Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 130 Endless Infighting

Chapter 130 Endless Infighting
The rubber was found, but Taichang was struggling.

Now Liaodong has not yet been recovered, and the chieftains in the southwest have begun to rebel again. Money is needed everywhere, and rubber also costs a lot of money.

If the steam engine is developed, then building ships or trains will require a lot of money.

The problem is, now he has to pay by installments, money is tight, and he won't be able to pay a lot of money in ten months or even a year!

There was one more question he had to consider.

At this moment, the Spaniards don't know the purpose of rubber, so it must be no problem to buy it.
If after a long time, they know the real purpose of rubber and want to buy it, it will probably be difficult.

How to do it?

Perhaps, we should buy the seeds of the rubber tree and try to plant them in the hottest places in the south.

Alas, it's a pity, he doesn't have time to do this right now!
He was struggling there secretly, but Xu Guangqi couldn't help asking cautiously: "Your Majesty, how can this be made to prevent air leakage?"

Uh, it's getting late now, and it seems too late to do it. Besides, it's not just a matter of doing it to make a sealing ring from rubber.

Although Taichang didn't know exactly how the rubber was made into a sealing ring, he could be sure that the sealing ring was not cut out by hand.

Because the surface of the sealing ring is as smooth as a mirror surface, it is impossible to cut it out, and it must be pressed out with a mold.

After thinking for a while, he found a steam piston model, pointed to the protruding rod and asked, "Zi first, how thick is this? I'm talking about the detailed size, not a rough idea."

Xu Guangqi said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, this one is one inch, no more than a little bit, and no less than a little bit."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then introduced in detail: "We need to make a mold to press the rubber into a one-inch ring. This kind of ring is called a sealing ring. It looks like a jade bracelet or a smooth ring. The surface is extremely smooth, but this ring doesn't have to be as thick as a bracelet or a ring, just a bit thicker will do."

Hearing this, Xu Guangqi thought about it carefully, and then asked, "Your Majesty, is this mold made of refined steel or copper?"

Hundreds of steel smelters are rigid, and it takes at least three days to carve a mold, but copper is different, and it should be almost one day.

Taichang thought about it, and said decisively: "Use copper first, and try to use simple and quick things when we try to manufacture."

Xu Guangqi nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, I will arrange people to do it later, and it should be done tomorrow."

Don't worry!

Taichang opened the steam piston again, pointed to the inner wall and asked, "How thick is this?"

Xu Guangqi still said without hesitation: "This is five inches, and it's not too much, not too much."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, let's make another five-inch mold, the thickness is still one point."

Hearing this, Xu Guangqi couldn't help but suddenly said: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, the sealing ring has to be as big as the leaking place is?"

Taichang smiled slightly and said, "Of course, you think it's enough to make one kind?"

Xu Guangqi thought for a while, and then asked: "Then how do you install the sealing ring? You see, these places are all tightly fitted."

How difficult is this? Taichang pulled out a piston, pointed to its outer edge and said: "Just carve a groove in the middle. As for the size, it should not be exactly one point, and it should be about eight or nine centimeters. To be able to snap the sealing ring in without leaking air, it may take a few tries to find the best size.”

When Xu Guangqi heard this, he suddenly said, "I understand."

It seemed that there was nothing to do next, anyway, the sealing ring could not be made without the mold, so Taichang simply bid farewell to everyone and returned to Qianqing Palace.

The imperial concubine Wu Wan'er and the imperial concubine Zhang Yan were naturally overjoyed when he came back. The so-called long separation is better than a newly married one night.

Uh, I have nothing to say this night, and in a blink of an eye it will be morning the next day.

Just after the beginning of the performance, Yao Zongwen coughed, walked out of the train quickly, knelt in the middle of the royal road and said loudly: "Your Majesty, my minister impeached Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of War, for his great achievements and willful deeds. , so as to cause a catastrophe, harming the country and the people!"

Hearing this, Cui Jingrong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, hurriedly walked out of the train and argued loudly: "Your Majesty, he is purely slandering. The support of Liaodong by the people of the capital is approved by the cabinet, and it is not a mere minister's willful action!"

Yao Zongwen immediately taunted without hesitation: "You clearly know that the chieftain soldiers are unruly and unruly, and you like to make troubles, but you want to mobilize them randomly. Don't you know about the Yang Yinglong rebellion in Bozhou?"

