Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 110 Attack

Chapter 110 Attack
In the land of Liaodong, the cold wind suddenly blew up. The raging cold current not only made the people outside Ningyuan city miserable, but also made Sun Chengzong on the city wall very anxious.

He looked at the gloomy sky, and couldn't help but frown deeper and deeper. It has been so long, the emperor's money and food have been delivered, but there is still no definite news about the reinforcements of Shaanxi Xingdu Division and Sichuan Xingdu Division.

The reinforcements from Sichuan Capital Division and Huguang Xingdu Division are desperately rushing here. The problem, when these two reinforcements arrive, he only has 20 horses in his hands!

Once the war started, Jinzhou, Guangning and the newly built Dalinghe Fort would have to invest at least [-] troops to garrison, that is to say, he would have at most [-] troops to deal with Jiannu in the wild.

Is one hundred thousand troops enough?
He was really not sure.

When Jiannu attacked Shenyang, there were also nearly [-] troops from Liaoyang to Shenyang. As a result, Jiannu rushed all the way from Shenyang to Liaoyang, as if there was no obstacle at all.

In other words, it is very likely that one hundred thousand troops will not win against Jiannu in the wild.

However, he couldn't wait anymore, because he would have to wait another half a year if he didn't attack.

It has been a world of ice and snow for more than half a year. How can the more than 200 million civilians outside Ningyuan City survive? Even if they survive, how much food will the emperor consume?
He can't waste the emperor's money and food here, he must try his best to fight for more living space for these common people!
There is no other way but to attack.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and then ordered decisively: "Man Gui, Zhao Lijiao, you two are responsible for guarding Guangning, and at the same time blockade the middle reaches of the Daling River. If anyone is found crossing the river to report the letter, they will be killed without mercy."

Man Gui and Zhao Lijiao heard the words, and hurriedly cupped their hands and said: "The general will obey."

After the two finished speaking, they quickly descended the city wall and rushed towards Guangning with their personal guards.

Guangning originally had [-] defenders, and they didn't need to bring troops, they just had to go there.

Sun Chengzong immediately waved his hands and said, "Wang Xiangqian and Wang Huazhen will stay in Ningyuan, and the others will follow me to Jinzhou."

A group of civil servants and generals hurriedly followed him to the city wall. After a while, there was a rush of horseshoes outside the city gate.

Wang Xiangqian stood quietly on the city wall without any abnormal expression on his face, but Wang Huazhen's face showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

He is the proud disciple of Ye Xianggao, a giant in Donglin, and he is also the governor of Liaodong. Sun Chengzong didn't assign him any important tasks, leaving him no chance to make meritorious deeds!

This may be the main reason why he secretly took refuge in Wei Zhongxian in history, because Sun Chengzong thought that he could not do things well with his mouth, so he did not reuse him.

Facts have also proved that Sun Chengzong's vision is correct. After he secretly cooperated with Wei Zhongxian to take Sun Chengzong away, he took advantage of the relationship between Mingli and Donglin and secretly with the Eunuch Party, and he took advantage of both sides to monopolize the power of Liaodong. Xiong Tingbi, the strategist, insisted on going his own way, intending to counterattack Jiannu with less than 10 horses.

As a result, he was naturally defeated, beaten to the brim by Jiannu, ruined nearly [-] frontier troops in vain, and lost Guangning, an important town in western Liaoning.

Of course, these are things for later, so I will skip them for the time being.

After Sun Chengzong rushed to Jinzhou City, he began to mobilize troops and supplies.

All of a sudden, the entire city of Jinzhou became extremely lively, with people carrying grain and grass supplies everywhere, and the sound of orders was ringing day and night.

In less than three days, everything is ready.

In the early morning of the fourth day, more than [-] troops gathered inside and outside Jinzhou City, there were still [-] recruited young and strong, and hundreds of thousands of Liao people came to see them off. The entire east side of Jinzhou City was almost drowned by the sea of ​​people. .

Sun Chengzong stood on the gate tower of the east gate, looked at the densely packed Ming army phalanx near the city wall, and looked at the dark Liaodong civilians all around, took a deep breath, and then shouted: "The three animals are sacrificed."

Soon, four strong men came forward carrying the cow's head, sheep's head and pig's head wrapped in red silk, and respectfully placed them on the offering table.

Sun Chengzong immediately led a group of civil servants and generals, respectfully put on the incense sticks, then took out the sacrificial text, and read aloud:
Every year is Xinyou, internal and external worries, world affairs are wasted, strong captives scorn virtue.

The establishment of slavery was rampant, the people of the Liao Dynasty were in distress, and the land of Liaodong was devastated.

Gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth, virtuous kings of all ages, please show the holy spirit and bless me.

The soldiers of the three armies, united as one, regained Liaodong and enjoyed peace forever.

He finished reading in one breath, and led a group of civil servants and military generals to respectfully kowtow nine times, then got up and shouted: "Beat the drums, attack!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom."

