Chapter 119
Taichang has already decided to go to the imperial conquest, because if he doesn't bring his guards and pro-army to support, the battle of Liaodong will definitely come to a stalemate.

At this moment, Liaodong has assembled an army of 20, and there are more than 200 million civilians who need relief. If it takes another month, it will be a few 10 taels of silver and hundreds of thousands of shi of grain!
Daming needs money everywhere at the moment, and the treasury has long been unable to make ends meet, so he can use the land in Huangzhuang to carry it out for a year. If it drags on for a long time, the entire Ming Dynasty may be dragged down.

Therefore, he must help Sun Chengzong win this crucial battle.

This time, Donglin and the eunuchs did not persuade them. After all, the emperor went to Liaodong to fight against slaves, not to deal with their party members elsewhere, so there was no need for them to stop them.

However, the imperial concubine Wu Wan'er who heard the news burst into tears!

She lay in Taichang's arms and wept at the top of her lungs: "Your Majesty, take me there, if we die, we will die together!"

Uh, what are you talking about?

If someone dared to say such an unlucky thing, he would have to drag it out and chop it up.

What Wu Wan'er said was different.

People care about him, sincerely.

Taichang said helplessly: "Wan'er, don't cry, I really can't take you this time, war is no joke."

Wu Wan'er persisted and said: "Then don't go either, it's too dangerous, wars are the business of civil servants and generals, why are you going?"

How to explain this?
In this chaotic world, an emperor who dares not even go to the battlefield, knows how to live in the capital all day long, can he do it?
Chongzhen is an obvious example. No matter how diligent you are in the capital, it is useless.

You must know that Chengzu personally conquered Mobei five times back then, and the farthest one almost reached Lake Baikal. He didn't even dare to go to Liaodong, so how could he create a peaceful and prosperous world?
Besides, it was his imperial guards and pro-army who went to support him this time. If he didn't go, the whole command system would have problems.

Moreover, he also wanted to see the effect of hot weapons against armored cavalry.

If he didn't come to the battlefield in person, how would he know how effective the muskets and artillery would be in the battle at this time.

None of this could be explained to Wu Wan'er.

Taichang could only pat Wu Wan'er on the back and comforted him: "Don't worry, the Liaodong Army could have fought Jiannu to a draw, and I was just doing a favor in the past. It's sure to win, it's nothing to worry about."

Wu Wan'er said relentlessly, "Then you take me with you!"

Uh, isn't this an endless loop?
If something happens, we will die together!

It's okay, why don't you take me there?
This can't be explained!
Taichang had no choice but to raise his head to signal the noble concubine Zhang Yan to come over and take over.

Although Zhang Yan was full of worry, she didn't cry yet. Moreover, she was quite good at comforting others. I don't know what she whispered in Wu Wan'er's ear. Wu Wan'er, who was tired from crying, just fell asleep in her arms. !
Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, finally it's settled!

He stretched out his fingers and made a silence gesture, then stood up secretly, and walked out quietly.

To be honest, he wasn't really worried that something would happen. After all, Sun Chengzong in Liaodong was almost as strong as Jiannu at the moment. Once he brought the imperial guards and pro-army, it was impossible for Jiannu to defeat them.

Unless he, like Ming Yingzong, let an eunuch who didn't know the art of war lead the army to run around, otherwise, they would never be defeated.

Instead, he was worried that something would happen at home.

After coming out of Wu Wan'er's bedroom, he went to the imperial study room, and at the same time ordered someone to bring Wang Chengen over.

At this moment, Wang Chengen can be said to be the most ruthless person under his command. What is even more commendable is that Wang Chengen is still loyal and has no evil intentions at all.

It is most suitable for such a person to stay in the capital to look after the house.

Of course Wang Cheng'en knew that the emperor was going to conquest in person, and the emperor summoned him suddenly. He thought that the emperor was going to take him with him.

