Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 153 Don't Know What To Say

Chapter 153 Don't Know What To Say

As night fell, the Liu Mansion in Huayin inexplicably added a sense of joy.

Liu Yingkui didn't know if he wanted to show grandeur, or if he wanted to do something else, but he actually made people hang red lanterns everywhere, as if they were having a happy event.

Taichang was walking in the corridor, looking at the neatly hung red lanterns on both sides, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Wenhe, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Liu Yingkui rubbed his hands with some guilty conscience and said, "Uh, the night is too dark, isn't this minister afraid that the emperor will not be able to see the road clearly? There are not enough lanterns in the mansion, so I asked someone to hang up the lanterns."

Well, this is barely plausible.

However, when Taichang walked into the hall where the banquet was held, he couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity on his face.

What does Liu Yingkui want to do?
Many red lanterns were hung in the lobby, even the tablecloths were red, and the cushions on the chairs were also wrapped in red cloth. The entire lobby was decorated just like a place where newlyweds pay their respects!
Liu Yingkui didn't wait for Taichang to open his mouth, and quickly explained: "The emperor came to the humble house, and I don't know how to greet him. The red color represents joy, and it just shows the joy in my heart. It may be a bit vulgar, and I hope the emperor will say goodbye. "

Uh, why does this guy feel a little weird?

Taichang had no choice but to nod his head slightly to express his understanding, and then, under Liu Yingkui's warm greeting, he took the main seat.

There are not many people who are eligible to sit on the table. The master Liu Yingkui counts one, Wang Zheng counts one, and the rest are Cao Yubian, Zou Weilian, and Cao Wenzhao, three civil servants and military generals, and Cao Huachun, Liu Shiyou, and Gu Cheng. A bodyguard.

After everyone sat down carefully, Liu Yingkui couldn't wait to clap his hands and said, "Quick, order someone to serve."

He had been preparing for this meal for more than an hour, and the servants he sent to find the ingredients almost went all over Huayin County.

It's a pity that there is a severe drought in the northwest at the moment, and the common people have nothing to eat, so no one sells any high-end ingredients here.

What he prepared were some home-cooked dishes, such as chicken, duck, fish, and meat. These were found after traveling all over the county. There were also some dry goods, which were also very common, not delicacies from mountains and seas.

There is a large table full of dishes, but there is not a single real delicacy.

Liu Yingkui took a careful look at Taichang, and then said with a little shame: "Your Majesty, the drought in the Northwest has never stopped these years, the common people have no food to eat, and those who sell delicacies dare not run here. I can find these, and I hope the emperor will forgive me."

Looking at such a large table of dishes, Taichang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Oh, the common people have nothing to eat, and it's considered extravagant for us to eat like this. Oh, I'm not a good emperor, and the common people have suffered!"

Uh, what can I do?

Liu Yingkui originally wanted to order someone to serve some good wine, but when the emperor said this, he was a little afraid to speak.

When Wang Zheng saw this, he quickly smoothed things over and said, "Your Majesty, this day's calamity is unpredictable, so we can't blame you. We didn't expect this man-made disaster, so don't blame yourself. Believe me, as long as we clean up these corrupt officials, the common people It should be getting better gradually."

Well, you can't be too negative, especially him who is the emperor.

He is the king of a country, if he is moaning and sighing all day long, the servants below will not be more spirited.

Thinking of this, Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, what Liangfu said is right, the most important thing now is to do something practical for the common people, instead of sighing and complaining. I'm a little hungry from what you said. If there is any wine, how much should we drink?" Cup, relax, it's been a bit too dull these days."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yingkui hurriedly said loudly to the door: "Quick, serve the wine, serve the wine."

Soon, Jin Yiwei brought up the flagon and wine glasses.

Liu Yingkui handed over his hand to accuse him, and then poured himself a small sip of wine. When he was bored, he picked up a little bit of each dish, put it in his own bowl, and pulled it down like eating. Then he touched his stomach and nodded: "Yeah. , there should be no problem, I don't feel any discomfort."

This guy is quite careful, Taichang nodded slightly, and was about to pour himself a glass of wine, but Wang Zheng on the side gently pulled his sleeve and said: "Your Majesty, you are here as a guest, how can you Let you pour your own wine."

Uh, are you still letting me eat?
Taichang looked at Wang Zheng inexplicably, and really didn't know where this guy was wrong.

It's not that they haven't had a drink together, and they usually pour their own drinks. How can there be so many rules?

