Chapter 129

The capital finally arrived, but Taichang's face was covered with frost, without any warmth.

Because he received an urgent report from Sichuan on the way, the rebel army was divided into two groups, and the north and south marched at the same time. The rebel army on the north route had already captured Neijiang, the gateway to Chengdu, and the army on the south route had also captured Zunyi, the fortress of Guizhou. up.

In other words, even if the imperial guards and the pro-army quelled the rebellion in Sichuan, She Chongming could sneak into the mountains of Bashu, flee from Zunyi to Guizhou, and rush to join the Shuixi rebels.

More than [-] troops are running around in the familiar mountainous area, and the southwest will definitely be a mess!

Originally, he thought that he could prevent the troubled times from coming with his own ability, or end the troubled times as soon as possible, and bring Daming into a peaceful and prosperous age.

However, this chaotic world is still here, and it is getting worse.

There's no way, even if he doesn't make any mistakes, the guys above the court are still poking trouble for him!

This time, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were greeted outside the Chaoyang Gate.

After all, he personally conquered and won a complete victory, beat Jiannu to the brim, and regained more than [-] miles of lost land in one fell swoop.

This is a truly triumphant return. If the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty don't take it seriously and come out of the city to welcome him, the emperor, it will be unreasonable.

This time, not only the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty welcomed out of the city, but even Wei Zhongxian came out.

This guy might want to see Donglin's jokes. After all, the decision to transfer the chieftain soldiers of the Xingdu Division in Sichuan to support Liaodong was led by Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Cui Jingrong happened to be Donglin.

So, he hurried over here, just wanting to see how Dong Lin would be scolded so badly.

Even Taichang couldn't help but want to give him a big mouth for Wei Zhongxian's schadenfreude.

This time it was indeed Donglin who caused the disaster. If they didn't get rid of the chieftain soldiers of Xingdusi in Sichuan, they would have no excuse to enter Chongqing Fucheng. Perhaps this rebellion would not have happened.

Question, didn't your guy's eunuch get into trouble?

Liaodong Shenyang and Liaoyang fell one after another, Sichuan Chongqing fell, Chengdu is in danger, this kind of catastrophe enough to shake the foundation of Ming Dynasty, you two guys are just like a game, rushing out one after another, making him, the emperor, desperate, fighting fires everywhere .

No wonder Zhengde, Jiajing, Wanli and others didn't like courtiers in front of them. This group of things is really disgusting.

Taichang is really angry when he sees these guys now, and he doesn't want to talk to them at all.

Of course, blindly avoiding is not the solution. An emperor must find a way to control civil servants to be a good emperor. If he follows his father Wanli and blindly avoids, the world will be in chaos sooner or later.

Taichang was sulking there, suddenly, an unexpected person appeared in his eyes.

This person is Xu Ji, the eldest son of Xu Guangqi.

Xu Ji was sent by him to find potatoes and sweet potato seeds. Since this guy came back, it proved that the potatoes and sweet potato seeds must have been found.

When Taichang saw Xu Ji, the frost on his face finally melted a lot.

He explained to Qi Jin, let him lead the imperial guards and relatives to go to Changying and Nanyuan for a day of repair, then passed the eunuchs and Donglin senior officials, walked directly to Xu Guangqi's side, patted Xu Ji on the shoulder and said: : "How about it, Qianli, have you ever found sweet potatoes and potato seeds?"

Xu Ji hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I am fortunate enough to not disgrace my life. I searched all the way to Fujian and finally found sweet potatoes and potato seeds. What's more, the Shibo Secretary in Fujian heard that I was going back to Beijing to meet the saint. Ask this minister to return two things to the emperor."

two things?

It can't be rubber!

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but excitedly said: "Where are the things?"

Xu Ji hurriedly replied, "All the ministers have been sent to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

it is good!
Taichang immediately greeted Xu Guangqi, Xu Ji, his father and son and other cronies, as well as the prince Zhu Youxiao and Xin Wang Zhu Youjian, got on the horse, and then rushed all the way to the palace with the guards, and straightened up all the civil and military officials who came to greet them. His face was dull and he was dumbfounded.

Taichang led the crowd to the Ciqing Palace, and walked quickly into the side hall dedicated to research and development. When he took a look, a strange look appeared on his face.

