Chapter 151

At this moment Liu Yingkui was so frightened that he was at a loss what to do.

This virtuous brother is almost insane, rushing to kill him!
Now it's all right, not only a bunch of ruffians and rascals were killed, but even dignified officials of the imperial court and magistrates of the seventh rank were killed!
How to do?
He really didn't know what to do, if the court pursued it, it would be bad luck for the Liu family!
Will the court not pursue it?
For sure!

It's the eunuch's world at the moment, and Wei Zhongxian's grandson was blatantly killed, so it's no wonder that the eunuch didn't retaliate wildly.

The more he thought about it, the more he panicked, and the more he thought about it, the more he panicked, his face turned pale and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing this, Taichang could only helplessly say: "Brother Wenhe, you don't have to worry, I am the current emperor, it's okay to kill a corrupt official like Li Yingjian."

Unexpectedly, Liu Yingkui was so frightened that he exclaimed nervously: "Oh, brother, why are you still making such jokes at this time! You can't take such jokes, how can you make fun of the current emperor?"

I'm not kidding!
However, it is really easy for people to misunderstand him to say Wen Hexiong casually.

You are already the emperor, why do you still call him Brother Wenhe?

Taichang had no choice but to look at Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng quickly took Liu Yingkui's arm and said, "Brother Wen He, you don't dare to call him Brother Xian anymore, this is really the current emperor!"

Liu Yingkui stared dumbfounded at the serious Wang Zheng, then at the calm Taichang, and finally came to his senses.

It was impossible for Wang Zheng to be joking in a serious manner. If this virtuous brother hadn't been the emperor, the magistrate who killed Zheng Qipin wouldn't have been so calm.

Oh, no, this is not a virtuous brother, but the emperor!

He hurriedly pulled his son to the ground, kowtowed vigorously and said: "I don't know that the student is the emperor's holy car, so I have offended you so much, please forgive me."

Taichang slightly raised his hand and said: "Okay, okay, get up, I'm hiding my identity on purpose, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ask so many corrupt officials, those who don't know are innocent, you get up and speak up."

Liu Yingkui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and got up carefully.

Taichang then asked again: "Now you can talk about it, what do you think of Cheng Yuandan, the history of the Dianshi, can he temporarily take the post of magistrate?"

Liu Yingkui hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Cheng is really good at governing the region, and he is also very good to the common people. The problem is that he is a member of the county. According to the rules, he cannot be the magistrate of the local county."

The Ming Dynasty did have this rule. All official officials are not allowed to hold positions in their original places, and local officials must be constantly transferred. Generally, they must be transferred to other places after serving in one place for three years. Even if the governance in one place is good, it cannot exceed six. year.

Because there is no grade in this canon history, it is usually the magistrate who hires famous and famous scholars from the local area to serve as the official. Official officials at the same level will not work.

Alas, this rule is really a bit speechless.

You must know that the traffic is quite backward at this moment, and it is impossible for ordinary civil servants to rush to take office. Therefore, in many places, when officials are replaced, they have to wait for several months or even half a year.

Doesn't this delay things?

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Rules are made by people, and some rules are unreasonable, so they have to be changed. It's like an official who is not allowed to hold a post in his original place. The year is a bit harmful. A corrupt official like Li Yingjian is not a local anyway, and he left after three years as the county magistrate, so he dares to be unscrupulous. If Local officials, if they dare to be so greedy, their ancestral graves will probably be dug up!"

Uh, you are the emperor, of course you can make rules.

Liu Yingkui cupped his hands very simply and said: "The emperor is wise."

Well, yes, not that kind of pedantic.

Taichang nodded slightly, and asked again: "Have you ever served as a county magistrate, county magistrate, or education officer?"

Of course, after all, the Liu family in Huayin is a well-known family of officials and eunuchs, so they still have some face.

Liu Yingkui hurriedly said modestly: "The student has been a county magistrate for several times, but that was all a few years ago. In recent years, the students have also grown older and cannot withstand long-distance travel. Coupled with the disaster in their hometown, it is really I had no intention of working outside, so I came back."

Well, being a magistrate a few times is enough.

Taichang said without any hesitation: "Then you can work harder and go and act as the magistrate of Xi'an temporarily."

