From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 566 An Unprecedented Double Trialer!

Chapter 566 An Unprecedented Double Trialer!
When Youdou confessed the essence of the second ultimate human trial that he was carrying, Azi Dakaha was obviously stunned.

Because the second final trial of human beings that You Dou bears is also not the kind of difficulty that can be easily overcome.

Only by exploring and recognizing unknown things can human beings make continuous progress.

What Yuto now represents is the awe of human beings for all things they don't understand.

Originally, "The Final Trial of Humanity" was the most difficult existence in Little Garden, but now there are still people who have undertaken two final trials of human beings, so the human beings who want to challenge them must meet the requirements of both trials at the same time in order to be able to overcome it. conquer it?
The person who bears two "final trials of human beings" is unprecedented even in the entire Little Garden. Di Shitian and others even felt a little headache when they saw such Yuto.

"Absolute Evil" hasn't been defeated yet, but now a more troublesome existence has obviously appeared.

Although judging from his previous words and deeds, Yuto doesn't have much malice towards Hakoniwa, but he is "the final test of mankind", and he can't help himself in many cases.

And now, Yuuto, who is carrying the two final trials of human beings, has obviously surpassed "Absolute Evil" in difficulty, and has become the final human trial that is only as difficult as "Wind of Decadence" in Little Garden.

"I really can't understand that it is not easy to bear the final trial of human beings. Even the strongest demon king needs to have the nature to match it if he wants to bear the trial.

How did he do it? One person bears two human essences. You must know that even three-digit existences such as Shiroyasha and Aziz Dakaha can only carry one essence.

If I remember correctly, according to what you said before, that kid was only a four-digit guy before he became the "Final Trial of Humanity", right? "

The Demon King Flood Dragon was a little puzzled. The Demon King of Xiaoting Garden could be the one he wanted, especially in the final trial of human beings. Even their seven great demon kings were not qualified to become the "final trial of human beings".

And according to what Shiroyasha said before, Yuto is just a newcomer who came to Hakoniwa not long ago, but he can become an unprecedented "double final tester"!
"It has nothing to do with strength, that man does carry two natures, because before he came to Little Garden, he was not a pure race.

The ghost spirit in his body was not acquired by coming to Little Garden, but he was born as half-human and half-ghost.

The "ultimate evil" that symbolized the negative emotions of human beings before was carried by him with his "human spirit".

The current symbol of fear of the unknown is carried by him as a "ghost spirit". "

His Highness's eyes glowed with golden light, looking at the tall ghost in the distance, he gave the answer as if he had seen through its essence.

However, everyone who knew the answer all looked confused, saying that they could still play like this?

That's right, the final trial of the "ultimate evil" of human beings comes from the "evil of this world" in Yuto.

The "monster theory" comes from the "fear" that humans have towards monsters. Yuto, as the master of monsters, naturally has the qualifications to bear this essence.

Before, under the crater, when he was about to eat the deluxe version of Aziz Dakaha's "Overlord's Light Wheel", Yuto also inevitably raised his fear, so he awakened again by accident The second human final test on the body.

"Although you have awakened the second final trial of human beings, there shouldn't be much difference for you who are also the final trial of human beings.

And just as you said before, the power representing "ultimate evil" has been consumed too much in the previous battle.

But under the blessing of the power of the two trials, my strength is even stronger than at the beginning, so what are you going to do with "absolute evil"?Is it to escape?Still fight with me? "

Whether it was Azi Dakaha's clichés or provocations before, Yuto took them one by one.

And now it was Yuto's turn to look at Aziz Dakaha in the air, and after saying such a thing, it was naturally impossible for Aziz Dakaha to choose to leave in despair.

Just like Youdou said, they are both "human beings' final trial", and the conditions are equal, no matter how many trials Youdou has endured, they can't kill each other, and at worst, they will just be sealed by the other party.

And even though You Dou is currently carrying the second final human trial, Azi Dakaha also feels that he has no chance of winning.

It's true that the opponent's aura has become stronger, but he was also disabled by himself before. If he had to say it, it would be [-]-[-] or [-]-[-] at most.

And even if he loses, he can't die at all, so Azi Dakaha has no reason to be cowardly in the face of Yuto's provocation.

He will directly confess his trump cards. On the one hand, the essence of the final trial of human beings cannot be concealed. On the other hand, he is also worried that Aziz Dakaha will choose to run away because he can't figure out himself.

If the dragon wings transformed from Az Dakaha's "Legacy of the Dragon" really run with all their strength, Yuuto, whose strength is almost the same as it, is really not sure that he can catch up to the opponent.

And once the other party ran away, his mission would be considered wasted. After all, he had to get at least a tie mission evaluation in the single challenge with Aziz Dakaha before he could complete the mission and leave this world.

Azi Dakaha did not answer Yuto's question, but told Yuto the answer with practical actions.

Azi Dakaha, flapping his dragon wings, flew to a higher sky at high speed, but the opponent didn't intend to run away.

Instead, when soaring to a very high position, the body falls from the sky in a swooping motion. The huge size, coupled with the high speed of the dragon wings transformed from the shadow of the dragon, and the inertia of falling straight from the sky, can only It is said that the current Azi Dakaha just landed in this way, and the destructive power caused is enough to raze an area to the ground.

And the six-armed ghost god transformed by You Dou, with eyes burning with black flames, when staring at the three evil dragons swooping down from high above the sky, his face showed fearlessness.

Everyone has three heads, but I still have six arms, so there is no need to be afraid of each other.

The ghost squatting down slightly, crushed the whole ground in the next second, and formed a huge reaction force by kicking the ground, causing the body to shoot out like a black thunder.

At this moment, the two long knives in his hands seemed to be in a state of "returning to one", and they stabbed directly at Azi Dakaha who was diving down in the air.


In the sky, a huge sound wave swept around, followed by a powerful storm, and the surrounding clouds were blown away in an instant.

In the blue sky, at this moment, due to the impact of two powerful forces, like an ordinary river, a huge moat appeared!

On the ground, Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King, and even the community that came to join the battle with the lower levels of Xiaoting retreated again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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