Chapter 107

Taichang was secretly anxious to raise money and food for the Liaodong army and civilians, and Wu Yangchun felt the same way.

Because his precious daughter is married to the emperor, and she is the most honorable imperial concubine among the concubines, and the emperor wants to ennoble him.

His business is so big, so he is naturally not the kind of person who can't figure out the relationship. Of course he knows who is the most important person to him.

At this moment, the emperor is the most important person to him, there is no one, if the emperor is well, he will be fine, if the emperor is not well, he will definitely be unlucky.

To put it bluntly, if the Ming Dynasty falls, others may be okay, and their Wu family will definitely be finished with them.

He and the emperor are connected by life and death, a relationship of sharing misfortunes and blessings!

Now the emperor is in a hurry to sell the land in order to raise money, can he not be in a hurry?

Wang Cheng'en had just transported away the 100 million taels of silver, so he sent out servants and nurses to distribute invitations, inviting acquainted large Anhui merchants and more prestigious merchants from nearby state capitals to come to the twelfth floor of Wu's house for a gathering.

At this moment, he is the father-in-law of the country, and he is unique among the merchants. Whoever dares not give him face, all the merchants who received the invitation rushed over without hesitation.

At noon the next day, in the largest hall on the twelfth floor, Wu Yangchun set up more than ten tables to entertain the merchants who came to the party.

When the food and wine were served, he stood up and raised his glass without hesitation: "Thank you for your kindness, Wu has the cheek to offer you a toast for the emperor."

What this said is somewhat inexplicable.

The father-in-law of this country is not a person who likes to show off, usually he doesn't talk about the emperor to make himself look great.

This time he even said to offer a toast to everyone for the emperor, what does that mean?
But he is the father-in-law of the country, and it is barely reasonable to toast everyone for the emperor.

I just don't know why he wants to toast everyone for the emperor. Is the wine toasted by the emperor so delicious?

Everyone was confused, but they still followed suit and drank it all in one gulp.

Wu Yangchun greeted everyone to eat a few mouthfuls of food, then he got up and raised his glass: "Come on, Wu has the audacity to toast everyone for the more than [-] frontier soldiers who are fighting in Liaodong."

Those present were all masters in the business field, and they were all good people. As soon as Wu Yangchun said this, they understood it instantly.

The father-in-law of this country is looking for everyone to donate money.

All right, everyone should give some face to your father-in-law, donating 800 taels is not a problem!

Those who Wu Yangchun can invite to a special banquet are of course relatively well-known wealthy businessmen. Not to mention too many, there must be such people with 8000 taels.

Although everyone understood what Wu Yangchun meant, they didn't say anything, and they all drained the wine in their glasses.

Wu Yangchun greeted everyone to eat a few more mouthfuls of food, then got up and raised his glass again: "Come on, no matter how cheeky Wu is, I would like to toast everyone for the more than 200 million displaced civilians in Liaodong."

How much do you want everyone to donate?

More than 200 million displaced Liaodong civilians!
Can we afford it?

This time, many people hesitated a little, and they didn't drink so refreshingly.

Just kidding, it’s okay to say that Qian’er’s 800 taels, you can’t let us donate to bankrupt!
Unexpectedly, Sheng Huaixuan, who was sitting opposite Wu Yangchun, took a sip of the wine in his glass without hesitation, and then said boldly: "Master, just tell me, how much does it cost? To be a man, you must know how to repay your kindness. I, Sheng, will never forget my kindness in my whole life, if it weren't for the emperor, I would still be drinking the northwest wind right now. Since the emperor is in a hurry to spend money, without saying anything, I, Sheng, will be the first to join in!"

Wu Yangchun hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your support, Shopkeeper Shanda. To tell you the truth, I already collected 100 million taels yesterday."




As soon as he said this, many people couldn't help but spit out the wine they just drank.

My God, 100 taels!
Father-in-law, can you not play like this?

How can we have so much money from you!
Sheng Huaixuan's face changed slightly when he heard the words.

100 million taels?
All my net worth is not so much!
He just thought about it for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "I, Sheng, dare not compare myself to the Duke of the country, but I have to pay back the kindness of the emperor. I will scrape together 10 taels!"

Are you not cheating?

This time, many people showed ugly expressions on their faces.

10 million taels?
Just kidding!
Few of those present could afford 10 taels.

However, people have already paid 10 taels, why don't you pay 800 taels?
People are deeply grateful for the emperor's favor, so you are ungrateful!

Seeing this, Wu Yangchun couldn't help crying and laughing: "Shopkeeper Shengda, don't get excited, just listen to what I have to say."

It's not over yet!

What the hell do you want?

Now everyone felt as if they were on a pirate ship, and they only regretted that they should not have thought about building a relationship with the father-in-law, so they ran past and drank these glasses of wine.

