Chapter 149

At this time, Taichang already understood that the reason why the disaster victims in Shangzhou rebelled was because of these beasts.

The question is, should we move or not?

If we act now, what if the eunuchs of the Manchu Dynasty oppose him?
If nothing is done, what will happen if the disaster victims in the northwest rebel one after another?
He frowned and pondered for a while, but decided to do it, kill!

Because once the disaster victims rebelled, it would be out of control, and it would be hundreds of thousands or even millions at every turn. He simply didn't have so many people to quell the chaos.

As for the eunuch party, anyway, after the Chinese New Year, it will take a test, and it will only take two months to calculate, and here is two or three thousand miles away from the capital. As long as you cut off the [-]-mile express message at the post station, the news is basically It cannot be passed back.

It is not very difficult to cut off the urgent message at the post station for [-] miles, because the postmen in places like Tongguanwei cannot go around. As long as Jinyiwei is sent there to guard against death, it is not impossible to block the news.

Besides, so what if the news is not sealed?

If the eunuchs dare to make trouble, then they will do it. Anyway, it will only take two months. It is better than the rebellion of the victims in the northwest!
Taichang stared at Li Yingjian and pondered for a while, feeling murderous in his heart.

However, this guy can't be killed yet, he must first get all his accomplices out before he can be killed.

Since this guy likes dating so much, then fine, I will marry you and tell you a story.

Thinking of this, Taichang pretended to be disdainful and said: "You still know that I am the imperial party, let me tell you, the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, the right deputy Du Yushi, the governor of Sichuan and Guizhou, Sun Chuanting, and Mr. Sun are good friends with me. Shit!"

When Li Yingjian heard this, he immediately blew: "Nanjing Ministry of War Shangshu is a fart! Cui Chengxiu, a cabinet scholar, Feng Quan Feng, a cabinet scholar, Lord Wang, Minister of the Ministry of War, Wu Chunfu, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, and Wu Chunfu, Minister of the Ministry of Justice. Xu Dahua, Mr. Xu has many, many, all of them are my uncles, my uncles are too many to count, how do you compare with me?"

Uh, it's too far away, who is telling you about those guys in the court.

Taichang thought for a while, then said arrogantly: "I can ask Sun Chuanting and Master Sun to send tens of thousands of troops to deal with you. Can you ask your uncles to come over?"

Hearing this, Li Yingjian couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahahaha, just brag, even if Sun Chuanting sends tens of thousands of people over, so what? Xi'an Mansion, Hanzhong Mansion, and Shangzhou are all our people. We can call him tens of thousands of people." The army can't move an inch!"


Taichang took advantage of the situation and asked: "Is it just Xi'an, Hanzhong and Shangzhou? Are there other places?"

Uh, something is wrong!
Li Yingjian immediately realized that this guy was talking to him.

He straightened his neck and said: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, if you are sensible, let me go quickly, and get out, otherwise, you won't be able to eat and walk around."

You don't talk to me anymore?

I want to talk to you!

Taichang said coldly: "Tell me, which uncles and brothers do you have in Xi'an, Hanzhong and Shangzhou?"

This guy is really trying to trick me!
Li Yingjian also said coldly: "Why should I tell you, if you are sensible, get out of here!"

Hmph, you are toasting but not eating fine wine.

Don't you like to brag, I will let you brag to your heart's content!

Taichang winked at Luo Sigong, then said coldly: "Press the ground, ready to torture."

Luo Sigong immediately ordered: "Low it down, hold it down, and find all the instruments of torture."

The two Jin Yiwei guarding Li Yingjian immediately stretched out their legs and kicked the guy's knee socket at the same time, pushing the guy to the ground in one fell swoop, while the Jin Yiwei outside ran to the cell to search for instruments of torture.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Li Yingjian immediately yelled, "Wang, you want to die. If you dare to touch me, my grandfather will not let you go."

When Wang Zheng heard this, he couldn't help being troubled.

Your Majesty, are you ignoring me!
But Taichang said coldly: "You'd better tell me honestly, besides Lu Chunru and Xue Zhen, which other uncles and brothers you have here, otherwise, today I will make you feel that life is worse than death."

Li Yingjian still said stubbornly: "Are you sick, right? What can you do if you know about it? You still want to fight us with your imperial party members?"

Are you sick? You know how to fight, do I need to fight with you?

Taichang simply seduced: "Since you think it's useless for us to know, then you can say it boldly, why do you have to suffer such flesh and blood?"

I'm not that stupid.

Li Yingjian also said very simply: "You are dreaming!"

Hearing this, Taichang could only nod helplessly and said, "Well, I hope your flesh is as tough as your mouth."

At this time, all the instruments of torture from the county government had been brought over.

