Chapter 108
The capital was about to arrive, and Wang Chengen stood on the bow of the large water transport ship, his face full of excitement.

This time he brought back more than 100 million taels of silver and more than 100 million shi of grain to the emperor during his trip to Nanzhili. The emperor probably will look at him with admiration!

To be honest, ever since he became the Inspector of the Inner Palace, he has been a little worried in his heart, worried that he could not do well and fail to meet the emperor's requirements.

At this moment, his hanging heart was finally relieved, because the money and food he brought back were enough to prove his ability.

You know, this is more than 100 million taels of silver and more than 100 million shi of grain. Let alone raising money, it is not easy to transport it to the capital smoothly in such a short period of time.

At this moment, he only thought that the boat under his feet could hurry up, and hurry up, and reach the capital as soon as possible. He couldn't wait to see the emperor's gratifying smile.

It's a pity that the boat can't get up fast, because the big water transport ships are all sailing boats, and the wind is not strong at the moment, and they are moving forward in the narrow Tonghui River, so you must be very careful when maneuvering the boat, not only pay attention to the distance between the boat and The distance between the boats, but also always pay attention to the direction of the bow.

To be precise, this Tonghui River should be regarded as the starting point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. However, this is not a natural river, but a canal dug artificially.

Therefore, the channel of the Tonghui River is quite narrow. Although it is no problem to pass through the large boats transported by water, it needs to be extremely careful. If the bow of the boat is a little bit off, it will hit the berm next to it.

This time he mobilized not one or two large water transport ships, but hundreds of them. Almost all the large water transport ships near Nanzhili were dispatched by him. Be careful it will collide into a ball.

I don't know how long it took, and finally a black line with criss-crossed teeth faintly appeared in front of it. No need to ask, it must be the city wall of the capital city. The capital city has finally arrived!
A burst of boatman's chant sounded continuously, and the entire water transport fleet began to slow down, and the lead boat he was on was almost crawling towards the water transport pier.

At this time, the pier was already surrounded by the inner third and outer third floors of the Forbidden Army. From a distance, he could even see the men and horses of the Beijing camp lined up in square formations, extending outwards. where it goes.

This, could it be that the emperor is here in person?
He hurried to the hanging ladder and waited intently.

As soon as the boat docked at the pier, he ordered people to put down the hanging ladder quickly, and then ran to the pier in a hurry.

As a result, it was not the emperor who was waiting for him in the crowd of the forbidden army, but Cao Huachun, the seal of the imperial horse supervisor.

He quickly stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Grandfather, why are you here?"

Cao Huachun nodded in satisfaction, then took his arm and said, "Don't talk so much, come with me, the emperor is waiting for you on the gate tower."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly followed Cao Huachun down the pier, crossed the Datong bridge, entered the east gate, and came to the city gate tower.

Sure enough, the emperor was standing there with a group of generals of the forbidden army, looking at him with a smile.

Wang Chengen hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully prostrated himself on his knees and said, "Your servant kowtows to the emperor."

Taichang stepped forward to help him up kindly, and praised him: "Cheng'en, it's really hard work for you this time, so much money and food, you have collected and shipped them in less than a month. To be honest, I didn't even think of it." !"

Wang Chengen hurriedly said modestly: "Your Majesty, this time it is mainly due to the generosity of the father-in-law. Otherwise, it is impossible for the servants to raise so much money in such a short period of time."

Wu Yangchun really did his best this time, and later he raised more than 100 million taels of silver.

Taichang smiled and nodded, and then asked again: "Where is Yinzi, is it on a few ships ahead?"

Wang Chengen hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Yes, the servant ordered Zhao Feng to lead someone to watch over there."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then sighed: "It's a pity that the canal can't reach Liaodong, and there are not enough warships in Denglai. Otherwise, why would it take so much trouble!"

A lot of trouble?

What the emperor said was to transport the silver and grain to Liaodong!

This Wang Cheng'en really doesn't know what to do, more than 100 million taels of silver is enough, more than 100 million shi of grain is hundreds of ships, how to transport it to Liaodong?
He didn't even know how to answer the conversation.

