From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 558 Yudou becomes the final trial of human beings!

Chapter 558 Yudou becomes the final trial of human beings!
Regarding the power of "the evil of this world", Yuto really can't use it if he can.

Although because of what happened last time, he has a little control over the "evil in this world", but once he uses the power of "evil in this world" on a large scale, he will still easily fall into a state of blackening and rampage.

This is Hakoniwa, not Yuto's main world. Once he goes berserk, no close relatives can wake him up.

But in the face of Azi Dakaha, Yuto really has no other better way than to use this power now.

Youto has calculated, even if he uses "half-ghost transformation", "sword spirit liberation", "drinking like life" and a little "evil in this world" power, his strength will definitely not reach the three-digit standard.

What's more, Aziz Dakaha is not an ordinary three-digit number. With the current strength, it is impossible to achieve a tie with the opponent or even defeat him.

Of course, there is such a possibility, that is, to stop suppressing the power of "evil in this world" and choose to be completely liberated.

Although it is very possible to get completely lost and go berserk because of this, if the mission cannot be completed, he will not be able to leave this world, and he will also die in the hands of Aziz Dakaha.

In contrast, if you fight hard, there is still a little possibility. After all, in the Hakoniwa world, under the influence of rules, no matter what power it is, it will form something like a "gift".

And as long as it is a "gift", it can be given or traded. Even if you are completely blackened, as long as someone can defeat you, the gift of "the evil of this world" can also be deprived, and you can restore your sanity.

When Tyrant's light wheel is about to envelope everyone present, and the terrifying light and heat are about to completely evaporate everyone present.

The earth suddenly shattered, and a black ocean like a swamp suddenly rose from the ground, and formed a black tsunami, rushing towards the radiant "Overlord's Light Wheel".

The moment the black mud rises, everyone can clearly feel that the black mud is full of ominous and negative energy.

However, sometimes, darkness and evil do not necessarily mean destruction and destruction, and what light and stalwart represent does not necessarily mean justice and protection.

Just like what is happening in front of everyone now, Aziz Dakaha's "Overlord's Light Wheel" is extremely dazzling and majestic no matter how you look at it, but its purpose is to destroy everything.

And the black mud wave that suddenly rose in front of them, although it looked extremely evil and ominous, protected all of them at this critical moment.

"Brother You Dou, with such a big move, you should use it earlier, are you worried that such an unknown power will make others treat you as a villain?
You are the devil now, whether you want to admit it or not, in the eyes of most people, you have long been a villain. "

Even the "Overlord's Light Wheel", which claims to be able to destroy one-third of the world and is known as the strongest gift of the flash system, is obviously capable of grasping the devouring of "the evil of this world".

In addition, due to the impact of the previous two aurora pillars, the power of the "Overlord's Light Wheel" has been weakened a lot, so because of the engulfment of "the evil of this world", and how long it lasts, it emits a terrifying light. With the hot light wheel, it is immersed in the boundless darkness.

And when he saw Yuto appearing in front of him, the black mud that had swallowed up the "Overlord's Light Wheel", Izayoi was stunned for a moment, and instantly ignited his fighting spirit again.

Because of the "evil in this world" that Yuto is currently using, Izayoi sees some hope of winning.

According to the information they know, without using the "Simulated Star Creation Map—Avesta", the "Champion's Light Wheel" can be said to be Aziz Dakaha's strongest gift.

Faced with such a powerful gift before, they were really helpless.

But now the ability used by Yuuto can block the "Overlord's Light Wheel", so it can completely let it take charge of defense.

And he and His Highness used the "Aurora Pillar" to attack. If they fought in this way, they might have a chance of winning in the final trial of a human being, Azi Dakaha.

It is also because of this that Izayoi now has the leisure to joke when he looks at Yuto who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yeah, I was just worried about being regarded as a villain before, but now I really become a villain.

And now, my identity is not just a demon king, but a new "human final trial".

Now, immediately, while I can still use my authority to suppress my instincts, take everyone out of this area immediately! "

Hearing Yuto's words, Izayoi originally thought that Yuto was joking with him, but when he saw Yuto turning his head back and seeing Yuto whose pupils had completely turned black, he couldn't laugh anymore up.

"Brother Youdou, what the hell is going on..."

Izayoi originally wanted to ask in detail what happened, but His Highness, who was already omniscient and omniscient by using the "Simulated Star Creation Map—Reincarnation" at the side, seemed to understand something the moment he saw Yuto, and pulled After sixteen nights, he retreated.

While retreating, he did not forget to let other people leave this area, otherwise unforeseen consequences may occur.

As for the reason why a large number of god-level Aziz Dakaha clones who had blocked Sarah and the others from retreating, joined the battlefield with His Royal Highness in Shizayoi, and quickly cleared up a way for everyone to escape.

And when everyone ran far enough, Pester and Alger suddenly found that Yuto didn't leave with them.

"Where is our Lolicon leader, why are you the only ones here, you won't leave him alone in the rear, and then run away by yourself!"

Yuto, Izayoi, and His Highness had always been the main force against Az Dakaha before, but now there are only the two of them here.

Pester's first realization was that Yuto had been sold, so he was quite emotional at the moment.

Although Spotted Lolita is the devil, she cherishes her companions very much. This can be seen from La Ting and Weser before.

What's more, You Dou once promised her that he would help her change the fate of the Black Death outbreak.

"Brother You Dou decided to stay alone, and there seems to be something wrong with his situation..."

For Izayoi's words, Alger and Pest obviously couldn't accept it, and immediately glared and prepared to do it.

And Leticia spread her wings again, looked at the direction in the distance, and planned to go back again without thinking about it.

However, at this moment, His Highness who had been silent on the side finally spoke.

"Heavenly Inner Yuto is no longer just a demon king, but has become a new "human final trial", and it is one of the most difficult trials for human beings to overcome.

It will let us leave, just because it is the final trial of human beings, and it will involuntarily launch trials on all humans in the area! "

(End of this chapter)

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