Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 148 A Gang of Bastards

Chapter 148

Taichang was really angry, these bastards are so greedy, they are trying to force the common people to rebel!
If Huayin didn't have a local prominent family like the Liu family insisting on giving porridge, the victims here would probably be as rebellious as those in Shangzhou.

These bastards are destroying the foundation of the Ming Dynasty!
If I don't kill you bastards, it's really hard to explain the hatred in my heart.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "How many people under Li Yingjian's subordinates, are those yamen servants and Xiangyong at the gate of the city his cronies?"

Liu Yingkui shook his head and said, "Those yamen servants and Xiangyong were recruited by Mr. Cheng, the county's Dianshi, to maintain law and order. The cronies of Li Yingjian, the county magistrate, are all local ruffians. They won’t look at the city gates if they impose taxes.”

Taichang gritted his teeth and asked again: "Do you know how many ruffians Li Yingjian recruited?"

Liu Yingkui reckoned, "About twenty or thirty. I haven't counted them in detail. Anyway, it's not many. After all, recruiting these local ruffians requires money for fun. It's impossible for Li Yingjian to recruit too many."

That's all right, there's no need to call Shenwuying.

Taichang stood up abruptly, and said coldly: "Come on, let's go meet Li Yingjian, and rescue your son by the way."

After speaking, he directly made a gesture of please, meaning to let Liu Yingkui lead the way.

Uh, this.

How to save?
Liu Yingkui couldn't help being surprised and said, "Liangfu, can we just go like this?"

Of course it can!

Can the emperor not deal with a county magistrate?

Wang Zheng also stood up and said, "Let's go, let's save Zong Xiang. Don't worry, it's just a small magistrate, nothing more."

Well, this one is Shao Zhanshi of the fourth rank, and the other may be more than the fourth rank. If counted by rank, a small seventh rank magistrate is really nothing in front of them.

Liu Yingkui hurriedly got up and cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank Brother Liangfu."

What are you thanking me for?
I'm just a follower!

If you want to thank, thank the emperor.

Wang Zheng thought for a while and still didn't speak, because Liu Yingkui still couldn't figure out the situation, and he always called the emperor's younger brother.

This virtuous brother was terrified when he heard it, and he didn't want to hear it any more.

With a wave of Taichang's hand, a group of hundreds of people walked towards the county government with their heads held high, as if they were going to kick a restaurant.

When the common people in the county saw this, they finally showed a little anger in their eyes.

Could it be that Mr. Liu invited someone to clean up the county magistrate?

If true, great!

I don't know who took the lead to follow them, and many ordinary people followed suit.

There are more and more people behind them, more and more, and when they reach the gate of the county government, there are thousands of people behind them, and the streets are densely packed with people.

At the gate of the county yamen, the ruffian in monkey clothes and a rogue couldn't help showing a hint of panic in his eyes when he saw this battle.

Thousands of people, if one kicks him, he will be trampled into a cake!

However, he was only stunned for a moment.

Do these people dare to rebel?

Relying on the robe of a yamen servant on his body, he threw the big board in his hand to the ground in a bully manner, then pointed at Taichang and the others and said sharply: "What are you doing? You want to rebel!"


You are indeed forcing the people to rebel!

This guy is not a good guy at first glance, Taichang didn't bother to talk too much, he just waved his hand and said: "Cut it!"

The hundred households of Jinyiwei who were walking in the front heard the words, and without hesitation pulled out the Xiuchun knife, and just swiped it with a knife.

Compared with the masters of Jin Yiwei, this rascal is a hundred and eight thousand miles away. Besides, this guy didn't expect that he would really dare to kill people.

As a result, with just one knife, the gatekeeper's ruffian covered his neck, stared wide-eyed, and fell straight to the ground.


The scoundrel didn't have time to let out a scream, and the people around him really screamed in fright.

Who are these people?
How dare you run to the gate of the county government office to kill people!
Seeing this, Liu Yingkui couldn't help raising his hand, and said in shock, "My dear brother, what are you doing? Murder is against the law!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Zheng took his arm, shook his head repeatedly and said, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

Don't call me a virtuous brother, he is the emperor, what's wrong with killing a ruffian?
Even if people kill all the local hooligans here, it's okay!
Tae-chang thought so.

He directly waved his hand and said: "Luo Sigong, you take half of the people in to search, and when you see this kind of ruffian, cut them all off. By the way, go to the prison to rescue Liu Zongxiang, and in addition, take Li Yingjian to the lobby .”

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the county government office with his hands behind his back.

At present, the county government offices are all built according to the standards stipulated by the imperial court. There is a big drum on the right side of the gate, and there is a screen wall to enter. Behind the screen wall is a corridor. At the end of the corridor is the Yimen. .

Taichang walked in with his hands behind his back like this, and the Jinyiwei walked in from both sides of him like a torrent, holding a knife handle in his hand. Soon, Jinyiwei was neatly lined up on both sides of the corridor until the hall.

