Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 150 Kill

Chapter 150 Kill
Li Yingjian finally recruited, a money-grubbing and lustful person like him couldn't stand the torture at all, once the bamboo stick was put on, he didn't need to drop it, he was so frightened that he poured out everything he knew like a bean in a bamboo tube.

Yunyang Fuzhi Xue Zhen, Xi'an prefect Lu Chunru, Hanzhong prefect Xie Qiguang, Shangzhou prefect Guo Ruan, etc., are all godsons of Wei Zhongxian.

And the county magistrates of Xi'an Prefecture, Hanzhong Prefecture, and Shangzhou are almost all their own people.

These county magistrates are either Wei Zhongxian's godsons or grandsons, or they are related households of Xue Zhen, Lu Chunru and others!

They just formed a group to corrupt!
As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

Because the eunuchs have nowhere to make money!

At the beginning, Wei Zhongxian could still rely on income from salt tax, mine tax, Huangzhuang and Huangdian to support his gang of corrupt officials. Taichang withdrew the mine supervisor and tax envoy, replaced the Nanzhili officials, and replaced the inner palace supervisor with the seal. Once changed, Wei Zhongxian's avenues to make money were almost gone.

These people are corrupt officials among corrupt officials, the ancestors of corruption, and they have already controlled the power of the court at this moment, so what if they don't make a lot of money?
As a result, Cui Chengxiu, Xu Dahua, Wu Chunfu, Wang Shaohui and others began to persuade Wei Zhongxian to send someone to serve as Yunyang Fuzhi and organize a delegation to the disaster-stricken areas in the northwest to make money.

Because the money in the disaster-stricken area is the best to earn, and after the disaster relief money and food can be recovered, the tax reduction and exemption of the imperial court can be obtained, and even the war in Liaodong and Southwest China can be used to levy exorbitant miscellaneous taxes.

Wei Zhongxian can't help it, it's not so easy to be a godfather and grandpa.

Why would a high-ranking scholar who came from a dignified Jinshi background worship him, a eunuch with no eggs, as his godfather and grandpa?

It must be for profit, who would pull down this face to do such a shameless thing without any benefit!
Wei Zhongxian knew in his heart that these descendants under his knees were all wolf cubs, all of them were greedy to death, if they didn't get money for them, they would think that he was incompetent as a godfather and grandpa!

If these wolf cubs feel that his godfather and grandpa are incompetent, they are likely to join forces to kill him and take over by themselves!

Therefore, he had no choice but to nod his head and agree with the matter.

As for the consequences, he didn't think about any consequences.

He was born as a ruffian, he was more ruthless, indeed few people were as ruthless as him, but if he wanted to think about the consequences, he couldn't think of any consequences, and he didn't bother to think about them.

It has to be said that Wei Zhongxian is indeed a natural scapegoat. His filial sons and grandsons are good at it. Bad things are all done in his name. It would be nice to share some of the benefits with him!

At this moment, even Taichang thought that Wei Zhongxian ordered these people to form a group to corrupt. In fact, Wei Zhongxian just nodded, and this group of people began to operate secretly.

First of all, the archway of Xue Zhenxue, who was quite clever in corruption methods, was raised up, and Wei Zhongxian was appointed as Yunyang Fuzhi.

Next, Wang Shaohui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, began to move around, replacing officials in Xi'an, Hanzhong, and Shangzhou in batches, and all of them were replaced by their own people.

Anyway, they control the court, control the cabinet, control the bureaucracy, and control the Metropolitan Procuratorate. These local officials still want to change and change, don’t they want to be greedy for disaster relief money and food, and don’t want to collect miscellaneous taxes. receive!
The question is, if they do this, how will the victims in the northwest survive?
In history, the "Wang Ershouyi" that caused the peasant uprising in Northwest China was also due to this reason. Zhang Douyao, the magistrate of Chengxian County, not only refused to distribute relief money and food, but also took the opportunity to impose exorbitant taxes. Alive!
What should I do if I can't survive?
That can only be reversed!

Once Wang Er of Cheng County rebelled, all other places followed suit. In less than half a year, dozens of rebels emerged from the northwest!
Who is Zhang Douyao?

This person seems to have jumped out of a crack in the rock, and there is no record about him in the history books!
What is going on here?
Obviously, the matter about Zhang Douyao was castrated again by the eunuch party.

Naturally, it is impossible for this person to jump out of a crack in the rock, and it is impossible for a person who can become a county magistrate to have no fame.

In fact, Zhang Douyao was a Jinshi in the Yi Chou Division in the fifth year of Tianqi, the top three, and ranked 150th and fifth!
At this point, the eunuch party cannot be castrated no matter how castrated it is.

The fifth year of the apocalypse was the time when the eunuch party was in power. At that time, I don't know how many scholars secretly worshiped Wei Zhongxian as godfather and grandfather for the sake of the gold list.

For example, Yu Huang, the No. [-] Scholar, and Hua Qifang, the second place in the ranking. The only thing that these two people "go down in history" is to help Wei Zhongxian compile the "Three Dynasties Essential Code", confounding black and white, and framing Zhongliang.

