Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 111 Four Big Baylor

Chapter 111
In Dalinghe Fort, one hundred thousand soldiers and civilians are fighting day and night, desperately piling up the foundation of the wall.

Everyone is working together and working hard, because they all know that working hard at the moment is just tired, and if the army of founding slaves comes, they will really be desperate.

And what about Jian slaves?

Shengjing Shenyang, Nurhachi, who had received the news, had already ordered the elite of the Eight Banners to assemble and prepare to go to the Daling River. Qian Qingqi was the vanguard, opening the way for the army.

Amin is not Nurhachi's son, and neither is Qierhalang. They are both Nurhachi's younger brother and Shuerhaqi's son.

Shuerhaqi was imprisoned to death for betraying Nurhachi. His eldest son Altonga and third son Zasaktu were killed by Nurhachi, but his second son Amin and sixth son Qierhalang were not implicated. Because of his bravery in battle, Amin was named one of the Four Great Baylors in power.

However, Amin has an extremely violent temper and extremely ruthless methods. He has ordered the massacre of the city more than once in history.

I don't know if this kind of person is a backer who Nurhachi deliberately left behind to anger the common people.

Of course, regardless of whether he is a back-up man or not, he is still highly valued by Nurhachi at the moment, and important things like pioneers are entrusted to their brothers, which can be seen from this.

Pioneer does not mean that it is enough to lead the troops forward all the way. The pioneer not only has the responsibility of detecting the enemy's situation, but also bears the responsibility of opening the road when encountering mountains and building bridges when encountering water.

The so-called bridge is to build a pontoon bridge.

If there are only a few hundred troops or one or two thousand troops on the march these days, crossing the river is still very simple. Find a boat to ferry, fly across with iron chains, tie sheepskin rafts, cowhide rafts to float, or even tie wooden rafts and bamboo rafts to row across the river. Row.

If tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops cross the river, it will be more troublesome, and a pontoon bridge must be built.

At this moment, bridge-building technology is not as developed as in later generations. Generally, rivers with a width of more than [-] meters do not have bridges. If the army wants to pass, they must build pontoon bridges.

If the pontoon bridge along the way was built, the slave-building army could indeed rush from Shenyang to Dalinghe Fort within half a month, and Sun Chengzong's blockade of the Dalinghe River in advance only delayed four or five days.

In other words, there were only about twenty days in total.

For twenty days, the wall foundation of Dalinghe Fort could not be erected. Why did Sun Chengzong insist on asking Zu Dashou, Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qiyi to lead [-] soldiers and civilians to build the city?

The reason for this is actually very simple, because he is sure to delay the slave-building army for more than ten days.

As for how to delay the journey of the slave-building army, the key lies in the Daling River.

In the middle and lower reaches of the Daling River, the width of the river has reached about [-] meters, and the river bed is quite deep, and the water volume is quite abundant. It is impossible to build any stone bridges.

In other words, there is no fixed stone bridge at all in the middle and lower reaches of the Daling River, and it is quite troublesome for the army of slaves to cross the river.

This is also the reason why Nurhachi sent the vanguard in advance,

Amin and Qierharang took two thousand light horses and moved at a very fast speed. Rivers such as the Daliao River and Shuangtaizi River were already within their control area, and it was quite simple to build a pontoon bridge.

They only need to force some fishing boats to come over, and then grab some strong men to build wooden rafts, and the pontoon bridge can be built in less than two days.

However, it is not so simple for them to build a pontoon bridge on the Daling River.

Two thousand Qingqi came from Shenyang, and built two pontoon bridges in between. It took less than ten days in total. Less than half a month after the construction of Daling River Fort, Amin and Qierhalang led the vanguard to Daling the east bank of the river.

"Rumble", two thousand Qingqi were galloping along the embankment to the north, and Amin and Qierhalang looked around with eagle eyes, constantly scanning the terrain on both sides of the embankment and the water flow in the river.

After an unknown amount of time, Amin suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Stop!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." There was a shout, and the two thousand Qingqi quickly grabbed the war horse under their crotch.

At this time, Dai Shancai pointed to the river embankment with a relatively gentle slope in front: "Lao Liu, what do you think of this place?"

Amin and Qierharang nodded without thinking, "That's it, it would be too far to detour north."

Amin raised his eyes and glanced again, then pointed to a small forest not far from the front right and said, "Go, go and camp over there."