But Taichang waved his hand lightly to make him stand aside, and then said to Zhang Yuanfang who was beside him: "Yuanfang, order people to start loading the car."

Zhang Yuanfang hastily waved his hand, and a general of the Beijing camp quickly ran down the tower.

Subconsciously, Wang Chengen raised his head to look downstairs at the city gate, and was immediately dumbfounded.

Outside the East Bianmen Gate, tens of thousands of Jingying soldiers are standing in a neat array between the moat and the water transport wharf, and the periphery of the Jingying soldiers are countless guards, young men and various vehicles.

I don’t know how many of these guards, youths and vehicles there are. Anyway, standing on the top of the city gate, you can’t see the end at a glance. Outside the Dongbian Gate, there are people and vehicles all over the place, extending to the sky!
This time, in order to deliver money and food to Liaodong, Taichang really went ruthless.

To the east of the capital, the Tunwei and Qingzhuang in Tongzhou, Xianghe, Sanhe, Shunyi, Pinggu, and Baodi were almost all requisitioned, and the carriages, donkey carts, mule carts, and flatbed carts in the entire Shuntian Prefecture were also almost expropriated.

How many people, horses and vehicles are needed to transport more than 100 million shi grains and more than 100 million taels of silver?
No one can really figure this out. Anyway, the six counties of Tongzhou, Xianghe, Sanhe, Shunyi, Pinggu, and Baodi alone have recruited more than 20 Tunwei and Qingzhuang. As for the vehicles, it is not clear at all. Anyway, Shuntian Prefecture can All those recruited have been recruited.

This time Zhou Zhang really spent too much, more than 20 garrison guards and young adults, if it wasn't for free, the wages of these people alone would be several 10 taels.

Of course, these people still have to eat on the way to eat, and the food alone will consume tens of thousands of shi.

Transporting money and food is such a trouble these days. If the journey is too far, it is possible to transport silver, but it is basically impossible to transport food.

You know, the transporters also have to eat on the road. If the more than 100 million shi of grain is transported to Jiayuguan in the northwest border, it is estimated that it will be eaten before it reaches the place, and it used to be empty!
Alas, it would be nice if there were trains or ships at this time.

Taichang sighed secretly, and then said to Zhang Yuanfang who was beside him: "Yuanfang, you must be careful on the road, especially after you leave Shanhaiguan, although it is impossible for Jiannu to organize a large army to attack, send cavalry to sneak attack from the north of the Great Wall outside the pass. It’s still possible. You know, the Great Wall outside the pass is dilapidated right now, and there are no people stationed there, so it can’t stop the slave cavalry at all.”

Zhang Yuanfang hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, your majesty, it's only a hundred miles away from Shanhaiguan to Ningyuan, and the scouts will be scattered around to guard. If something is wrong, the general will send someone to ask for help from Master Sun, the supervisor. I believe Jiannu Even if you run over and sneak attack, you won't get any cheap money."

Taichang nodded slightly, looked at the more and more vehicles on the pier, then patted him on the shoulder and said: "Well, be careful all the way, the time is almost here, let's go."

Zhang Yuanfang hurriedly bowed his hands and retreated, and hurried down the city gate tower.

After a while, he rode his horse and appeared outside the city gate. Following his order, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Beijing camp immediately formed a long line, escorting the carriage full of silver and slowly heading towards Shanhaiguan.

And behind them, the convoy loaded with food is getting longer and longer, and the row is getting longer and longer, as if it is endless.

Standing on the top of the city gate, Taichang watched the huge convoy slowly stretching to the line between the sky and the earth, with a trace of worry faintly showing in his eyes.

Alas, this time I don't know if Sun Chengzong can successfully push the fort to the Daliao River Basin. You must know that Jiannu is in full swing right now.

It's a pity that neither the Shenji Battalion nor the Shenwu Battalion is fully equipped, otherwise, he really wanted to take the imperial guards and the imperial guards to help Sun Chengzong.

He raised his eyes to look at the eastern sky, that look, as if he wanted to cross thousands of mountains and rivers, pass through heavy clouds and mists, and see Liaodong all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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