Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 109 Supervisor

Chapter 109 Supervisor
To the east of the capital, out of Shuntian Mansion, across Yongping Mansion, is Shanhaiguan, and more than a hundred miles east of Shanhaiguan is the center of the Guanning Jin defense line, Ningyuan City.

At this time, at the head of the majestic Ningyuan city, Sun Chengzong, the governor of Jiliao, seemed to have sensed something, and raised his head to look in the direction of the capital.

Dark clouds outside the pass overwhelmed the mountains, and Jian captives ravaged the Li people.

Dedicated to saving the country from disasters, vowing not to return to Liaodong.

Your Majesty, I will do my best to regain Liaodong. If not, the horse leather shroud will be returned!
At this moment, he really didn't have any distracting thoughts in his mind, he just wanted to regain the great rivers and mountains in Liaodong.

He definitely didn't know that because of this thought, he would be scolded as the number one sinner in the downfall of Ming Dynasty in future generations!

Just look at the endings of several people in history.

Xiong Tingbi, because of sticking to Shenyang and Liaoyang, blocked Jiannu for nearly two years, preventing Jiannu from advancing an inch, and was beheaded in the end to show the public, and was passed down to the nine sides.

Yuan Chonghuan, because Ningyuan and Ningjin made both Nurhachi and Huang Taiji suffer, he was not only hacked into pieces, but also scolded by later generations.

Sun Chengzong was even more serious. Xiong Tingbi put down the pick, Shenyang and Liaoyang fell, Liaodong was in chaos, and the establishment of slaves was like a broken bamboo. It seemed that they were about to hit Shanhaiguan. As a result, Sun Chengzong supervised Liaodong, not only stabilized the situation, but also built Guanning The Golden Line of Defense prevented Jiannu from being outside the pass for more than [-] years!
For the first time, Jiannu bypassed Jizhou Town and invaded Daming Gyeonggi, occupying several big cities around the capital. Withdrew back to Liaodong, the Ming army who came to King Qin from all over the place was like a piece of loose sand, with no combat effectiveness at all, and the situation of building slaves was very good.

As a result, Chongzhen invited Sun Chengzong out, and they repelled them in two or three strokes.

Jian Nu really hated this old thing who repeatedly spoiled their good deeds.

As a result, after Sun Chengzong was dismissed, Jiannu invaded Gyeonggi again. They didn't care about anything, and rushed thousands of miles to Gaoyang, Sun Chengzong's hometown, and wiped out his nine clans and all his descendants in front of him. , and dragged him to death with war horses, and then fabricated rumors to slander him as the number one sinner in the fall of Ming Dynasty!

Passed on to the Nine Sides, hacked into pieces, exterminated the Nine Clans, and later generations will scold them!

What are they doing wrong?
They were the ones who dared to resist when Jiannu invaded Daming, and they resisted so tenaciously that Jiannu had no way to do anything.

Therefore, they must die, and they must be scolded by future generations!
On the other hand, the battle of Yang Hao and Sarhu directly ruined more than [-] elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. It seems that there is no such sinner in history.

There is also Hong Chengchou, who not only sent the last more than [-] frontier troops of the Ming Dynasty to Jiannu, but also took the lead in surrendering to Jiannu. In the end, he was turned into a loyal minister who had no choice but to surrender!

It's nothing more than killing people and killing people's hearts.

Jian slave, bullying too much!
Of course, at this moment, Sun Chengzong didn't know what was going on behind him. He was patrolling the city wall with a group of civil servants and generals.

On his left are Governor Wang Xiangqian, Governor Wang Huazhen, Military Preparer Yuan Chonghuan, Tongjuan Jin Qiyi and other civil servants.

On his right are Man Gui, Ma Shilong, Zu Dashou, Zhao Shoujiao, He Kegang, Sun Zushou and other generals.

At this moment, no one spoke, because the Master Superintendent was frowning and looking outside the city in thought.

Outside the city of Ningyuan, the Liaodong civilians who fled in a hurry are all over the mountains and plains. They are densely packed, and they can't see the end at a glance.

These people basically didn't bring any belongings, and most of them only had a bag of clothes and a few quilts.

The weather is getting colder and colder now, so sleeping in the open is definitely not an option.

These civilians had to find branches to prop up some bedding and clothes to keep out the wind and rain. The rest were basically the clothes on their bodies and one or two quilts. Hug together under the quilt, and shiver at night.

Fortunately, the imperial court did not leave them alone, and the two bowls of porridge a day had not stopped. Although they were cold and hungry, they would not starve to death.

Moreover, the supervisor Sun Chengzong and Lord Sun have already begun to assemble an army, recruit young and strong, and prepare to counterattack. In the future, they still have hope to return to their homeland.

These days, no matter old people or children, no matter whether they are young and strong selected by Mr. Sun, they will take the initiative to go to the mountains in the north to help the army collect wood and stone during the day, because they have heard that Mr. Sun is going to build City forts to restrain slave cavalry.

They didn't know how much stone and wood they needed to build cities and fortresses. In short, everyone wanted to do their best to help the army fight back as soon as possible, so that they would not have to starve and suffer in the wild.

Sun Chengzong couldn't help sighing as he watched the civilians swarming like ants all over the mountains and plains.

Alas, these people, how can they survive the winter!
In Liaodong, it’s freezing and snowy in winter. Let alone a broken tent, even if you stay in a house without a fire, you’ll freeze to death!
This, he really can’t help it, even if he allows civilians to enter Ningyuan City, it’s useless. Ningyuan City is so big, it’s not bad if it can squeeze 200 civilians, but for the more than [-] million civilians outside the city, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, he couldn't let the civilians enter the city, because there were too many slave-building spies hidden among these civilians. If they were allowed to enter the city, the core town of the Ningjin defense line would never have peace.