"Boom", another sound of horseshoes sounded, and more than two thousand riders rushed down the river embankment and came to the edge of the grove.

They were originally from the nomadic tribe, so the speed of camping was not too fast. In less than half an hour, a simple camp was set up.

Amin looked around again, and then said to Qierharang: "Lao Liu, remember the few fishing villages you just came along the way, take your people to see if there is a boat hidden inside, if Some people also pulled all the wooden rafts."

Zierharang didn't say anything, he just waved his hands and shouted, "Get on the horse and follow me."

"Boom," more than a thousand riders quickly left the camp.

Amin then waved again: "Chahala, take someone to cut some big piles."

To build a pontoon bridge, you have to pull a few iron cables to connect the two banks of the river. Otherwise, the fishing boats can't be fixed, and the pontoon bridge will naturally not be built.

The wooden stakes used to fix the iron cables must be at least waist-thick, and it is quite laborious to cut. Chahala took more than a dozen strong men for nearly two quarters of an hour to cut down a waist-thick tree. It took him more than half an hour to remove the branches and leaves, segment them, and sharpen them.

After cutting a few wooden stakes, Amin waved and led dozens of people, carrying wooden stakes and sledgehammers, up the embankment.

He never expected that there was a general of the Ming army waiting for him with dozens of archers on the other side of the river.

At this moment, Chief Liu Tianfu's eyes were narrowed with laughter. He really didn't expect that he would be so lucky that Jiannu would choose to build a pontoon bridge in his defense area.

He saw that the Jiannu on the opposite side were carrying wooden piles down the embankment, and had chosen a location, ready to knock down the wooden piles, so he whispered: "You can see the location clearly, go down, line up in three rows , ready to shoot arrows."

Dozens of archers heard the words, and hurried down the river embankment, and quickly formed a three-row long square formation. Then they unloaded the longbows on their shoulders, drew out their arrows, and bent their bows to wait.

This is the eight-dou longbow that Sun Chengzong ordered people to prepare in advance, just to delay time across the river.

Amin didn't know that there were still people lying down in the grass on the back of the opposite river embankment. He had just ordered the wooden stakes to be erected and was about to smash them down when suddenly a black spot flew over from the opposite side of the river.

What the hell!

He quickly drew out his saber and shouted: "Be careful of the rain of arrows!"

"Clang clang clang clang", there was a sound of drawing a knife, and then everyone raised their weapons and danced wildly.

After all, Amin is a general, and the armor on his body is so tight that it doesn't matter if he doesn't draw his sword and sweep wildly.

The light cavalry he brought was unlucky, the light cavalry wore leather armor, and they couldn't stop the arrows at all.

"Ah!", there was a scream, and at least a dozen people were shot to the ground.

Seeing this, Amin quickly picked up a wounded subordinate, and shouted: "Quick, go to the embankment."

Seeing this, the others quickly set up their injured comrades and crazily climbed up the river embankment.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Another rain of arrows hit, and the comrades who were standing behind them were shot to the ground again. Their bodies were shot like hedgehogs, and it seemed that they were hopeless. .

Seeing this, Liu Tianfu couldn't help but grabbed a handful of weeds and pulled them hard, regretfully saying, "Oh, what a pity."

The width of this section of the river is about ninety meters, or about sixty paces, and the range of their longbow throws can only barely reach about eighty paces. People have already run up the river bank, and the throws must be out of reach.

At this moment, even if he calls his subordinates to shoot directly, it will be too late, they can't stand there stupidly waiting for them to shoot!

He could only count the corpses left under the embankment, and then sighed slightly: "Oh, I don't know if those few were dragged away and shot to death. A Jiannu is worth 100 taels!"

This was specially emphasized by Taichang. In order to encourage the frontline soldiers to fight the enemy bravely, he specially issued an imperial edict to Sun Chengzong.

Frontline soldiers, whoever kills a Jian slave will be paid 100 taels, and it will be issued after approval. It is not allowed to be the same as before, and the military rewards will be delayed for months or even years.

Anyway, there are at most a hundred thousand slaves at most, if more than ten million taels can kill them all, the money is definitely worth the money!
In history, it cost more than 1000 million taels to fight slaves in Ming Dynasty. After 11 years in Chongzhen, the annual increase in three rates alone exceeded 1000 million taels. If more than 1000 million taels could wipe out the slaves, it is estimated that Chongzhen would have a dream wake up laughing!

(End of this chapter)

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