Cui Jingrong quickly argued: "You are overgeneralizing. Yang Yinglong of Bozhou is Yang Yinglong of Bozhou. Just because he committed rebellion does not mean that all chieftains will commit rebellion. Didn't Qin Liangyu, the consolation envoy of Shizhu, follow the imperial court's order and come when called?"

Yao Zongwen said without hesitation: "You say that I am biased, but you are biased. Shizhu Xuanweisi obeyed the imperial order and came as soon as he was called. What about the other chieftains? When did they hear the imperial order? You Say one more thing and I'll listen!"

Cui Jingrong frowned and thought about it, and then retorted: "Are you ignorant or deliberately messing around? Yongning Xuanfu Division was the main force to put down the Yang Yinglong Rebellion in Bozhou. Don't you know that they haven't heard the imperial order? Can you imagine that they would Rebellion? You are pure hindsight!"

Alas, another infighting.

After hearing this, Taichang couldn't help being bored for a while.

Although the infighting between the eunuch party and Donglin was the result of his helpless connivance, it was really annoying to see too much.

The traitors are about to attack Chengdu at this moment, and these guys are still fighting among themselves here, thinking of nothing, how can Daming survive?

Hmph, if there are people now, believe it or not, I will kill you all!
There is a saying that is true, if you don't die, you won't die, the more fun you do, the faster you die.

Taichang was not in a hurry to deal with these guys at first. After all, Liaodong has not been recovered yet, and the Southwest is making trouble again. .

The problem is, these guys are getting more and more happy, and if they don't deal with them, they will definitely cause even bigger troubles.

I have no choice but to clean up these guys as soon as possible.

He looked indifferently at the two guys who were arguing endlessly on the royal road, but he began to think about how to deal with these guys in his mind.

In a few months, it will be the first imperial examination since he took the throne, and then hundreds of Jinshi will be able to be selected to replace these guys.

The question is, how to choose Jinshi to choose the person you want, and how to cultivate after selection?
Also, can all the cronies in the court and China be replaced with just one imperial examination?
Moreover, it is impossible for Xinke Jinshi to be promoted to the fourth rank, the third rank, or even the second rank in one go, and entrusted with important tasks!
He thought about it for an indeterminate amount of time, until the two of them had finished talking and were silent, and then asked coldly, "You guys have been talking for so long, how to solve the southwestern chieftain's rebellion, have you figured out a solution?"

Uh, this.

Yao Zongwen and Cui Jingrong couldn't help but blushed and were speechless when they heard the words.

Taichang looked up and glanced around again, and then said solemnly: "What about you, have you thought of a way to solve the southwestern chieftain's rebellion?"

The entire square of Huangji Hall was silent, no one stood up and said a word.

Infighting is all that's left in their minds.

The eunuch party wanted to take this opportunity to bring down Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of War, while Donglin was thinking about how to keep Cui Jingrong.

Where would they think about how to solve the southwest chieftain rebellion!
Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then said sharply: "Gu Bingqian!"

Gu Bingqian, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

The emperor called his name, and he didn't dare not to come out, he could only come out tremblingly, lying on the imperial road and tremblingly said: "My minister is here."

Taichang asked coldly: "Chengdu is at stake now, and Sichuan has neither food nor soldiers. Tell me, what should we do?"

How can I know what to do!

Gu Bingqian lay there thinking for a long time, his forehead felt like sweating, but he still couldn't think of a solution.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help snorting coldly: "What do you think you can do as the chief minister of the cabinet?"

Isn't the emperor going to fuck me up!
Gu Bingqian hurriedly kowtowed vigorously and said: "The emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin."

Taichang didn't want to slap this guy immediately, he just thought these guys were annoying, so he picked up the chief minister of the cabinet and reprimanded him, as an example to others.

At this moment, Gu Bingqian was almost pissed with fright, and the faces of the others also changed, the effect should be almost the same.

He glanced around majestically, and then said coldly: "In one day, collect [-] grain carts, no matter horse carts, mule carts, or donkey carts, and send them all to Changying. Is it okay?"

This should be no problem, the last time the emperor solicited more than this, this time, even if he mobilizes all his henchmen to grab it, he must grab it!

Gu Bingqian nodded quickly and said, "No problem, no problem."

Taichang glanced around majesticly again, then shouted coldly: "Retire!"

(End of this chapter)

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