Chapter 121
The world's first pass!
Looking at the huge plaque on the city tower, Taichang couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion.

This Shanhaiguan is indeed the number one pass in the world. The majesty of the pass city is rare in the world. The city wall alone is four or five feet high, which is about 15 meters. Think about the enemies who came to knock on the pass and see such a tall and majestic pass city. , I am afraid that there is nothing but despair in my heart.

In history, Shanhaiguan was indeed not breached by Jiannu, but it is a pity that Wu Sangui, the guard at Shanhaiguan at that time, heard that Chongzhen was dead, and Li Zicheng's gang of rebels robbed his favorite concubine. The first level was handed over, and even the remaining elite of the Liaodong Army were given to Jiannu.

Alas, slaves of subjugation, how sad!

Of course, the guard of Shanhaiguan is not Wu Sangui at this moment, and the current situation has not developed to the point where it is necessary to rely on this strong pass to resist the establishment of slaves.

Taichang just looked up at the plaque on the city tower, then waved decisively: "Let's go!"

With [-] imperial guards and pro-armies plus [-] white soldiers, plus the accompanying Jin Yiwei, his army is already close to [-], and there are no less than ten fierce generals surrounding him at this moment.

Qi Jin, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Zhang Yuanfang, Huang Degong, etc., are all fierce generals in his imperial guards and pro-army, and they are all unparalleled in bravery.

Qin Liangyu, Qin Banghan, Qin Bangping, Qin Minping, Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, etc., these are all white-armed generals, and each one of them is fierce!
It has to be said that Qin Liangyu's loyalty is rare in the world, because in history her brothers, her sons, her nephews and even her daughter-in-law all sacrificed their lives for the country. Then passed away.

Such a loyal minister and good general, such a loyal family, should naturally be promoted and reused.

Taichang is already considering whether to add the generals of the Qin family to the Fifth Army Battalion, so that this pro-army will also become an elite division like white soldiers.

However, it seems to be a bit early to say this at the moment, and we have to finish this battle no matter what.

The army went back for three days, and Ningyuan City was already in sight.

At this time, Taichang finally saw the Liao people who were all over the mountains and plains.

He raised his binoculars and looked at the ragged civilians who stood shivering in the cold wind and saw the army but were full of hope. He felt sad for a while.

These are my people, more than 200 million people!
Originally, these common people had families and land, and their life might not be very rich, but they would not be so hungry and cold.

What's even more sad is that these are still good, and those who didn't escape are called miserable.

According to legend, all Liao people who were captured by Jiannu lived a life of slavery that was worse than pigs and dogs, and life was worse than death!

Jiannu, you are deceiving people too much!
He put down the binoculars slowly, and said decisively: "The army will continue to move forward, and camp again when it gets dark."

Originally, he planned to rest in Ningyuan City for one night before continuing to set off.

However, seeing these miserable civilians, he couldn't wait any longer.

He just wanted to hurry to Dalinghe Fort and clean up the slaves!

The army continued to advance, and after another two days, Jinzhou City finally arrived.

Outside Jinzhou City at this time, there were also tents all over the mountains and plains.

However, these tents are not broken tents for civilians, but neat military tents.

An army of 12 has been gathered inside and outside Jinzhou City, and if the imperial guards, pro-army and white soldiers are added, the number has exceeded 20.

With so many people, if they can't do Jiannu anymore, then Daming is really hopeless!
When he got here, Taichang was not in a hurry, because Jiannu was more than fifty miles away, and it only took one day to get there.

The battle was imminent, and the soldiers naturally needed to be in good condition, so he specially ordered the imperial guards, pro-army and white soldiers to rest outside Jinzhou City for a day.

Of course, the soldiers need to be adjusted, and the battle plan must be formulated in advance.

Early the next morning, he recruited Sun Chengzong and a group of major generals to the commander's tent to discuss.

He spread out the maps near Jinzhou, Guangning and Dalinghe Fort on the long table in front of him for a closer look, and then asked solemnly: "This battle is about the fate of the country. It can only be won, not defeated. What do you think? , mention them all."

The battle of national fortune!
Who dares to make random comments?
Everyone frowned and fell silent, not daring to speak easily.

Seeing this, Taichang simply called out his names and said, "Children, tell me."

Hearing this, Sun Chengzong had no choice but to cup his hands and said: "Your Majesty, with our current strength, it is definitely not possible to lose. The main thing is to see how to win. If you want to be safe, then gather an army of 18 and directly press down on the Dalinghe Fort, defeated Jiannu in one fell swoop. If you want to win the world in one battle, then divide your troops into two groups. Defeat them, and then attack from both sides to eliminate the main force of the slave establishment.”

