From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 567 The Final Human Trial to the Upper 3rd Floor of Hakoniwa

Chapter 567 The Final Human Trial to the Upper Three Floors of Hakoniwa

Seeing that the ground surface was thinned by more than one foot again due to the powerful impact, Jiao Demon King and Di Shitian were also speechless for a while.

Originally, they came to the lower floor of Hakoniwa as a crusade against Aziz Dakaha, but no one expected that they would now become soy sauce roles such as nannies.

The surrounding plains have completely lost their vitality due to the battle between Youdou and Azi Dakaha at this moment, and even the terrain is not even a star and a half lower than before.

Moreover, the battle between Yuto and Azi Dakaha was no longer limited to the ground at this moment. It was not difficult to see from the occasional vibrations and lights in the air that the two people in the clouds were fighting extremely fiercely.

Both of them are [-] meters tall, and every time they collide, they will cause huge damage to the surroundings, and even easily change the landscape.

Moreover, the battle between the two is not just staying in place all the time, but a battle that has been flying at high speed.

The situation is roughly that Aziz Dakaha is fighting while retreating, and Yuto is chasing after him. At the beginning, Yuto didn't know what Aziz Dakaha was doing, but when he realized that Aziz Dakaha When he saw Z Dakaha's movement route, he realized it instantly.

This guy intends to pull the battlefield to the upper level of the Little Garden!Use this to increase your chances of winning.

Unlike the lower level of the Little Garden, the third floor above the Little Garden is basically a situation where gods and Buddhas walk around the ground.

Once they hit the upper floor, it is basically a paradise for Aziz Dakaha, and if he uses his "Simulated Star Creation Map-Avesta", Aziz Dakaha can even be said to be the world's top level. Invincible!
You Dou saw Azi Dakaha's intentions, and Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King naturally saw it too.

At this moment, the two also turned into their bodies in a hurry, and quickly chased after them. Azi Dakaha hated the upper three floors of Little Garden the most.

Once Yuto and Az Dakaha are allowed to fight there, the consequences will become unimaginable!

As for the lower Hakoniwa who planned to attack Aziz Dakaha's grand alliance, the current situation is completely beyond their participation.

Moreover, Azi Dakaha went to the upper floor of Hakoba, which meant that their lower floors were out of danger.

The so-called feng shui turns, the upper level of Little Garden even made a decision to abandon the entire middle and lower level of Little Garden in order to avoid the disturbance of Azi Dakaha from endangering the upper level of Little Garden.

Now they are all right in the middle and lower levels, but it is the turn of the big bosses in the upper level of Hako Garden to worry about it.

Of course, after Yuuto and Aziz Dakaha left, Sarah and the others did not have any problems, but they confronted the Demon King Alliance-Ouroboros as if they were settling accounts after autumn.

Although His Highness and the others also came out in the battle of Azi Dakaha before, it was only for their own goals.

And in the final analysis, the entire Lower Garden will be in chaos, and the stratum rulers in the huge area will die, get injured, and leave, almost all of which are the fault of His Highness and the others.

It was forced by the situation before that they had to cooperate temporarily, and it is naturally impossible to write off the grievances.

And while Sara and the others were fighting with His Highness, Yuto and Aziz Dakaha were constantly breaking through the layer barrier all the way to the higher level of Little Garden.

At this moment, Azi Dakaha looked a little embarrassed, just as he expected before, his chances of winning against Yuto were now only [-]% or [-]%, he was [-]%, and Yuto [-]%.

Therefore, in the case of a slightly weaker strength, Azi Dakaha is naturally the one being suppressed, and the huge white dragon body is also covered with large and small knife wounds at this time.

However, even so, Aziz Dakaha still did not intend to compromise on this, but stretched the battle line while fighting and retreating, and even used words to provoke Yuto while running.

"You can probably see my current intentions, but although you have the upper hand in terms of strength, I do have the advantage in terms of speed.

Even if you know that I intend to go to the upper floor of Little Garden, you have no other choice, either you can only leave in despair, or you can only fight to the upper floor of Little Garden with me. "

Looking at Yuto who was biting him tightly behind him, Azi Dakaha's tone was full of complacency at the moment.

As he said, Yuuto now has only two options, either to chase Azi Dakaha to the upper floor of Little Garden to fight to the death, or to choose to leave.

However, Yuto made that choice, which was also quite beneficial to Azi Dakaha.

Needless to say, if you go to the upper level of Hakoba, Aziz Dakaha's strength will not be improved a little by then.

Even if Yuto chooses to leave, then Azi Dakaha will not lose face, after all, Yuto himself chose to evacuate first.

As for Yuto, if Yuto left by himself, then the evaluation of the outcome of the mission should be a failure.

After only hesitating for a moment, Yuto clenched the knife in his hand, and caught up with Azi Dakaha in front at an even faster speed.

After seeing Yuto's choice, Azi Dakaha also laughed wildly with satisfaction, and at the same time made a counterattack.

For two people who are [-] meters tall and whose speed easily exceeds the speed of the third universe, even if it is a small garden comparable to the surface area of ​​a star, the speed at which the two of them burst out with all their strength can quickly cross levels.

The area where they fought at the beginning was the sixth floor of the Southern District, but now only nearly ten minutes have passed, and the two of them have already chased and fought to the fourth floor of the Little Garden, and even the third floor's stratum wall has come into view available.

Unlike the lower and middle areas of the box garden, there is a barrier around the upper layer of the box garden to separate the upper and middle floors of the box garden.

On the one hand, it is to protect the upper floor of the central area of ​​the Little Garden, and it also means that not just anyone is eligible to enter the upper three floors of the Little Garden.

Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King returned to the upper three floors of Little Garden one step faster than Youdou and Azi Dakaha through regular channels.

And Bai Yasha, who had been waiting for the news, was dumbfounded when he heard the information brought back by the two of them.

Because she really didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and Yuto would become an unprecedented "double tester", and at this moment, he and Azi Dakaha were about to hit the upper floors of Hakoniwa!

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King also started to act separately.

Di Shitian notified the gods and Buddhas on the third floor, Jiao Demon King notified the other seven demon kings, and Bai Yasha notified the "Thousand Eyes" and other strongest species.

The final trial of the two human beings is about to break through the upper three floors of the Little Garden. This kind of disaster is not limited to the gods and Buddhas or the demon king.

For the "Ultimate Trial of Humanity", except for themselves, all other guys are enemies, and no one can think of being able to stay out of it!

(End of this chapter)

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