At this time, there were already bursts of exclamations and screams in the county office, and there was a little fighting sound in the middle, as if there was still a little chaos.

Taichang didn't care about this, he walked directly into the lobby, sat on the main seat behind the koan, and waited there with a gloomy face.

After a while, a man in Confucian robes with dirty clothes was sent in.

Obviously, this is Liu Zongxiang, the son of Liu Yingkui.

When Liu Yingkui saw that his son was fine, he finally let go of his suspense, but when he saw Taichang sitting behind the koan, his suspense began again.

Brother, you are too reckless, even if you are a Beijing official, you can't kill people indiscriminately!

Alas, I really don't know how to end this time.

He was sighing secretly in his heart, Luo Sigong had brought someone to escort Li Yingjian, the county magistrate.

Li Yingjian looked at Liu Yingkui and his son, and immediately knew what was going on.

He struggled hard a few times, and then said viciously: "Liu Yingkui, you want to rebel!"

Liu Yingkui is so helpless.

I didn't want to rebel!
He didn't know what to say, so he could only turn his head and look at Taichang who was on the main seat.

Li Yingjian followed his gaze and turned to look, and immediately said angrily: "What are you? You dare to sit in my position!"

Do you think I want to sit in your broken seat?

Taichang said coldly: "My official Zhan Shifu's young Zhan Shifu is Wang Zheng."

When Wang Zheng heard this, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Your Majesty, why are you pretending to be me?
Liu Yingkui was also dumbfounded.

This virtuous brother is not mentally ill, is he?

But Li Yingjian suddenly said: "Oh, you are that Wang Zheng from Jingyang."

Taichang still said coldly: "Why, do you know me?"

Li Yingjian said darkly: "I don't know you, but I know who your father is, and I also know who your uncle is. I advise you not to bring trouble on your family just because of such a small relationship."

Oh, you still dare to threaten me?

Taichang said disdainfully: "You, a little magistrate, dare to threaten my family?"

I'll threaten you, why not?
Li Yingjian threatened very straightforwardly: "Master Lu Chunru, the prefect of Xi'an, is my uncle, and Master Xue Zhenxue, who governs Yunyang, is also my uncle. Tell me, is it enough to clean up your father and your uncle?"

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help mocking: "Your surname is Li, and your two uncles are surnamed Lu and Xue, how many fathers are you?"

Hearing this, Li Yingjian couldn't help but turned into anger from embarrassment: "Eunuch Wei is my grandfather, Lord Lu and Lord Xue are both Eunuch Wei's sons, so they are naturally my uncles. Don't pretend to be confused. Water does not interfere with river water, so you insist on provoking a conflict between the two parties, right?"

Oh, it turns out that they are all filial sons and grandsons of Wei Zhongxian!
To be honest, Taichang didn't know how many filial sons and grandsons Wei Zhongxian had at the moment. After all, it was impossible for Wei Zhongxian to invite Wu Mengming to watch the ceremony when he received his godsons and grandsons, let alone tell him.

Both Yunyang Fuzhi and the prefect of Xi'an are Wei Zhongxian's godsons, so Wei Zhongxian instigated this matter?

In fact, this pot of Wei Zhongxian was a bit wronged.

Because Wei Zhongxian didn't know what his filial sons and grandsons were doing outside.

These beasts are not good birds. In front of Wei Zhongxian, these people are talking too much, they can coax all Wei Zhongxian's chrysanthemums away, but behind the scenes, they are unscrupulous and greedy in the name of Wei Zhongxian. They dare to do anything.

For example, Jiansheng Temple.

These filial sons and virtuous grandchildren built Wei Zhongxian's shrine and enshrined him like an ancient sage. Wei Zhongxian was naturally very happy.

How could he have imagined that this was one of the corruption methods created by his filial sons and grandsons in his name.

These guys didn't pay for the construction of the Shengsheng Temple themselves, they scraped land everywhere and made money everywhere!

You must know that when they build a living temple, it will cost 10,000+ taels or even several 10 taels, and they have to recruit hundreds or even thousands of laborers, and they have to cut wood and mine stones crazily. Scared to death.

Anyway, as long as it is said to build a shrine for Wei Gonggong, no one dares to stop it, and no one dares to control it. They will scrape as much as they can in the local area.

In fact, it doesn’t need so much money, so many people, or so many materials to build a ancestral hall.

They are purely trying to make money by building a shrine!

Just kidding, at this moment, a house in the city is only a few dozen taels. How much money can it cost to build a ancestral temple? , These were all forcibly expropriated in the name of Eunuch Wei.

That is to say, the so-called 10,000+ taels or even tens of thousands of taels "expended" on building the shrine are basically pure profits, all of which went into their pockets!
Or think that these civil servants are sick, one by one scrambling to give a eunuch Xiusheng Temple, and make an offering to each eunuch like an ancient sage.

The real ancient sages and sages have never seen them build a shrine to worship.

To put it bluntly, they are scrambling to build the Shengsheng Temple purely to make money.

If you don't have any money, they will build you a shrine!

(End of this chapter)

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