Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 122 The Fateful Enemy

Chapter 122 The Fateful Enemy
"Tap Tat Tat", the sound of footsteps that shocked the world seems to be endless, and it has been echoing in my ears. Nearly 20 Ming troops marched forward in the field, densely packed, and the head cannot be seen at a glance. The air was overwhelming.

When Shen Shi was approaching, the army was less than twenty miles away from Dalinghe Fort.

Suddenly, a detective cavalry galloped over, and the Jin Yiwei on the horse got off his horse after a long distance, walked quickly to Taichang, knelt on one knee and cupped his hands and said, "Report, Your Majesty, the army of founding slaves is heading towards the west of Dalinghe Fort." Sidingshan gathered, and visually they were camping with their backs against Sidingshan.”

Hearing this, Taichang decisively raised his hand and said: "Decree, the army stops advancing."

There was a burst of flag waving, and the sound of footsteps gradually stopped. The nearly 20 troops slowly adjusted their formation and lined up neatly on the field.

Taichang immediately beckoned to Sun Chengzong, Qi Jin and others, and then dismounted from his horse, ordering Jin Yiwei to unfold the map in front of him.

Siding Mountain is about five miles west of Dalinghe Fort, and about five miles further forward, there is a higher Zijing Mountain. There is a huge basin between Siding Mountain and Zijing Mountain, just right to spread out the army. A decisive battle with Jiannu.

Nurhachi, what does this mean?
Could it be that this guy thinks that less than 9 troops can defeat his nearly 20 troops head-on?

This guy, even the battlefield has been chosen, just waiting for him to go, it's crazy!

When two armies meet, the brave wins.

I'm afraid of you bird!
Taichang discussed with everyone for a while, and soon decided to set up large camps on the northeast sides of Zijing Mountain. Tunwei infantry are located on the left and right wings, arranged in a T shape.

In order to prevent Jiannu's surprise attack, when other troops camped, he specially ordered the Shenji Camp to place the chariot formation in front of the camp, and the Shenwu Camp to line up on the left, right and rear of the Shenji Camp.

Fortunately, Nurhachi seemed to really think that they were sure of them, so he didn't take the opportunity to launch any sneak attack.

After the big camp was set up, it was already evening, Taichang recruited Sun Chengzong and others to the tent again, and solemnly said: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I am determined to raise the army as soon as possible tomorrow morning to have a showdown with Jiannu, what do you think? "

Sun Chengzong cupped his hands without hesitation and said: "The emperor is wise, the establishment of slaves is full of tricks, the longer the time, the more variables there will be, and it is indeed the first choice to fight with him as soon as possible."

The other generals also cupped their hands without hesitation and said: "The emperor is wise."

Taichang nodded slightly, and said resolutely: "That's OK. Tomorrow Maoshi will make food, and Chenshi will gather outside the camp, set up a formation, and compete with Jiannu."

Everyone cupped their hands without hesitation and said, "Observe the order."

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Zhang Yuanfang: "Yuanfang, build me a watchtower about ten feet high, one that can be moved, and I will come to the front of the formation tomorrow to have a look."

When everyone heard the words, they quickly dissuaded them: "Your Majesty, the war is dangerous, you can't risk yourself!"

Taichang smiled slightly and said: "Did you forget that you have a telescope? The telescope in my hand is the most precise one now, which is enough to see things three miles away. Don't worry, I will watch the battle from a distance of about one mile at most, and I will not go any further. ahead."

Well, a mile away is not a big problem. After all, there are densely packed troops in front, back, left, and right. It is almost impossible for Jiannu to rush in for a mile.

In the early morning of the next day, at the time of Chen, the battle drums of the Ming army camp rang out, and nearly 20 people rushed out, roaring in unison, and soon formed an incomparably huge T-shaped formation on the basin in front of Zijing Mountain. .

It was still the same arrangement as the camps, with Shenji Battalion, Imperial Guards, Jingying Elite and Baigan soldiers in the middle, Shenwu Battalion in the back, and [-] frontier troops and Tunwei infantry on the left and right wings.

The Jiannu side was not to be outdone. Amid the sound of war drums, nearly [-] Jiannu also came out in full force. They formed a horizontal rectangular formation less than two miles away from the forward of the Ming army. The front row was full of people. The armored cavalry, followed by light cavalry and infantry.

This formation obviously intended to attack the defensive formation of the Ming army with armored cavalry, light cavalry followed up and divided, and infantry came last to finish.