He came to the Imperial Study Room excitedly, and after paying respectful salutes, he couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, are you going to take your servant to Liaodong, and your servant will prepare right now."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help crying and laughing: "Who will raise money for me when you go?"

uh, this! !
Wang Chengen was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, the money and food for the Liaodong soldiers and civilians are being raised by the Inner Palace Supervisor. He really can't leave. Once he leaves, if something goes wrong, it will be in big trouble.

Taichang shook his head slightly, then picked up another imperial decree and stuffed it into Wang Chengen's hand, and then solemnly said: "Chengen, the supervisor of ceremonies is the reward you deserve. Wei Ye is under your command for the time being, remember, you must protect the crown prince, King Xin and all the ladies, and don't let anything happen to them!"

At this moment, Concubine Zheng's influence is almost cleared up, what will happen in the palace?
What Taichang wants to guard against is actually Wei Zhongxian!
Wei Zhongxian is a typical guy who plays one thing to the face and another thing behind the scenes. Just like in history, he seems to be loyal to Tianqi, but once the concubine in the harem violates his wishes, he will not be soft.

"Ming Shilu" records that there are no less than ten concubines who were tortured and killed by him alone. Among them, Concubine Yu Zhang was beaten and humiliated to death by him when she was pregnant in October, and the princes in Concubine Yu's belly were beaten with sticks It's bone scum!
This guy is too vicious. Once he gains power, those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. Even the concubines in the harem cannot go against his wishes.

Tianqi was shocked to hear that Concubine Yu Zhang was killed, one dead body and two lives, and asked him what happened, he even slandered Concubine Yu Zhang was pregnant with a freak, and did not give birth for eleven months!
In fact, it was he who changed the time. Concubine Yu Zhang was tortured and killed by him when she was about to give birth in October of her pregnancy.

This kind of villain will be rampant when he succeeds, and those who are slaves and regard themselves as masters must be on guard!
Taichang didn't want to be unable to protect his wife and children, so Wei Zhongxian must send someone to take care of him.

Hearing this, Wang Chengen seemed to have understood that if there was any dangerous person in the palace, it would definitely be Wei Zhongxian.

This guy is notoriously ruthless, and Xi Li is still his master. He killed him backhanded without even frowning. This kind of person really has to be guarded against.

After explaining the affairs in the palace, Taichang was ready to set off.

He will definitely take the Shenji Camp with him this time, and he is also planning to take all of the Shenwu Camp. Although the Shenwu Camp only has more than [-] riders at the moment, and the others don't even have horses, they can still be strong if they take it to the battlefield. At the same time, these people can experience the atmosphere of the battlefield for themselves.

In addition to the 6 horses, he is also planning to take the [-] Beijing elites led by Zhang Yuanfang, because Zhang Yuanfang took the [-] elites of the Beijing camp to escort money and food to Liaodong. no more.

There are also [-] elite imperial guards, which Cao Huachun specially took with him to protect him.

As for Jin Yiwei, this time the official commander Luo Sigong is leading the team, and they are all experienced scouts.

The matter of espionage is the most important thing. If you don't even know the enemy's situation and rush forward, it is no different from courting death.

Luo Sigong took Jin Yiwei to spy on intelligence for the army when he was in Wanli twice to aid the dynasty.

The rest are Gu Cheng and Liu Ruoyu and other masters of close protection. He didn't bring any of the other civil servants and military generals and princes and nobles.

Fighting is fighting, not going for a ride. He couldn't understand at all why Yingzong brought most of the civil servants, military generals, princes and nobles, as well as eunuchs and maids. Was it to show off?

On this day, outside the Chaoyang Gate on the west side of the capital, [-] forbidden troops were ready to go. The foot extends for more than ten miles.

Taichang was wearing fish-scale armor and riding a war horse standing among thousands of troops. His power and power simply suffocated the officials.

At this time, the civil servants all faintly realized that the era when they controlled the Ming court would probably be gone forever!
Taichang didn't bother to chatter with these useless trash, he just waved to Prince Zhu Youxiao and Xinwang Zhu Youjian, looked back at the majestic capital, and waved decisively: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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