The drums began to beat, and the flags were waved.

Seeing this, Zu Dashou drew out his saber without hesitation, pointed in the direction of Dalinghe Fort and shouted: "The whole army, go fast!"

The Zuzi banner pointed forward, and the [-] army immediately followed him.

Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qizhen followed closely behind, pushing stones, wood and grain with [-] young men.

The site where the Dalinghe Fort was built is actually the original residence of the Zhongzuowei in Guangning. Although the acropolis here has been destroyed by Jiannu, the foundations are still there. According to the size of the garrison, the original acropolis only needs to be enlarged by ten times. Just left and right.

As for how to expand, Sun Chengzong naturally planned it long ago.

Zu Dashou, Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qizhen led an army of [-] troops and [-] young men to the center left guard camp in Guangning. Then they took out the cotton thread and lime powder they had prepared. They took the original Acropolis as the northeast corner and headed southwest. A straight line more than five miles long was drawn on each side, and lime was sprinkled on it as a mark.

Immediately afterwards, they drew a straight line with the same length of more than five miles to the south and west at the ends of the straight lines on both sides, and sprinkled lime on it as a mark.

In this way, the prototype of a five-mile-square city was finalized.

As soon as the lime was sprinkled, Zu Dashou and Yuan Chonghuan waved without hesitation: "Excavate!"

How long does it take to dig a footing for a city wall with a circumference of more than twenty miles?
It depends on how many people are involved.

Twenty miles is roughly about 10 meters, and the [-] army and [-] young and strong add up to [-] people.

In other words, there are about ten people digging within a radius of one meter!
This speed is quite frightening. With hoes, rakes, shovels, and even knives and guns, the ground sank at a speed visible to the naked eye. It took less than two days, a square of more than twenty miles, and a depth of about one meter. The foundation of the city wall about ten meters wide was dug out abruptly by them.

Immediately afterwards, stones were filled in, and the prepared stones were poured in one cart after another. In less than a day, the foundation was filled again.

The next step is to frame the two sides with stone strips, frame one layer, fill in a layer of soil, fill the middle, and then continue to build up.

This is relatively time-consuming, because the soil layer in the middle of the city wall must be compacted, and when the city wall is built up, it must shrink a little bit in the middle, so that the city wall will not easily collapse.

And to prevent Jiannu from directly climbing up with a ladder, the base of the wall must be at least one foot and a half high, that is, about five meters.

Although the foundation of this wall is not as troublesome as the female wall, arrow stacks and towers above, the workload is too huge. Even if 10 people are involved, it may not be possible to erect the foundation of the wall within a month.

At this time, sporadic fighting has begun along the Daling River.

Because there are too many spies sent by Jiannu to the vicinity of Ningyuan, they will be discovered by the spies of Jiannu if they go to the Daling River to build the city so blatantly.

After Jiannu's spies found out, they must have found a way to cross the river to report the news.

Sun Chengzong had already guessed this point, so he ordered Man Gui, Zhao Suijiao, Ma Shilong, He Kegang and other generals to patrol the west bank of the Daling River day and night to block the river.

He knew that the news of building the city would not be hidden for long. He did this not only to delay the time, but also to kill more spies.

These spies are really abominable. Shenyang and Liaoyang were defeated by these spies. Otherwise, the two important towns of Liaodong, Nurhachi, would not have fallen within a few days. If Shenyang and Liaoyang could last for a few months , the battle situation will not be what it is now.

Therefore, even if he knew that it could not be completely sealed off, he still had to kill with all his strength. If he didn't take this opportunity to kill more spies, it would be hard to relieve the hatred in his heart.

These spies are also reckless, they go on and on, in an endless stream, and they can't kill them all.

Perhaps it was because Nurhachi gave too much reward money. Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be brave men. The construction of Dalinghe Fort was less than five days old, and Nurhachi, who is far away in Shenyang, still received the news.

This guy, if the Ming army had a spike between Jinzhou and Guangning, it would be fine. At the beginning, Jinzhou and Guangning were more than a hundred miles away, and he could still send people to harass and even garrison the front line, because the Ming army sent None of the scouts and troops dared to leave the city too far, and the area between Guangning and Jinzhou was still theirs.

It would be different if there was an extra Dalinghe Fort between Guangning and Jinzhou. The distance between the three cities is only fifty or sixty miles. No matter which city the Ming army attacked from, they could retreat to the city within a day. Go, it will be dangerous for his men to stay along the Daling River.

Relying on the city, they can send troops to surprise them whenever they want, but it is impossible for him to station all the troops in the wild, and if there are not enough troops in the wild, they will definitely concentrate their superior forces to defeat them one by one.

At that time, if he didn't back away, would he lead an army of [-] to station on the east bank of the Daling River all the year round to fight against others?

That is impossible!

Therefore, this Dalinghe Fort must not be built by the Ming army.

(End of this chapter)

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