The instruments of torture here are naturally not as exaggerated as the instruments of torture in the Imperial Prison. However, if ordinary instruments of torture cannot be found out, no matter how powerful the instruments of torture are, they probably cannot.

Taichang glanced at the instruments of torture, and then said indifferently: "Why don't you have some simple appetizers first? You can choose a clamp or a bamboo stick."

Are you serious?
Li Yingjian said sternly, "My surname is Wang, if you dare to torture me today, my grandfather will pay you back twice as much in the future, do you believe it?"

Does Wei Zhongxian have the guts?

Sorry, I don't believe it!
Wang Zheng's expression changed in fright, but Taichang said indifferently: "I'll ask you again, do you want to tell me?"

Li Yingjian could only continue to be stern and soft-spoken: "My surname is Wang, you should think clearly, my grandfather is much more ruthless than you."


Taichang waved without hesitation: "Put on the jig."

Hearing this, the two Jinyi guards immediately picked up the clamp and squatted down, skillfully stepped on Li Yingjian's hand, stuffed his fingers into the clamp, and then grabbed the rope on the side and pulled hard to both sides.

"Ah! Wang, you are sick!"

Li Yingjian immediately howled like a pig being killed.

And swearing, that's not enough pain.

Taichang said coldly: "Continue."

The two Jin Yiwei grabbed the rope and pulled it.


This time Li Yingjian yelled even worse, and he didn't have time to curse.

Seeing this, Taichang asked coldly, "Do you want to tell me?"

Li Yingjian broke out in a cold sweat, struggling all over his face.

Where can a greedy and lustful person like him be determined?
If he had been determined, he wouldn't have gone to recognize Wei Zhongxian as his grandfather in order to get promoted and make a fortune.

The problem is, he doesn't know what this man surnamed Wang wants to do!
If he was recruited and caused a catastrophe, his godfather Wei Zhongxian would not spare him!
He was struggling there, Taichang snorted coldly again: "Don't say yes, keep pinching!"

"Ah, what on earth do you want to do?"

Li Yingjian burst into tears from the pain.

But Taichang said calmly: "I am asking you now, not you asking me. I will give you another chance. Do you want to say it or not?"

If you don't tell me what you want to do, how dare I say it!
Li Yingjian was still hesitating there.

Taichang has actually seen it, this guy is afraid of pain!

It's easy to be afraid of pain, and it's right to do it to death, this guy always has a hard time.

Seeing that Li Yingjian was still hesitating, he immediately said coldly, "Don't say yes, continue."


Li Yingjian was already sweating from the pain, his heart was piercing.

However, he still hesitated.

Seeing this, Taichang said mercilessly: "Continue."


Before the scream was over, Li Yingjian passed out.

Fuck, so careless?

Taichang thought for a while, and then asked: "It won't kill you in a few strokes, right?"

Luo Sigong said very skillfully: "Emperor, uh, Mr. Huang, don't worry, this kind of pain won't kill anyone, this guy is just too afraid of pain, so he passed out so quickly, if you say it hurts to death , it's still early."

That's it.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Loosen the clip first, wake him up."

With a big wave of Luo Sigong's hand, the two Jinyi guards who were pulling the rope grabbed both sides of the clamp and pulled hard, and Li Yingjian's fingers that were clamped like chicken feet were released immediately.

Immediately afterwards, another Jin Yiwei came over with a bucket of cold water, scooped up a large ladle, and splashed it directly on Li Yingjian's face.

Li Yingjian snorted twice, slowly opened his eyes, subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his face, and suddenly shivered in pain.

He looked at his deformed fingers and realized that he was being tortured to extract a confession.

When Taichang saw his appearance, he frightened him and said, "How about it, is the jig okay? Why don't you try another bamboo stick? If it doesn't work, I can also put on a soldering iron, chili water or something. The numbness is a little more troublesome. But it doesn't matter much, we have plenty of time anyway, don't we?"

Don't be like this, okay?
Li Yingjian said with tears in his voice, "What exactly do you want?"

Taichang said lightly: "I just want you to introduce your uncles and brothers. Why do you have to suffer so much for them?"

If you don't tell me what you want to do, I can't tell him!
Li Yingjian hesitated again.

Seeing this, Taichang could only helplessly shook his head and sighed: "Oh, it seems that you want to taste the taste of bamboo sticks, okay, I will help you, come and serve bamboo sticks!"

Hearing this, the two Jinyi guards immediately went to step on Li Yingjian's hands, one holding a bamboo stick and the other a hammer, trying to nail into his nails.

Who can bear this sign?

Li Yingjian howled in fright: "Don't, don't, I say, I say!"

 Alas, I want to put it on the shelves at noon tomorrow, but I dare not post a testimonial. I hope everyone can support it and make a first order. Thanks to the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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