He sighed secretly for a while, then straightened his face, and said majesticly: "Qi Ling, how are the stone and wood preparations going?"

Jin Qizhen was originally just a low-level official in Ningyuan City. He was promoted to Ningyuan Guard Experience, and then promoted to Liaodong General Judge.

This person is very capable of handling affairs, and he is also quite upright. Now he is equivalent to his right-hand man in handling Liaodong affairs.

Jin Qizhen hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My lord, the civilians outside the city are offering to help these days. The stone and wood materials for the construction of the Dalinghe Fort have already been prepared, but they have not been transported to the front line of Jinzhou."

Sun Chengzong nodded slightly, and then said majesticly: "Quickly make hoes, rakes, shovels and other objects, and make as many as you can."

Jin Qizhen hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your official understands."

Immediately afterwards, Sun Chengzong said to Yuan Chonghuan: "The elements, wood and stone must be sent to Jinzhou as soon as possible. You take [-] young and strong to carry them, and you will be given five days."

Yuan Chonghuan was originally the head of the Ministry of War. It is rumored that he has a lot of insights in the art of war and is determined to guard the border.

He personally took the school examination and thought it was not bad, so he was promoted to be a soldier in Liaodong, who was responsible for training the guards and recruiting new soldiers.

When Yuan Chonghuan heard the words, he also hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I obey, my lord."

Sun Chengzong's method of commanding the army and people in Liaodong was different from Xiong Tingbi's. Xiong Tingbi was relying on his own bad temper. Whoever was disobedient would be roared, and if he was disobedient, he would be punished.

But he knew it beforehand, and if he was rebellious, he would withdraw directly, and if he was really capable and able to obey orders, he would be promoted and reused.

In this way, his subordinates are more obedient, unlike Xiong Tingbi, no one can control those arrogant soldiers as soon as they slap their ass and leave.

He has promoted quite a few people. Among the civil servants, Jin Qizhen and Yuan Chonghuan are his right-hand men. Among the generals, Man Gui, Ma Shilong, Zu Dashou, Zhao Shoujiao, He Kegang, Sun Zushou, etc., as long as they are the leading generals who hold real power, they are almost all He was promoted, and all the arrogant and arrogant soldiers under Xiong Tingbi's subordinates were all returned to their respective border towns by him.

Of course, it is impossible for him as a supervisor to have only so many civil servants and military generals, such as Governor Wang Xianggan, Governor Wang Huazhen, etc., and many others, all of which were appointed by the court.

However, what he wants to do will only be done by people he trusts.

The building materials of Dalinghe Fort are almost the same, and the next step is soldiers, horses and food.

He thought for a while, and then said majesticly: "Mangui, gather 2 horses tomorrow to meet the imperial court's money and food delivery team, and accompany them all the way to protect them. Be careful with them."

Man Gui also cupped his hands without hesitation and said: "The general will obey."

He was originally just an unranked guerrilla general in the Liaodong Army, but the Lord Superintendent promoted him to be the commander-in-chief as soon as he arrived. He was naturally grateful and vowed to serve to the death.

Man Guina is really a rare fierce general. Not only is his brute strength amazing, he is good at riding and shooting, but he is even more brave in battle. Every time he participates in a battle, he is the one who rushes to the front, and he is also the one who beheads the most.

It's a pity that the promotion of generals these days is basically based on relationships, not military merits, so he has not been reused.

When Sun Chengzong came to Liaodong and inquired about the deeds of this fierce general, he checked his military achievements again. As expected, he was promoted and reused without hesitation. He didn't care about the relationship, he only cared about his ability.

To say that the most capable of the Liaodong Army is actually not Man Gui, but Zu Dashou.

Man Gui is unparalleled in bravery, but slightly lacking in strategy. Zu Dashou was born as a general. His grandfather was the commander-in-chief who guarded Ningyuan during the Wanli period. His father, Zu Chengxun, was the deputy commander-in-chief of Liaodong. Participated in two battles to aid Korea and made outstanding contributions.

He was deeply influenced by his grandfather and father, and he is a rising star in Liaodong, with extraordinary literary and martial arts skills.

In terms of personal ability, Man Gui is the most suitable to be a pioneer, while Zu Dashou is suitable to be a general.

Sun Chengzong also had high hopes for Zu Dashou, and this time he was going to hand over the important task of guarding Dalinghe Fort to Zu Dashou.

He thought for a while, and then asked, "Fuyu, how about the [-] Liaodong elites selected?"

Zu Dashou hastily cupped his hands and said, "My lord, I have already selected them. They are all good men who dare to fight."

Sun Chengzong nodded slightly, and then asked: "If Jiannu came to besiege the city, how long can you hold on?"

Zu Dashou thought about it for a while, and then carefully said: "This depends on the progress of the city's construction and the amount of food stored. As long as the wall foundation is completed and there is no shortage of food in the city, the Jiannu will never want to take down Dalinghe Fort."

it is good!
Sun Chengzong nodded in satisfaction, and then said decisively: "This time, you will lead the army to preside over the construction of the Daling River Fort. I will give you 30 shi for food. In addition, I will try my best to send people along the Daling River to stop the harassment." , try to delay the time, Jiannu is like besieging the city, you have to defend it for me."

Zu Dashou cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "As long as the foundation of the wall can be completed, if we can't keep it, the general will come to see you!"

When Sun Chengzong heard the words, he nodded again and again and said: "Well, very good, you don't need to stay for too long, as long as the reinforcements from all walks of life arrive, Jiannu will retreat, and if they don't retreat, they don't even think about leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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