To be honest, Nurhachi is really crazy right now.

He regards himself as the invincible god of war!
There is no way, starting from the unification of the Jurchen tribes, to the battle of Saerhu, and then to the battle of Shenyang and Liaoyang, he is indeed like a god, invincible, invincible, he can't think of it!
In history, he was also like this. After the battle between Shenyang and Liaoyang, he began to attack the Guan Ningjin defense line, completely ignoring the Ming army.

At that time, Daming was also really overwhelmed, and Wang Huazhen sent him nearly [-] frontier troops, and even Guangning, an important town in western Liaoning, was given to him.

Drive him crazy, I really think I am invincible.

As a result, as soon as Sun Chengzong came, he directly repaired the Daoguan Ningjin line of defense, and quickly stabilized the situation. Then the fortress advanced again, which made him not only unable to advance an inch, but was forced to retreat three or four hundred miles.

Fortunately, Sun Chengzong was soon dismissed by the eunuch party and investigated, and he assembled a large army to rush to the Guan Ningjin line of defense.

Gaodi, the governor of Jiliao sent by the eunuch party, was so frightened that he quickly ordered all the soldiers and civilians in Liaodong to retreat into Shanhaiguan and directly abandon the Guanningjin line of defense.

As a result, Yuan Chonghuan, the guard of Ningyuan, refused to carry out the orders of the eunuch party, and vowed to live and die with Ningyuan, and never retreat in a deadly battle!

To be honest, Nurhachi died madly. He was so mad. The victories in the Battle of Sarhu, the Battle of Shenyang and the Battle of Liaoyang made him think that he was invincible.

Facing the impregnable Ningyuan City, he didn't take it seriously.

Facing the terrifying Hongyi Cannon, he still didn't take it seriously.

Facing Yuan Chonghuan, who vowed to die, he simply dismissed it.

He finally tasted the fiasco for the first time in his life. He was unable to attack several times. Tens of thousands of infantry of the Eight Banners and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty were directly bombarded by the Hongyi cannons in Ningyuan City.

This failure directly cost him his life.

According to legend, it was precisely because he was hit by the shotgun loaded by the Hongyi cannon when he attacked Ningyuan, and eventually the wound festered and died.

The so-called arrogant soldiers must be defeated, nothing more than this.

He even dared to attack Ningyuan City, which was equipped with Hongyi cannons. In the wild, was he afraid that there would be less than 20 Ming troops in this area?

Obviously, he wasn't afraid at all.

In his eyes right now, the Ming army is just a piece of cake!

How did he know that Emperor Taichang of Ming Dynasty was looking at him with a telescope on the well behind the Shenji camp.

The so-called Jinglan is a well-shaped wooden frame that can be pushed and walked. Several people can stand on the top of the wooden frame. .

Of course, Taichang would not let people push Jing Lan to charge, at this time he just wanted to see what was so strange about Nurhachi.

Daming and Jiannu have become mortal enemies at this moment, and they will never die. Only one of the two sides can rule the country for thousands of miles, and the losing side will surely perish!

He and Nurhachi are fateful enemies, either you die or I die!

However, Nurhachi's performance at the moment really made him dumbfounded.

At a distance of less than three miles, he could even see the beard on Nurhachi's face clearly, and he could also clearly see Nurhachi's arrogant expression.

Are you him? When my nearly 20 army is paper, what expression do you have?
Originally, he still had a headache, what if Jiannu didn't charge.

After all, the Shenji Battalion's weapon to restrain the cavalry is the artillery, and there is no artillery cart at the moment, and the artillery cannot be placed on the chariot to fire.

In other words, if the Shenji Battalion were to charge, they would have to carry the cannons up.

A cannon plus a base weighs more than 200 kilograms. It’s not Qi Jin’s incomparable strength. One person can’t move it at all, and it’s quite difficult for two people to carry it. A cannon needs at least three or four people to carry it. to run.

He couldn't even imagine what the scene would be like.

Fortunately, judging from Nurhachi's expression, they didn't need to charge at all.

This guy probably thought that [-] cavalry could crush them!
Sure enough, the Jiannu formation on the opposite side had just been lined up, and Nurhachi pulled out his saber without hesitation, and slowly raised it up.

This guy is about to charge!
Taichang quickly ordered: "Attention all, set up the defensive formation, Jiannu is going to charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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