Chapter 154

In the early morning, Maoshi, the sun is still hidden under the horizon, and the sky is still a little hazy, but the outside of Huayin City is already very lively.

It turned out that the corrupt official Li Yingjian had been dismissed and investigated, and the newly appointed county magistrate Mr. Cheng ordered people to post safety notices at the gates of the four cities.

The general content of the notice is to encourage everyone to go home for the New Year, and to find a way to cultivate in the next spring.

Of course, the intention of the new county magistrate, Mr. Cheng, is not to let everyone go back hungry, but all the people in Huayin County can receive one stone of grain and one tael of silver each, so they can save some food, and there is no problem until the beginning of spring.

Moreover, after the next batch of disaster relief money and food from the imperial court arrives, Mr. Cheng, the magistrate of the county, will also send people to distribute it to the village. Everyone just wait at home.

There are other exorbitant taxes, including land tax and labor, according to the emperor's will, they are all exempted, and everyone does not need to pay a penny of taxes. After returning home, just think about how to rely on yourself.

As soon as the county clerk finished reading the notice, grain carts appeared at the gate of the city, with bags of grain on them, and some carts even contained silver boxes!
Seeing this, the common people around couldn't help bursting into cheers.

The yamen servants and Xiangyong recruited by the county government didn't talk too much, and directly directed everyone to start queuing up to get food and money.

The ordinary people who received the grain and silver were all smiling, happily carrying the grain and walking towards home. One stone of grain weighed more than 100 catties, and they carried it happily and walked happily!
It has to be said that this food encouraged them too much.

Standing on the top of the city gate, Taichang looked at the joyously dispersed victims, nodded slightly and said, "Is your name Cheng Yuandan?"

The newly appointed county magistrate hastily bowed his hands and said, "Yes, your majesty, it is this humble minister."

Taichang looked at him with satisfaction, and praised: "You are very good, you can come up with this method."

Is this really admiration, or is he making his own claim?
Cheng Yuandan hurriedly cupped his hands and explained: "This minister has the guts to open a warehouse to release grain without permission, and ask the emperor to forgive me. This minister thinks that the grain and money collected by the county government were all obtained by Li Yingjian's greed. I want to send these back to the victims. It’s freezing cold, and the people are suffering outside the city. I don’t know how many people will freeze to death in one winter. Let them go back to celebrate the New Year, at least there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain.”

Taichang continued to praise: "What do you do to forgive crimes? You have done a good job. You know how to think about the common people. You are a good official. After the new year, arrange the things at hand. I will send a fast boat to wait for you at Fenglingdu, Tongguan. You, you go to the general examination and palace examination."

Uh, this, why did we talk about the general examination and palace examination again.

Cheng Yuandan was a little confused.

He thought for a while, and then said carefully: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being rude. There are too many things backlogged in this county government. I am afraid that I don't have time to review the books. I don't have any preparations for the exam. I am afraid It’s a waste of time, it’s better to stay and do some practical things for the common people.”

Taichang smiled slightly and said: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as you go, you will definitely be named on the gold list."

The emperor means that he is preparing to cheat!
Can the imperial examination be cheated?

That must be cheating.

As long as the people above don't check, there are countless ways to cheat!
The person above is referring to the emperor, since the emperor cheated himself, the title on the gold list is naturally no problem.

Cheng Yuandan finally understood that the emperor really admired him and valued him.

He hastily cupped his hands and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang nodded slightly, and said to Liu Yingkui who was beside him: "Wenhe, Yuan Dan's idea is really good and worth promoting. Let's do it in the prefectures and counties below Xi'an Prefecture. Anyway, it's all the corruption of these bastards. All distributed to the common people, let them go back to celebrate the new year."

Liu Yingkui hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

At this time, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes in the distance, and it was the armored cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion who had arrived!

Taichang said without hesitation: "Wen Zhao, go and assign 5000 people to escort Wen He to his post, and another 4000 people to rush to Shangzhou immediately, arrest all corrupt officials there, and wait for me to deal with them. Collect all the sons and daughters of the gentry families in Shangzhou who are famous and famous, and gather them in the Zhoucheng Marquis."

Cao Wenzhao cupped his hands and said "obey the order", then quickly turned around and went down the city wall.

Taichang said to Luo Sigong who was at the side: "Send someone to Liu's residence to inform you that we are ready to go."

