to wipe out everyone in one go!
As the two pillars of aurora were continuously smashed, Tyrant's light wheel was like the last straw that crushed the camel's back. It radiated terrifying heat enough to distort the space, and directly attacked everyone.

And the first ones to bear the brunt are naturally His Royal Highness and Izayoi at the front.

Looking at the Tyrannical Light Wheel that was attacking head-on, Izayoi weakly put down his still movable left arm. How long has it been since he felt this kind of powerless despair?
"What the hell, if I die in this world, as long as my spirit hasn't disappeared, I should still be a ghost or a gift, right?"

Looking at the golden light that completely filled his vision, Izayoi had already given up, and even the revolving door of life appeared in his mind.

However, at the last moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and His Highness, speaking inexplicably, and a large black swamp also emerged from the ground, forming a barrier in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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