Liu Yingkui was really pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

However, this is against the rules!

The magistrate is a local high-ranking official of the fourth rank, and Juren generally ends up at the sixth rank. Without special circumstances, it is impossible for a Juren to rise above the sixth rank.

He cupped his hands cautiously and said: "Your Majesty, this is a bit against the rules, the student is just a jury."

Hearing this, Taichang said domineeringly: "Rules also vary from time to time, and from person to person. In this troubled world, is it useful to abide by the rules of the peaceful and prosperous age? It's time to change the past and make a new one early in the morning. If you follow the old rules, you can still go on." How far? You can safely replace this magistrate, and if you do well, I will give you the real magistrate!"

Uh, well, you are the emperor, you have the final say.

Liu Yingkui hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang then said to Cao Yubian: "Zi Liang, I really can't find so many people who can rest assured at the moment, so you can go and take care of Yunyang temporarily."

Cao Yubian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My minister complies with the order."

Taichang said to Zou Weilian again: "Dehui, the Hanzhong Mansion will be handed over to you. Go and act as the magistrate for a while."

Zou Weilian also cupped his hands without hesitation and said: "My minister obeys the order."

Can he just mess around like this? After all, Xue Zhen and Lu Chunru are still in office at the moment.

It's simple, just catch and kill them all.

These bastards are all going to die for me!

Taichang then said to Cao Wenzhao: "Wenzhao, early tomorrow morning, you send five thousand elite riders to Sui Wenhe to take up the post."

Five thousand elite cavalry, even all the guards of the nine guards may not be able to do it. What's more, it takes a lot of courage for the guards to rebel and kill the emperor's pro-army, which has never happened in the history of the Ming Dynasty. this kind of thing.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang urged: "Wenhe, you copy all the magistrates on this list, and when you arrive in Xi'an, you don't care about anything, first lead someone to arrest the magistrate Lu Chunru and chop him off, and take his official seal. Don’t let go of any of the magistrates on the list, and send someone to kill them all. As for their vacant positions, you can find someone from a famous local official family to fill them in first.”

This is crazy!
When Liu Yingkui heard this, his expression changed drastically.

He raised people to kill all the magistrates and magistrates!
Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help frowning: "Why, don't you dare?"

I dare!
This is a good opportunity, a fourth-rank prefect, as long as you do well, you can become an official prefect!
The old Liu family has not had such a big official in more than a hundred years.

Such a great opportunity can't just be missed!

Thinking of this, Liu Yingkui gritted his teeth and cupped his hands: "I understand, the emperor can rest assured that none of these corrupt officials can escape."

Well, it's good to have courage.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Luo Sigong: "Send someone to hurry up and spread my secret decree outside the city of Yunyang Prefecture, order Cao Bianjiao to find an excuse to lead the army into the city, arrest Xue Zhen and other corrupt officials, and strictly punish them." Guard, wait for me to deal with it. By the way, you can send another team to Tongguan Guards, and ask Zhang Guodong to cooperate in intercepting all the official documents of the post station from Shaanxi to the capital, carefully check, and burn all the information related to the people on this list. Don't let the news spread to the capital."

Luo Sigong cupped his hands and said "Zunzhi", then took a pen and hurriedly copied a copy of the list on the small table beside him, then turned around and went out to make arrangements.

It seems that there is nothing to do next, just wait for the departure to Yunyang tomorrow morning.

They happened to be passing by about the business in Shangzhou, so they just took care of it.

As for the Hanzhong Mansion, he had to send the cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion. He had to go to the Yunyang Mansion first to join the Shenwu Battalion infantry.

Taichang thought for a while, and then asked: "Wenhe, how about I go to your house to stay for a night, this county government may not be able to accommodate so many people."

It is true that the county office cannot house more than 200 people, but it is not that the area of ​​the county office is small. Most of the houses in the main county office are used for official business, and there are not many houses for real people.

Liu Yingkui naturally wished for it, the emperor could stay at his residence for one night, it would be really radiant!
I'm afraid this kind of thing will be recorded in the annals of history and passed down, and his old Liu's family is likely to be famous in history because of it.

This is simply a great thing!

(End of this chapter)

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