The sweet potatoes and potatoes that Xu Ji found were all right, and they were not just a little bit. There were several baskets of each, but what Xu Ji asked Xu Ji to bring back from the Fujian Shipbuilding Department was a bit strange. A wooden box as long as a meter!
Beer and swords?
No way!
Those people from Fujian Bosi can't even understand the words to describe things, can they?

He didn't say he wanted to drink beer, nor did he say he wanted a big sword!

He walked forward somewhat dumbfounded, opened the wooden box and saw that there was an umbrella and an envelope inside.

What does this mean?
He was a little dumbfounded.

Even if he knew things like a god, he never thought that there would be an umbrella in the box!
At this moment, a strange smell suddenly passed into his nose, causing him to frown.

However, his brows were relaxed again in an instant, and they were even raised with joy.

It definitely smells like rubber!
He couldn't help but picked up the umbrella and took a closer look. Sure enough, the umbrella was covered with a thin layer of rubber skin.

These people even use rubber as the waterproof layer on the umbrella surface!
To be honest, this effect is absolutely amazing. After the rubber and the thick cloth of the umbrella surface are bonded together, water will definitely not seep in. Moreover, this kind of umbrella is quite flexible, much more durable than the oil-paper umbrellas that are popular these days. .

Question, isn't it a serious waste to use such precious rubber as the waterproof layer of the umbrella?
He opened the envelope, pulled out the letter paper, and immediately understood.

It turned out that this umbrella was not produced in Daming, but in Luzon.

Officials from the Department of Shipping said that the western barbarians in Luzon used this to paste umbrellas!

The western barbarians in Luzon are Spanish colonists, Taichang is very clear about this.

However, after reading the letter, he was completely stunned.

It turns out that there are no rubber trees in Southeast Asia at all, and the things used to paste umbrellas were transported by Western barbarians from America.

Moreover, there are not many such things in Luzon. They spent 100 taels of silver to buy a bucket. If they want more, they have to order from others.

Amerigo should be America, 100 taels of silver a bucket is not very expensive, at least, for the value of a steam engine, such a large bucket of 100 taels of silver is indeed not expensive.

The problem is, they have to order.

Obviously, the Spaniards don't have much in stock, and if they want more, they have to ship it from America.

How long do we have to wait!

After Taichang thought about it, he still asked Prince Zhu Youxiao to pry open the beer keg for a look.

The beer barrel is indeed filled with rubber, and it is still rubber that has solidified. Such a large barrel is quite a lot. It is estimated that tens of thousands of small sealing rings can be made.

Questions, even tens of thousands are not enough!

Once this steam engine is developed, it will not be a matter of tens of thousands of units. What's more, a steam engine needs at least several sealing rings.

Fortunately, the Spaniards don't know the purpose of rubber at this moment, so they shouldn't be stuck and refuse to sell it to them. With these guys' mercenary temperament, as long as it is profitable, they will fix it for you as much as you order.

A barrel of 100 taels, a hundred barrels is 1 taels, and there is a thousand barrels. There should be no shortage of rubber in the early trial production and production.

Alas, money is needed again.

No matter how short of money you are, you have to grit your teeth!

As long as the steam engine can be developed, the production speed of muskets and artillery will be doubled, and trains and ships will be launched soon. By then, there is hope of ending this troubled world.

Thinking of this, Taichang said decisively: "Bring it to Wang Chengen."

Soon, Wang Chengen hurried over with a face full of excitement.

After paying respects to the monarchs and ministers, Taichang pointed to the beer barrels on the ground and said solemnly: "Chengen, you send a reliable person with 5 taels of silver to the Fujian Municipal Shipping Department, and let the officials of the Municipal Shipping Department lead him. Go to Luzon and order [-] barrels of these things from the Western barbarians there. In addition, how many there are, buy them first, and tell those barbarians that the rest of the money will be paid on delivery."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen thought about it carefully, then cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you let Zhao Feng go, he happens to be in Jinling right now, and he still has some money in hand."

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Well, let Zhao Feng go. In short, the sooner this matter, the better."

10 taels of silver is not too little. It should be able to drive the Spanish colonists to go to America to buy goods. Anyway, they snatched this thing from Native Americans. It's just a little time, this money is not profitable, it is not profitable!
Alas, Taichang also wants to earn money!
(End of this chapter)

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