Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 126 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 126

The reward for military merit is not only money but also an official promotion!

Soldiers who fought bravely were rewarded with silver coins, and generals who participated in the battle were promoted or even promoted to nobles.

Next, Taichang directly ordered Cao Huachun to read the imperial decree and announced the rewards for the generals participating in the battle on the spot.

The coach, Sun Chengzong, strategized and won this battle, and he contributed a lot, and he added the crown prince and Taibao!

The generals of each army, Man Gui, He Kegang, Qi Jin, Qin Liangyu, Cao Wenzhao, Zhang Yuanfang, Zu Dashou, etc., were promoted to the left governor of the five armies.

Lieutenants Sun Zushou, Hei Yunlong, Hu Dawei, Zu Dabi, Qin Banghan, Cao Bianjiao, etc., including Ma Shilong and Zhao Ledjiao who did not directly participate in the battle, were promoted to the right governor of the Fifth Army.

In terms of logistics, Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qizheng were promoted to two levels of officials, and they were promoted to the right councilor and the right to participate in politics.

In addition, the promotion of the military merits of the generals and schools of each army will be discussed and reported by the generals of each army and the commander-in-chief Sun Chengzong.

After hearing the imperial decree, all the people rejoiced and thanked again and again.

Next, Taichang said in high spirits again: "I want to tell you one more piece of good news. The Jinyiwei scouts just came to report, and Jiannu has already fled all the way to the east of the Daliao River."

Doesn't this mean that the strategic goal set at the beginning has been completed?

Because according to Sun Chengzong's plan, their goal this year is to recover the land west of the Daliao River, so that more than two million Liao people can have a home.

Now it's all right, the Jiannu have fled to the east of the Daliao River, and they don't have to push the fort slowly anymore.

Hearing this, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but excitedly said: "Your Majesty, this is all right. We only need to build a few fortresses along the Daliao River, and then we can move the Liao people to the place between the Daling River and the Daliao River. The imperial court will soon not have to bear the burden." The expenses of these Liao people."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, as long as we build a few forts along the Daliao River, the hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers will be recovered. However, we can't take it lightly, after all, when the Daliao River freezes in winter, building It is easy for the slave cavalry to cross the river, but it will be troublesome if they risk crossing the river to intercept the grain road, after all, this place is about three hundred miles away from the west bank of the Daliao River, and the convoy transporting grain and grass will have to walk on the road for at least five or six days."

Sun Chengzong heard the words and said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, this humble minister has already thought about it. Anyway, we don't lack manpower at the moment. We can build a fort every fifty miles or so, so that the food transport team can spend the night in the fort. If Jiannu comes to attack, they can also hide in the fortress and stand by for help."

This method is indeed good, Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, you can arrange it. It is best to start construction of all the forts at the same time, and build them all before the Daliao River freezes."

The next day, the army rose again and headed straight for the Daliao River.

One hundred miles, two hundred miles, three hundred miles, the east of the Daling River, the banks of the Shuangtaizi River, and the west of the Daliao River were recovered one after another.

Sun Chengzong arranged for soldiers to build fortresses one by one in the dangerous places of various passages. Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qiyi also followed behind with joyful Liao people and came to their new home.

This winter, the Liao people finally don’t have to suffer from the cold in the wild. The villages along the way, large and small, have not had time to destroy them. They live in them, huddle together, and prepare more firewood for warmth. They can still survive this winter. past.

On the west bank of the Daliao River, where the pontoon bridge of Jiannudu River was built, Taichang Dama stood proudly on the beach, looking at the pontoon bridge that Jiannu cut off when he left in a panic, his face could not help showing a hint of pride.

Jian slave, but that's all.

They also had to kneel in front of the new gunpowder weapons. As long as there were enough muskets, cannons and chariots, they could fight positional warfare, and the cavalry that Jiannu was proud of was a dish!

In other words, as long as the Shenji Battalion is fully equipped, and then placed there, the Jiannu cavalry will not dare to come over, and come to deliver food.

If you add the Shenwu Battalion, even if Jiannu gathers all the troops, they will not be opponents.

In this way, the tactics of advancing the fortress are simple. As long as the Shenji Camp and the Shenwu Camp are pushed up, the Jiannu will definitely stay away, and they can build the fort however they want.

The Daliaohe River is less than three hundred miles away from Shenyang, and there are Haizhou Acropolis and Liaoyang City in the middle. That is to say, as long as the Haizhou Acropolis and Liaoyang City are taken down, and then two or three forts are built, the soldiers can come Shenyang city is down!

Is this difficult?
It seems that it is not difficult at all!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but excitedly said: "Let's go back to the commander's account."

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head and ran straight to the camp.

Everyone didn't understand why the emperor suddenly became so happy. However, it is always a good thing that the emperor is happy. Everyone didn't think too much, so they just hit the horse and followed.

At this time, a city was already being built beside the river bank. The size of the city was about the same as that of Dalinghe Fort, and it was also a medium-sized city with a square of five miles.

The [-] frontier troops, the infantry of the station guards, and the [-] young and strong are working in full swing. I believe that the wall foundation will definitely be built before the cold winter comes.

And next to the city is the big camp of the imperial guards and the pro-army, a group of people rode into the big camp, and soon came to the commander's tent.

Taichang couldn't wait to pull out the map of Liaodong, spread it on the long table in front of the commander, and then waved: "Come, everyone, come and have a look."

When Sun Chengzong and others heard this, they quickly surrounded him.

No one who was present at this map of Liaodong had read it countless times, so everyone is naturally familiar with it.