Wu Yangchun immediately explained: "It's like this. The emperor didn't ask everyone to donate money, and I didn't ask everyone to donate money. You may not know that the emperor is selling the land of Huangzhuang in order to raise money. You paid all the money. It's not a free donation, it's the money to buy the land. Moreover, I negotiated a preferential price for everyone, the fertile land in Huangzhuang, 20 taels per mu, around Jinling, the location is up to you."

Fuck, you gasp!

All the merchants heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

It takes a long time to buy land!
This is easy to say, isn’t most people making money to buy land?

When Sheng Huaixuan heard the words, he even smiled and said: "Master, you said earlier, I still want to save some money to buy land for those unsatisfactory boys in the family. Since this is also buying land, then I will buy [-] mu of land. !"

Are you not grabbing land?
If you want to buy land, don't we want to buy land?
The land in Huangzhuang, 20 taels per mu, is a great bargain.

At this moment, there is no need to open Luyin anyway. In the territory of Nanzhili, everyone can go wherever they want.

Many people want to go to Jinling, but there is no place to settle down there.

Now that's all right, we are also from Jinling to buy hundreds of acres of land and build a manor or something.

To be honest, the merchants present at this moment are all rich owners, otherwise Wu Yangchun would not have been able to invite them.

They want to buy land when they have money. The problem is that their status is too low, and they can’t grab those officials and noble families and gentry landlords. They robbed all the good land, and they can’t grow a few grains even if they buy that kind of grain. Naturally, they are not so stupid.

The land in Huangzhuang is different, it is all good farmland!

Speaking of this, the atmosphere at the banquet instantly became heated, and those who didn't want to buy land for the time being also moved their minds.

There is no way, this is a multi-purpose move, not only to please the father-in-law, but also to buy good land, and to gain a good reputation, why not do it?

Suddenly, I don't know how many people are scrambling to report the number, and the opening is basically tens of thousands of taels.

Seeing this, Wu Yangchun quickly raised his hand and said: "Okay, everyone, don't worry, there are enough lands in Huangzhuang, and you can't buy them all. Let's drink first, and then go to the accountants outside to register. It will be enough at once. However, everyone had better send over the money as soon as possible. Liaodong is about to start a war, and the emperor is in a hurry right now. How about this, within three days, everyone will send over the money, and then we will bring What do you think of using the money to go to Jinling to choose land?"

When a group of merchants heard the words, they couldn't help applauding.

To be honest, they are really reluctant to ask them to donate money.

However, it’s another matter to buy land with money, especially Huangzhuang Liangtian, which is worth the money. They don’t feel bad at all.

Wang Chengen did not expect that before he sent more than 100 million taels of silver and more than 100 million shi of grain to the capital, Wu Yangchun brought a large group of merchants with more than 100 million taels of silver to Jinling City to buy land.

Fortunately, he kept Zhao Feng, and he also specifically confessed that the people brought by the father-in-law are not only discounted, but also given priority.

Taichang didn't expect that Wang Cheng'en would bring him back so much money and food, and he even didn't expect that the head of state Wu Yangchun would be so active in raising money for him.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the [-]-mile rush report.

To be honest, he was really in a hurry right now.

Sun Chengzong began to select the elite of the frontier army and the young and strong among the Liao people to build the Dalinghe Fort. The tens of thousands of taels of silver and tens of thousands of shi of grain collected by Zhang Shan in his hand were not enough at all!

Not to mention anything else, the [-] young men who built the Daling River Fort and the [-] elite frontier troops who accompanied them must have several months of food reserves. what!

This is all right, more than 100 million taels of silver, plus more than 100 million shi of grain, not to mention the 200 young men who built the Dalinghe Fort and the [-] elite frontier troops who accompanied them to protect, the remaining [-] frontier troops And more than [-] million Liao people are enough to eat for several months.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, another urgent report came from Jinling, and Wu Yangchun went to buy land with more than 100 million taels of silver!
Now, that's enough, at least he doesn't have to worry about money and food for the time being.

Wu Yangchun's performance also reminded him of his original promise.

Originally, he just wanted to make people feel good, and offered him a few hundred thousand taels, so that he could have a reason to become a nobleman. Now they have raised more than 200 million taels for him, so there is nothing to say, just seal it off. count!

Immediately after receiving the report, he decreed that Wu Yangchun be named Zhongqin Bo in recognition of his diligence in raising money for the Liaodong army and people.

This loyal uncle deserves his name, he believes that no one dares to speak out.

Whoever dares to sing a different tune, he will definitely reply with a word, you have the ability to raise more than 200 million taels, as long as you can raise it, I will also make you an earl, if you don’t have the ability, just shut up!
(End of this chapter)

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