World War I?

This temptation is indeed great, who wouldn't want to fight to decide the world!
Question, can this battle eliminate the main force of slavery?
Taichang thought for a while, and simply called out his names again: "General Qi, what do you say?"

Qi Jin thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "Your Majesty, the last general thinks it's better to be on the safe side, because we were defeated in the battle of Sarhu by dividing our troops, and we can't restrain the speed of the slave cavalry. Break out of the encirclement, escape all the way north, and enter the territory of the Mongolian and Yuan tribes, at that time, we will not be able to catch up even if we want to."

Oh, what a pity!
The Shenwu Battalion only has [-] cavalry now, and it must be no match for the [-] Jiannu cavalry outside Dalinghe Fort, and the other teams simply cannot catch up with Jiannu.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then called his name again: "General Qin, what do you say?"

Qin Liangyu hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the last general agrees with General Qi. Now, we really cannot restrain the speed of the slave cavalry. The possibility of annihilating them in one fell swoop is very slim, so it's better to be on the safe side."

Well, the two seem to have really settled their suspicions.

Well, unity is more important than anything else, as long as there is no civil strife in Da Ming, the establishment of slaves will be defeated, and there is absolutely no need for him to be in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Taichang slowly nodded and said: "Well, let's be on the safe side, gather the army and press directly to the Dalinghe Fort! Come on, let's discuss the specific battle plan, and the army will set off tomorrow morning at Chenshi. "

What is the most important thing in leading troops in battle?

In fact, there is only one word "courage". When the two armies fought, the brave won. Why the battles of Shenyang and Liaoyang were defeated so quickly and thoroughly?

Therefore, Taichang specially promoted He Kegang, who fought bravely with Jiannu in the river bank battle last time, as the general of the right association, responsible for commanding [-] frontier troops and infantry, and the fierce generals Hu Dawei and Zu Dabi assisted him.

At the same time, he also ordered Kuaiqi to go to Guangning, and transferred the generals from Mangui to serve as the general of the Zuoxie, responsible for commanding [-] frontier troops and garrison infantry, assisted by fierce generals Sun Zushou and Hei Yunlong.

In this way, all the horses and horses participating in this battle have a brave general commander, at least in terms of momentum, it is completely different from the battle of Shenyang and the battle of Liaoyang.

In the early morning of the third day, before the time of Mao, there were continuous voices of orders inside and outside Jinzhou City. All the troops participating in the war were dismantling tents at high speed, sorting out their luggage, and heading to the designated location to assemble.

Groups of people and horses continued to gather towards the east of Jinzhou City, and the phalanxes continued to extend around. Nearly 20 people quickly covered a radius of more than ten miles.

With so many people, it is enough to overwhelm mountains and seas!

When Chen Shi arrived, Taichang decisively ordered: "The army is going!"

There was a burst of waving the flag, followed by the sound of "tattling, treading" footsteps. The sound of footsteps became more and more dense and orderly. In the end, the whole world seemed to be trembling due to the sound of footsteps.

With such a big battle of the Ming army, Nurhachi naturally received the news soon.

However, there was no panic on his face.

Because, they have defeated nearly 20 Ming troops more than once!
In the Battle of Salhu, they had less than 6 horses and less than 20 cavalry, and they defeated nearly [-] Ming troops.

In the battle between Shenyang and Liaoyang, they had less than 8 horses. Facing the two great cities, they still defeated nearly 20 Ming troops.

At this moment, he has nearly 9 horses in his hands, and it's an outdoor duel, he's afraid of a bird!

In his view, the Ming army was a mob, and the more people there were, the more chaotic it became.

As for the battle of crossing the river, it was entirely because his iron cavalry could not cross the other side of the river. If they came over, the [-] Ming army infantry would be nothing!
He believes that the nearly 20 Ming army can be crushed with just [-] cavalry under his command, and the remaining infantry don't even need to fight!

Sai Weng lost his horse, how do you know it is not a blessing?
If it weren't for the battle of crossing the river, the Ming army thought they could do it again, how could they gather so many people to die immediately!

At this moment, he even wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

Hahahaha, nearly 20 again!

How many 20 did the Ming army have?

After this battle, the Ming army was afraid that they would retreat into Shanhaiguan and tremble!
(End of this chapter)

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