Question, what does it mean that the emperor suddenly took out the map of Liaodong?

In the eyes of everyone puzzled, Taichang pointed directly at Haizhou, Liaoyang and Shenyang on the map and said: "Look, Shenyang is less than three hundred miles away, and there are two ready-made cities in the middle. If we use the fortress Pushing forward, can we just build two or three more cities at most!"

This is indeed true. The main purpose of advancing the fortress is to prevent the Jiannu cavalry from raiding. Generally, it is almost enough to build a city every fifty miles or so.

Everyone finally understood that the emperor wanted to take Shenyang and recover the entire Liaodong!

Sure enough, Taichang immediately said excitedly: "The Shenji Battalion will be fully equipped in less than half a year, and then we will not be afraid of building slave cavalry. Take down two cities, build another two or three cities, if everything goes well, we will be able to take back Shenyang next year!"

Is this possible?
It doesn't seem impossible.

Everyone has seen the power of the Shenji camp's firearms, and I believe that Jiannu also has a deep understanding. If the firepower of the Shenji camp is more than doubled, then the Jiannu cavalry will be killed if they charge up!
Will the slave cavalry rush forward to die foolishly?
Obviously not possible.

In other words, as long as the Shenji Battalion is standing in front, Jiannu will not dare to come over, and there is no resistance to advancing the fortress.

Thinking of this, everyone also showed excitement on their faces.

Who would have imagined that the Liaodong frontier army was beaten to the bum by Jiannu a year ago, and they will regain Shenyang next year!
At this time, everyone was too excited, only Sun Chengzong frowned and pondered for a while, then solemnly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much. I think that for the sake of safety, we should take down Gaizhouwei first State Wei and Jinzhou Wei are better. Because Jiannu can completely bypass Zhenjiang, go directly to Jinzhou Wei, and then rely on Jinzhou Wei, Fuzhou Wei and Gaizhou Wei to harass our rear. At that time, we will attack Shenyang The main force is in a dilemma."

There is indeed truth to this statement.

Jiannu likes to take detours for sneak attacks the most. Although the detour to Zhenjiang is a bit far away, for the cavalry, this distance is nothing at all.

Taichang looked at the map, thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you know roughly how many people are stationed in Gaizhou Guard, Fuzhou Guard, and Jinzhou Guard?"

Sun Chengzong reckoned: "The focus of building slaves is in Liaoyang and Shenyang. It is not bad if there are at most 5000 troops stationed in each of Gaizhouwei, Fuzhouwei and Jinzhouwei."

If this is the case, it would not be difficult to take down these three acropolises.

At that time, as long as 2 or [-] horses are stationed in each acropolis, the slave cavalry will have a headache.

Because they don't have a city to rely on at all, and there are all enemy cities along the way, it is difficult for them to transport food and grass, so it is naturally impossible to detour and sneak attack.

Taichang thought carefully for a while, then nodded slightly and said: "Well, it's better to be on the safe side. Anyway, we are not in a hurry for a month or two. Let's discuss the specific battle plan carefully. We will send troops in the spring and fight for construction. If you are caught off guard, try to regain Liaodong in one fell swoop!"

It is said that everyone is full of enthusiasm. Recovering lost land and expanding territory are all unworldly achievements. No matter civil servants or military generals, who wants to be famous forever!

Judging from the current strength comparison between the two sides, it is really not difficult to recover Liaodong. For them, the most threatening thing is the remaining [-] cavalry of Jiannu, and the Shenji Battalion just restrains Jiannu cavalry, and the fortress advances It also made the cavalry helpless.

Without the biggest advantage of the cavalry, Jiannu wanted to defeat Daming, it was simply impossible, compared to infantry, they were no match at all!

Everyone is talking about you and me, and the more they talk, the more excited they become. It feels as if they can regain Liaodong in one fell swoop as long as they wait until the spring of next year.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes outside.

What can happen at this time?
Could it be that Jian Nu is desperate, and ran over to carry out a sneak attack again!

To be honest, everyone is really not afraid of building slaves now, because a big victory in Dalinghe Fort has already regained their confidence.

Therefore, everyone just looked at the tent door with a little curiosity, and no one showed any panic.

Soon, a postman with a flag on his back ran in staggeringly, knelt down on one knee, raised an envelope with both hands, and gasping for breath, said, "Report, Your Majesty, the capital is within [-] miles to send an urgent message."


Did something happen in the capital?
When Taichang heard this, his face couldn't help but change.

He walked forward quickly, took the envelope, and tore it open, his expression suddenly became even uglier.

There was no accident in the capital, but an accident in Sichuan. Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of War, reported:
Yongning Xuanfu envoy She Chongming sent his generals Fan Long and Zhang Tong with [-] soldiers to pretend to aid Liao. They passed through the prefectural city of Chongqing and went to the city to demand food and wages. As a result, they killed the governor Xu Keqiu and his civil servants and generals as soon as they entered the city. More than [-] people occupied Chongqing Fucheng!

At the same time, She Chongming has personally led an army to attack Hejiang and Luzhou. Once Hejiang and Luzhou are breached, Chengdu will be in danger!

After Taichang looked at it, he felt that a basin of cold water was poured down his head, and his heart was soothed.

One wave has not calmed down, another wave has risen again, the dawn has just appeared in Liaodong, and the chieftains in the southwest have begun to rebel again. Is this the end of the Ming Dynasty?
Alas, this troubled world is coming, nothing can stop it!
(End of this chapter)

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