Not long after, tens of thousands of fine riders from the Shenwu Camp came to the gate of the city. The strong aura of iron and blood scared the people receiving money and food at the gate of the city so much that they dared not speak.

Fortunately, these elite riders did not come close to them, nor did they run around indiscriminately. Tens of thousands of horses lined up neatly opposite them, and they did not disturb the people at all.

Cao Wenzhao stepped forward and confessed a few words, and soon four thousand fine riders headed straight for Shangzhou along the original road, and at this time, nearly two hundred guards in plain clothes also rode their horses to protect the three carriages Came to the gate of the city.

Seeing this, Taichang waved his hand directly, led everyone down the city gate, and confessed a few words to Liu Yingkui. Soon, Liu Yingkui got into a carriage, took ten Jinyiwei masters and five thousand fine riders and went straight Go to Xi'an Fucheng.

At this time, there were only a thousand Jingqi from the Shenwu Battalion and nearly two hundred Jinyiwei left outside the city gate.

Taichang boarded the first carriage directly, then waved and said, "Let's go."

After speaking, he lifted the curtain, bowed his head and walked in.

In the carriage, Liu Yuanyuan was sitting there with a determined heart.

Taichang brought Liu Yuanyuan and Liu Zongxiang with him because he was afraid that something would happen if they stayed in Huayin County. If his wife and family were not well protected, then he would be the emperor for nothing.

However, it seemed that Liu Yuanyuan was alone with a strange man for the first time, and her expression was so nervous that it made people feel distressed.

Uh, what about this?

Sitting opposite him, Taichang thought for a while, and then asked, "Yuanyuan, do you think being an emperor is scary?"

Liu Yuanyuan quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, Your Majesty, I'm just afraid that I've done something wrong to make you unhappy."

Oh, I'm afraid I won't be happy.

Taichang thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "Why don't I tell you a story. It is said that there is a county magistrate who is quite honest and honest, and the people respect him very much. However, he has a problem, that is, he is afraid of his wife. How can he not be afraid of his wife? Ascending to the hall one morning, he suddenly picked up the gavel and slapped it, and said sharply: "Everyone who is afraid of his wife should stand on the right side. Hearing this, all the yamen servants under him rushed to the right side, only one The yamen servant stood on the left without moving. Finally, he saw a man who was not afraid of his wife. The county magistrate quickly asked, "Why don't you go to the right?" The yamen servant quickly replied, "My wife told me not to squeeze into the crowd. Okay." Come on, this kid is more afraid of my wife than me!"

Liu Yuanyuan listened very carefully, and at the end, she looked at Taichang in surprise, and pursed her mouth again, but she didn't even smile!

Isn't this joke funny?

That's fine, let's change it.

Taichang thought about it again, and then said seriously: "Maybe the one just now was too long, let me tell you a short story. It is said that one time Cao Cao hosted a family banquet for his trusted generals, and the two concubines actually sat at the other table in order to compete for favor. A fight broke out. Seeing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but furiously said, "What are you fighting for? Let's die together!" Hearing this, Yu Jin stood up and cupped his hands in disbelief, saying, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for the reward."

This time, Liu Yuanyuan finally couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing coquettishly.

In fact, she understood the first joke, but she didn't understand what the emperor meant, so she didn't dare to laugh.

She is also a smart person, she understood when Taichang said the second joke, the emperor wanted to make her laugh.

Coincidentally, she couldn't help it anymore, so she just covered her mouth and laughed coquettishly.

During this journey, Taichang spoke softly and told a joke from time to time, which made Liu Yuanyuan very happy, and the gap between the two quickly disappeared.

At night, though, it gets a little awkward.

Because Huayin is more than 150 miles away from the city of Shangzhou, the cavalry can only run about [-] miles a day.

In other words, they had to camp in the wild at night.

This Liu Zongxiang can do it at night, but Wang Zheng can make do with it and squeeze into a tent, what will Liu Yuanyuan do?

They didn't bring extra tents, and Taichang was worried that Liu Yuanyuan would sleep alone in the small tent.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let Liu Yuanyuan spend the night with him in the handsome tent.

What happened that night, the Buddha said, cannot be said.

 There is really no way to say that something will happen if you say it. Many brothers don’t believe it, and they have already gone in. Of course, most of them are books, not people.However, there were also people who went in, and they were all described in great detail!
(End of this chapter)

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