Wang Zheng smiled awkwardly, and then blinked at Liu Yingkui.

Seeing this, Liu Yingkui gritted his teeth and said to the door: "Yuanyuan, hurry up and pour wine for the emperor."

Soon, a delicate and exquisite beauty walked in shyly, walked up to Taichang, picked up the jug, and carefully poured the wine into the glass.

While she was pouring, she secretly looked at the emperor in front of her, so that she didn't notice that the wine was full.

Seeing this, Taichang quickly raised his hand and said: "Okay, okay, girl Yuanyuan, if you pour this pot again, it will be empty."

Oops, embarrassed.

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan quickly put down the jug, covered her face, and ran out quickly.

Uh, this.

Which one are you singing?

Taichang looked at Wang Zheng with some doubts, and then at Liu Yingkui, a hint of bewilderment gradually appeared in his eyes.

Sure enough, Wang Zheng was just stunned for a moment, then posted it and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, what do you think of this girl Yuanyuan?"

Since when did you guys become a matchmaker?
Taichang didn't know what to say.

Are you saying that people are not good-looking?
That's a lie, this girl is indeed the best in the world.

Do you say they look good?

That's what's interesting to people!
Wang Zheng didn't hit the snake with the stick, so he took advantage of the opportunity to make this matchmaker!
Taichang thought about it carefully, then nodded slightly and said: "Well, she is indeed quite beautiful, worthy of the title of the most beautiful woman in Guanzhong."

He is not Liu Xiahui, such a beautiful woman, he really can't bear to refuse.

Besides, he is a trusted confidant right now.

Huayin Liu's family, Liu Yingkui and Liu Zongxiang are all very good.

At least, they have no problem in character, they know how to think about the disaster victims, and they even take out their own money and food to help the victims.

Such people are not common in this troubled world, and they are worth wooing based on their character.

As for their fame, this is not too simple for him.

He meant that he agreed to the marriage.

Hearing this, Wang Zheng hurriedly said, "Why don't you take her back to the palace, Your Majesty? Don't worry, this Yuanyuan girl is well-behaved and well-behaved, she won't cause you any trouble. Besides, didn't you say that you would To reform the past and reform the new? Marrying this Yuanyuan girl is just in line with your intention of reforming the past and reforming the new!"

This guy is really not expected to be a matchmaker, how could he do such a thing?

However, his last sentence was well said.

To change the past and reform, the rules of the royal family's marriage should also be changed.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, the East and West Sixth Palace is really a bit deserted. Miss Yuanyuan can also be a companion for Concubine Rui and Concubine Hui if she lives here."

This means that she is directly designated as a concubine.

Liu Yingkui quickly picked up his wine glass, stood up, cupped his hands and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

The others also quickly stood up holding their wine glasses and congratulated them.

Taichang stood up and took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then said kindly: "Zongxiang should raise people, why don't you go back to Beijing with me this time, just after the New Year's Examination will start, and then I will find him a Jinshi degree , It is also easy to promote and reuse."

That's how he is, cronyism, as long as he is a cronie, he will be promoted and reused!
This is simply too good.

The promotion and reuse mentioned by the emperor is definitely not an ordinary position. I am afraid that the Liu family will fulfill the wish of the two ancestors and become a minister!
Liu Yingkui hurriedly got up again and cupped his hands, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang slightly raised his hand and said: "Okay, we are all a family now, so don't be so alien. If you want to be named on the gold list, you can try to come to the capital next time. However, this time you will definitely not be able to go."

Uh, at my age, can I still get a title on the gold list?

To be honest, Liu Yingkui was really moved.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it.

After all, he is about to enter the coffin at this age, even if he is an official, he may not be able to be an official for long, so he should give this opportunity to his son and let the emperor focus all his favor on his son and granddaughter.

Thinking of this, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I am grateful for your kindness, but I am already old, and I am afraid that I have not been able to make a living for a few years. I am afraid that I can handle the affairs of the Xi'an Mansion this time." At the end of the day, I will not go for the test, lest the emperor be criticized by others."

This is true, it is already very good to get your father-in-law to be named on the gold list, but if you let your father-in-law and his father also be named on the gold list, it will be too obvious and it will inevitably attract criticism.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, you're still thoughtful, let's not talk about this, I'm really hungry. Come, I borrow flowers to present Buddha, toast everyone, everyone can eat freely after drinking this glass of wine."

(End of this chapter)

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