Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 120 Together

Chapter 120 Together
Shanhaiguan is about [-] miles away from the capital. If the normal marching speed is followed, it will take about half a month.

In order to save time, Taichang naturally did not march at a normal speed. He specially provided carriages, donkey carts, mule carts and other vehicles for the soldiers of the Shenwu Camp who did not have horses, and loaded all the food, grass and baggage on the carts to save manpower. .

In this way, the army can travel lightly.

Eighty thousand soldiers rushed all the way, and on the afternoon of the fifth day, Shanhaiguan was already in sight.

When he got here, he could no longer urge the army to hurry, because the battle was about to start after he left the customs. He had to let the guards and the soldiers of the army take a good rest to recover their strength.

He raised his binoculars to look at the majestic Guancheng, thought about it carefully, and then decisively ordered: "The whole army camps on the spot, take a good rest, and we will leave the pass tomorrow."

A wave of orders spread all over the world, and the [-] soldiers immediately dispersed under the command of their respective generals and set up camps. The two sides of the official road were immediately surrounded by camps, and banners of imperial guards and pro-army were everywhere.

After watching this scene for a few days, Taichang got used to it. The only thing he wasn't used to was the fish scale armor on his body.

He is the emperor, and of course he is wearing the most neat armor. This guy has a set of fish-scale armor that weighs about [-] kilograms. It is difficult to even dismount from his horse. When he walks, it is like climbing a mountain. It won't take long to get out of breath.

Alas, if it wasn't for a strong general, he wouldn't be able to wear this thing!

With the support of Cao Huachun and Liu Shiyou, he carefully dismounted from his horse, and then walked slowly along the main road.

This is his intentional exercise. No matter what, since he is going to go to the battlefield, he must get used to wearing this armor. Not to mention going to battle to kill the enemy, at least he has to act as usual.

In the first day or two, he was exhausted before he even went out to the camp of the Imperial Guards. Now he was able to go out of the camp for a while before walking back.

It has to be said that his progress has been considerable.

This is mainly due to his diet. Right now, he has to take some meat and health-enhancing medicine for every meal. Not to mention the sudden increase in strength, there is still a little increase every day.

He believed that after this trip to Liaodong, he would have no problem running in this armor!
Just as he was wearing armor and circling around the camp of the Imperial Guards, while patrolling, there was a sudden sound of sparse horseshoes from the direction of Shanhaiguan.

This should be Sun Chengzong bringing his subordinates and generals to greet him.

Originally, Sun Chengzong heard that he was determined to welcome him to Tongzhou when he heard that he wanted to go to the imperial conquest. He was afraid of an emergency in Liaodong, so he asked Sun Chengzong to wait in Shanhaiguan.

Now that people saw that his army had arrived outside the pass, they naturally wanted to welcome him out.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Sun Chengzong to walk over with more than a dozen civil servants and military generals.

As for the horses, they must have stayed in the outlying camps. After all, he was the emperor, and who would dare to charge up to him when there was no battle.

Seeing the emperor's sweaty face, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Taichang smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, but the armor is too heavy, and I'm not used to wearing it. It should be fine in a few days."

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand again, and said to the civil servants and military generals who were bowing in salute: "Okay, everyone is exempted from the ceremony, let's go, and go back to the camp with me first."

After finishing speaking, he led a group of people to the handsome tent.

His handsome tent is not so big, it is not a problem for dozens of people to sit, and there are not so many things inside, there are tables for twenty or thirty people to eat.

After returning to the commander's tent, he first ordered people to arrange seats for the civil servants and generals of Liaodong and the accompanying master generals, then took off his armor and wiped his sweat, then sat cross-legged on the commander's seat, and solemnly said: "Children Rope, how is the situation on the front line now?"

Sun Chengzong summed it up incisively: "Jiannu probably thought that we would be able to eat us in the wild, so every day he just bluffed and yelled outside Dalinghe Fort, but did not attack the city."

That means it hasn't started yet.

very good!

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked again: "How many troops can you dispatch now?"

Sun Chengzong said without hesitation: "Weichen left 3 horses in Guangning to stand firm, and Jinzhou City has assembled a full 12 horses. If the emperor wants to fight Jiannu decisively, it should not be a problem to dispatch 10 horses. After all, we are nearly 20 horses are enough to block the large and small passages between Jinzhou and Dalinghe Fort, and it is unlikely that Jiannu will go around to our rear to attack Jinzhou."

18 frontier troops and garrison guards plus [-] imperial guards and pro-military forces would be [-], which should have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Taichang then asked again: "How is Jiannu's current strength? Is there any sign of increasing troops?"

