Chapter 127
The She'an Rebellion did not occupy much space in the history books. From the perspective of official history, the She'an Rebellion seems to be an innocuous small rebellion.

Actually, that's not the case at all!
Historically, this rebellion lasted for more than ten years, causing at least one million casualties, and it affected a wide area, covering half of the Ming Dynasty. The heavy losses of the Ming Dynasty cannot be estimated at all.

Not to mention anything else, in this rebellion, two governors of the Ming Dynasty died alone, there was also a governor of five provinces, a prime minister of five provinces, and dozens of generals such as general soldiers and deputy general soldiers. Including Qin Minping, Qin Liangyu's younger brother.

This is nothing, the most tragic thing is that Guiyang City has been besieged by the rebels for more than ten months. There were more than [-] residents and fleeing civilians in Guiyang City.

It can be said that the influence of the She'an Rebellion on the Ming Dynasty was more than ten times that of the Yang Yinglong Rebellion in Bozhou. It was precisely because the She'an Rebellion consumed nearly half of Daming's national power that Jiannu had the last laugh.

Why is there no detailed record of such a big event in the history books?
The reason is similar to what happened between Yuan Keli and Liu Aita. Some people don't want to record this history, make themselves ugly, and make future generations scold them!
Originally, the She'an Rebellion would not have developed to such a large scale, because there happened to be a few violent people in Daming at that time.

Governor Zhu Xieyuan, Governor Wang Sanshan, Governor Cai Fuyi, the number one fierce general in the Southwest Lu Qin, Shizhu Xuanwei Division Qin Liangyu, Qin Minping, Ma Xianglin, etc., are all good at fighting. She Chongming and An Bangyan are not their opponents at all.

As soon as these fierce men came out, both Yongning Chieftain and Shuixi Chieftain were beaten and retreated steadily.

Unfortunately, once the eunuch party came to power, Zhu Xieyuan was afraid of being implicated, so he retired directly. Wang Sanshan, Cai Fuyi, Lu Qin, who did not retire, including Qin Liangyu's younger brother Qin Minping, were all dismissed due to various magical operations of the eunuch party. They were even dismissed from office and their jobs were removed, and in the end they all died for the country with hatred on the battlefield one by one.

The governor Zhang Minghe and governor Min Mengde replaced by the eunuch party were purely here to confuse their qualifications. The only thing they did was to hide in the rear and lie about their achievements.

She Chongming and An Bangyan were left alone, and the chaos in She'an naturally intensified and intensified. By the end of the apocalypse, the entire southwest was in a mess.

Therefore, there is basically no intermediate process of the She'an Rebellion in the history books. The rebellion was almost suppressed, but it was intensified by the eunuchs, and they did not dare to suppress the rebellion at all. Of course they have no face to record such a thing!

In the end, it was not until Chongzhen ascended the throne that Zhu Xieyuan was reactivated, and he was promoted to the governor of the five provinces, responsible for countering the rebellion. It took the Ming Dynasty nearly ten years and nearly half of its national power to finally put down the Anshe Rebellion.

In other words, the records about the Anshe Rebellion in the history books were castrated!

At the beginning of the Apocalypse, Zhu Xieyuan, Qin Liangyu and others led the army to suppress the rebellion, and the rebels retreated steadily.

Then, the eunuch party came to power, and the rebellion in She'an intensified, and it spread to the five southwestern provinces. Almost all the governors and generals who had meritorious service were killed in battle. up!
Next, Zhu Xieyuan, Qin Liangyu and others led the army to suppress the rebellion, and the rebel army retreated steadily. In this way, the She'an Rebellion was put down!

After the eunuch party castrated the middle section, the She'an Rebellion became like this in the history books.

She Chongming and An Bangyan rebelled, Zhu Xieyuan, Qin Liangyu and others led the army to put down the rebellion, the rebels retreated steadily, uh, the rebels retreated steadily, the She'an Rebellion was put down!

From this point of view, it was indeed an innocuous little rebellion. The rebels seemed to be retreating steadily, not doing anything at all!

This also directly caused Taichang to have no impression of the She'an Rebellion at all!
Question, Cui Jingrong's memorial clearly stated that She Chongming sent 2 troops to occupy Chongqing Fucheng, and then personally led the army to attack Hejiang and Luzhou.

This proves that there are at least [-] rebels!
More than [-] rebels, can this be a trivial matter?

You know, when Jiannu rebelled, there were only more than [-] troops!

what's the problem?

After thinking for a while, he still handed the memorial to Qin Liangyu, and then asked, "She Chongming, do you know him?"

Qin Liangyu took a look at the memorial, and his expression also changed.

She thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "Yongning Propaganda Envoy She Chongming is the biggest chieftain in Sichuan, and his strength is comparable to that of Bozhou Propaganda Envoy Yang Yinglong!"

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but say: "The strength is as close as that of Yang Yinglong in Bozhou? Doesn't that mean that he has no fewer than one hundred thousand men!"