Another example is Yijia No.3, Tanhua Wu Kongjia, the only thing that this guy "goes down in history" is that he created the Huangshan case, helped Wei Zhongxian scrape the ground, smashed the bone and sucked the marrow, and pressed Huizhou merchants to suck to death!
Zhang Douyao was one of the filial sons and grandsons of Wei Zhongxian who was a Jinshi in the Yi Chou Division in the fifth year of Tianqi.

As for why Zhang Douyao is like the one that popped out of the stone, it is almost impossible to find it in the official history. This is naturally a good thing done by Feng Quan, the editor-in-chief of "Ming History" in the Qing Dynasty.

Because at that time Feng Quan was the Minister of Rites and a cabinet scholar, and he was the chief examiner of the Yi Chou Examination in the fifth year of Tianqi. According to the rules at that time, Zhang Douyao was his student.

This student caused such a big disaster and turned all the disaster victims in the northwest, he naturally wanted to erase this student from the official history!

Although this time is not the fifth year of the apocalypse, the eunuch party has organized a group to corrupt in advance.

Taichang listened to Li Yingjian's narration without saying a word, and quickly figured out the ins and outs of the whole matter.

Alas, he is the one who forced the eunuchs here!
Because he cut off all of Wei Zhongxian's sources of income, he has nowhere to make money!
Will this gang of corrupt officials die if they are not corrupt?

Is it really him? Damn it!

He held back the anger in his heart, patiently listened to Li Yingjian's words, and then asked coldly: "Is there really no other place?"

Li Yingjian said with a bitter face: "It's really gone. Even if there are other places, I don't know. I'm not the Minister of the Ministry of Officials!"

Taichang asked coldly again: "Really?"

Li Yingjian said with fear on his face, "Really, I've told you everything I know."

Taichang nodded slightly, then sternly sternly said, "You're not being honest, are you? Come here, give him a bamboo stick."

Hearing this, the two Jinyi guards immediately rushed up to step on Li Yingjian's hand, poked a bamboo stick into his fingernail, and then knocked it down with a hammer.


Are you sick?

Li Yingjian let out a scream, tears and snot poured out, he couldn't help begging for mercy: "Master Wang, don't do this, I'm really recruiting!"

Taichang still had a straight face and said: "One is not enough, is it, do you want to string all your fingers and toes?"

This one hurts me to death, and you put all my fingers and toes on it!
Li Yingjian cried out in fright: "Lord Wang, don't, don't, I've really done it all, even if you string all my fingers and toes together, I can't do anything!"

It seems that nothing can be squeezed out.

Taichang thought for a while, then waved decisively: "Drag it down and cut it!"

I'm a mud horse, are you crazy!
I have all recruited him, and you want to cut me off!

Li Yingjian was so angry that he cursed: "Wang, wait, my grandpa will not let you go, my grandpa will definitely avenge me, my grandpa will definitely tear you to pieces..."

"Click" a knife.

The entire county government was finally quiet.

At this time, Wang Zheng was so frightened that cold sweat broke out.

Of course he knew how vicious Wei Zhongxian was.

If Wei Zhongxian knew about this, what would happen!
Taichang took the list written down by Cao Yubian as if nothing had happened, frowning and thinking.

It would be a pleasure to kill all these corrupt officials. The question is, what about Xi'an, Hanzhong and Shangzhou?
Should the imperial court send another group of officials?
That doesn't mean they didn't kill them, the ones sent by the eunuchs are still eunuchs!

Moreover, once the eunuchs send people over, they will quickly figure out what's going on. Even if these guys don't dare to oppose him openly, they will secretly play tricks!
Alas, there is still no one!
He can't take over these two prefectures and one state alone, let alone the entire court.

He looked up and glanced around, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this moment, only Cao Yubian and Zou Weilian can stay to support him, and Wang Zheng must go back with him.

Otherwise, there will be no buildings, gunboats, or new machine tools.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

By the way, there are also local gentry!
These people can help the disaster victims with their own money and food, is it better than those corrupt officials who only know how to collect people's fat and anointing?

I have no choice but to let the gentry in these places give me the top.

Thinking of this, he asked directly: "Brother Wenhe, what do you think of Mr. Dianshi Cheng? He can call the yamen servants and Xiangyong to maintain the law and order of the county, temporarily replace Li Yingjian, and manage the entire Huayin County. Question?"


Liu Yingkui's intestines are almost knotted right now.

Alas, this matter is messed up, there is no way to end it!
I don't know what kind of official this virtuous brother is, but he is so bold that he tortured and extorted a confession from a magistrate of the seventh rank, and he even chopped him off!
The county magistrate of the seventh rank is also an official ordered by the court, can he kill him if he says he wants to?
Now it's all right, kill them all, you still want to let someone replace the county magistrate to manage Huayin?
who do you think You Are!
You're in big trouble, you know that?
You just poked a hole out of the sky!
Liu Yingkui's entanglement, this trouble was caused by him, if it wasn't for saving his son, he wouldn't be messing around like this, right?

Alas, this time he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean himself up!

He frowned and pondered for a while, and then said helplessly: "My dear brother, do you know how serious a crime it is to kill an official of the court without authorization? Even if you are the chief assistant of the court, you have to go through the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple. Just kill a seventh-rank magistrate!"

What happened to killing a seventh-rank magistrate?
I want to kill all the gang of corrupt officials, including Yunyang Fuzhi, the prefect of Xi'an, the prefect of Hanzhong, and the prefect of Shangzhou!

(End of this chapter)

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