Sun Chengzong reckoned: "Jiannu should have dispatched about 10 horses. When they crossed the Daling River, they were stopped by Mangui's army. Both sides died in battle. More than 9 people died. Thousands of people, as for the increase in troops, the scouts sent by the ministers have not seen any signs of increasing troops in the direction of Haizhou Wei."

18 versus [-], plus the muskets and cannons of the Shenji Camp, if they can't beat Jiannu, then it's a ghost!

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but settle down, he thought for a while, then clapped his hands and said: "Come here, serve the food and wine."

Hearing this, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much. Drinking alcohol is not suitable in the army. In the battle of Shenyang, the commander-in-chief He Shixian took people to chase Jiannu's scouts because he drank too much. He set up an ambush, and even You Shigong was dragged down by him, and died outside the city. Drinking while fighting is really harmful!"

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but smiled and said: "This time, let's make an exception. Everyone has worked so hard for guarding outside the customs for so long. I have to reward you, right? Let's drink less and make a point. Let's not be an example, okay?"

What else could Sun Chengzong say, he could only shut up obediently.

Soon, the guards brought up the food and wine.

Since it was on the way to the army, Taichang didn't bother to pay attention to the dishes, the wine, which was the best tribute wine, and the dishes were just stewed meat.

This is because he knew that Sun Chengzong would come to greet him today, so he deliberately asked people to cook it last night, otherwise, he might not be able to serve such stewed meat at this moment.

When the food and drink were served, Taichang raised his glass without any fuss, and said, "Everyone has worked hard, I would like to respect everyone."

Seeing this, everyone quickly stood up and toasted: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Taichang bumped into the crowd from afar, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then raised his hand and said: "Okay, I told you to drink less, I won't take three glasses, everyone can do whatever you want."

After speaking, he grabbed a chicken leg and took a bite.

Seeing this, everyone began to eat the wine and food quite cautiously.

Ugh, these people are too alienated too.

The reason why he personally marched was because he was afraid that there would be a gap between the imperial guards and the pro-army and the frontier army and the garrison guards. When the time came, he would be defeated by Jiannu one by one. It would be impossible for everyone to be so alienated!
Taichang glanced around slightly, then suddenly raised his glass again, and said to the only female general in the room: "General Qin does not give way to men, it is really admirable, come, I will toast you."

Upon hearing this, Qin Liangyu quickly stood up and toasted: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty has given me the award."

Taichang touched his glass with him, drank the wine in a gulp, and then smiled and said: "General Qin, I heard that the white-armed soldiers once fought against the Qi's army in Tongzhou. How did you win or lose?"

When Qin Liangyu heard this, he almost spit out the wine he just drank.

It was a bit embarrassing to say this. The reason why her white soldiers fought with Qi's army was mainly because they were a little unconvinced when they heard that Qi's army was invincible. Therefore, just a little friction led to a group fight.

She glanced awkwardly at Qi Jin who was sitting across from her, blushed and said, "It's all due to the lax command of the last general, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

It seems that the white-armed soldiers really lived up to their reputation, and they actually had a fight with the invincible Qi's army. Moreover, it was rumored that the two sides had not yet decided the winner.

Of course, Taichang didn't want to praise Qin Liangyu for his good fight. He wanted to eliminate the gap between the imperial guards and pro-army generals and the frontier army and Tunwei generals, so that everyone could work together to deal with Jiannu.

He smiled and shook his head and said: "It's okay, let's discuss with each other, it's nothing, General Qi, right, you don't hold grudges, do you?"

Qi Jin heard the words, got up quickly and said: "No, no, your majesty, how can the last general hold grudges!"

Taichang smiled again and said: "It's good if you don't hold any grudges. Then you don't respect General Qin with a glass of wine. The so-called drinking to release your grudges, you will have to work together on the battlefield in the future!"

Hearing this, Qi Jin quickly raised his wine glass and said, "General Qin, I didn't restrain my subordinates well last time, please forgive me."

Qin Liangyu quickly raised his glass and said: "Where is it? If the emperor doesn't talk about it, I will forget it."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help laughing and said: "Forget it, come on, I'll have a drink with you."

After he laughed like this, everyone finally relaxed a little, and the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became warmer.

Although everyone didn't drink much, they got along quite well with each other, especially Qin Liangyu and Qi Jin, the emperor reconciled face to face, so they naturally had to put on a smile and chat with each other.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but nodded secretly. It was rumored that the Baigan soldiers and the Qi family army were really angry. If they brought this emotion to the battlefield, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, his reconciliation as the emperor seems to have worked.

These two are veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. Now that everyone has talked about it, a little conflict should not be brought to the battlefield.

After all, if something goes wrong on the battlefield, it will cost lives, tens of thousands of lives!
They must know this better than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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