Qin Liangyu nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, if he is all young and strong in the clan, his army strength will definitely not be less than one hundred thousand."

No fewer than 10 horses!
At this moment, half of the guards in the Sichuan capital have been transferred, and this half is still elite, and the remaining half is estimated to have little combat effectiveness, and most of the Sichuan capitals are chieftains!

Can other chieftains listen to the imperial court and fight desperately with the biggest chieftain in Sichuan?
By the way, Qin Liangyu is also a chieftain!

Thinking of this, Taichang couldn't help asking: "If you are young and strong, can you compete with She Chongming?"

Qin Liangyu was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and said: "Your Majesty, our Shizhu Xuanwei Division is only a county, but Yongning Xuanfu Division has a whole family. Thousands of horses!"

This is troublesome, where do we deploy troops to counter the rebellion?
At this moment, the elite personnel of Huguang Dusi, Shaanxi Dusi and Huguang Xingdusi around Sichuan have all been transferred to Liaodong!

It seems that this extravagance is premeditated.

He just rebelled because he knew that the elite guards in the surrounding area had been withdrawn and the Ming court had no time to look around!
Is there no soldiers around Sichuan to adjust?
It seems that there is still Guizhou!

The question is, how many troops can be adjusted in Guizhou?

At this time, Taichang regretted not bringing Zhang Zhiji with him. As an emperor, it was naturally impossible for him to memorize all the information about Dusi Tunwei by heart.

He could only helplessly ask: "General Qin, you are familiar with the situation in Guizhou. If I transfer troops from Guizhou, how much can I transfer?"

Unexpectedly, when Qin Liangyu heard the words, he said worriedly: "Your Majesty, I will not know whether I should say something or not."

It's this time, what else should I say.

Taichang said without hesitation: "If you have anything, just say it."

Qin Liangyu heard the words, and then said cautiously: "This rebellion should not be blamed on others indiscriminately, but the general feels that She Chongming may have colluded with the largest chieftain in Guizhou, Shuixi Xuanweisi. , Extravagance and Chongming have turned against each other, and Shuixi Xuanweisi should be there soon."

Taichang couldn't help being surprised: "Why do you say that?"

Qin Liangyu said helplessly: "Shuixi Xuanweisi's rebellion will not be confirmed in the end, but at this moment, Shuixi Xuanwei's envoy An is young and can't manage the board at all. His mother Du Hui is in charge of everything. , and She Duhui is She Chongming's younger sister, and She Duhui and Shuixi Xuanwei envoy An Bangyan are in collusion, and they have long been disobedient. It is very unlikely that Wei Si will not turn back."

Don't think about it, Shuixi Xuanweisi will definitely follow suit, they must have premeditated.

Since they are brothers and sisters, it would be strange not to follow her!
Taichang couldn't help frowning: "How strong is Shuixi Xuanweisi?"

Qin Liangyu said without hesitation: "Shuixi Xuanwei Division occupies half of Guizhou, and its strength is stronger than Yongning Xuanfu Division."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help saying, "What do you mean, these two brothers and sisters together have more than 20 troops?"

Qin Liangyu nodded slowly and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, there must be more than 20 troops under their brothers and sisters."

Well, sometimes a lot of people is not necessarily great.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked again: "What about their combat power, how is it compared to Tunwei?"

Qin Liangyu reckoned: "Their combat power should not be weak, because the Yongning Xuanfu Division and the Shuixi Xuanwei Division were the main force when the Yang Yinglong Rebellion in Bozhou was quelled. a little."

This is really troublesome.

The brothers and sisters have more than 20 troops, and their combat power is no worse than that of the Tunwei. If they are left alone, the entire Southwest may be over!

Question, where to mobilize 20 troops?

Now, the entire Ming Dynasty only has 20 troops in Liaodong!

How to do?
There is no other way but to let the imperial guards and pro-army go up!

Taichang frowned and pondered for a long time, and then asked solemnly: "Zhensheng, if I send the imperial guards and pro-army to the southwest to suppress the rebellion, can you guard the front line of the Daliao River?"

Alas, it seems that the plan to recover Liaodong is about to fail!

Sun Chengzong thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, the emperor, this section of the Daliao River is less than a hundred miles away. We will definitely be able to defend it by building three fortresses and defending it with all our strength."

Taichang thought for a while, but was still a little worried: "The Daliao River freezes in winter, can you hold it? If the cavalrymen are wrapped in non-slip coarse cloth or something, crossing the river will be an instant thing!"

Sun Chengzong thought about it again, and then said seriously: "There is no need to worry too much about this. My minister can make people dig the river embankment into a cliff-like face, and then pour water on it to turn it into an ice wall. It is very difficult to climb, and if the cavalry charge hard, they will die if they don't get hit or killed."

Well, Sun Chengzong is still very good at defense, so I can only trust him.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said decisively: "General Qin, you lead the white soldiers back to Beijing with me first."

(End of this chapter)

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