Chapter 162

The outside of the Tribute Academy was still crowded with people, and the noisy noise never stopped, and there was still an endless stream of candidates looking at the rankings.

However, these candidates basically failed.

Because those who won the list must have called their friends to celebrate after reading the list. Even if something happened and they didn't come, some people would go to announce the good news in order to ask for some money.

There are a lot of people doing this kind of work in the capital. Regardless of the general examination or the rural examination, there will be people walking around the streets to inquire about the residences of all the candidates. Once the results are announced, these people will be the first to go.

This is what they earn, and the news is the most well-informed. They will soon know whether the candidate has won or not. Residence, that congratulations, at least a few taels of silver can be exchanged.

After all, these candidates are Juren, and Juren can earn tens of taels of silver a year just by reducing or exempting the land tax.

If you have a little bit of brains, marry a few concubines from wealthy families, or take care of a few wealthy merchants, the money will be even more lucrative.

Moreover, those who came late were basically rich people. The later they came, the richer they were. Some people even liked the lively scene of congratulations.

After all, if he went to see it by himself or sent someone to see it, he would be happy for himself. It is impossible to have the lively scene created by the announcing team, and there will not be a lot of people surrounding him and casting envious glances at him.

Of course, this is right on target, these are basically how happy you want to be, and those who don't win will feel uncomfortable.

Outside the tribute courtyard, there are already sighs, a bunch of sad faces, and even silent tears.

At this moment, Wu Kongjia held the portrait of Sage Kong, led Li Jiantai, Zhang Douyao and others to the bottom of the list, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

Uh, what does this guy want?

The officers and soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion who were guarding below the list were full of bewilderment.

What is this guy doing here with a portrait in his hand?

The family is dead!

Your family is dead, what are you doing here?

Well, these are warriors who don't know a single word. Guan Erye and the others may recognize them, but they really don't recognize Confucius.

However, the candidates present were different.

Some candidates even vaguely guessed what this guy wanted to do next when they saw the portrait of Kong Shengren, and some candidates with ulterior motives even stood up immediately to help him maintain order.

After a while, the outside of the Gongyuan became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Kongjia said with indignation on his face: "I believe everyone knows that there are big problems in the exam questions this time. Some of the questions are even deviant, which are not what we scholars have learned."

At the moment, the candidates standing here are basically the candidates who failed the rankings, and most of them are eager for quick success, because almost all those who are determined to serve the country have gone to the Ministry of Industry to sign up.

These candidates who failed the exam were all aggrieved.

Ten years of studying hard in the cold window, and several years, ten years or even decades of arduous exams, in exchange for this ending, why?
Why did we fall off the list?

But this kind of people basically don't look for their own reasons, and what they look for in their hearts are other people's reasons.

What's more, there are indeed problems with the exam questions this time, and many people are full of anger in their hearts.

Wu Kongjia's words immediately ignited the anger in their hearts.

Many people responded angrily: "Yes, how can someone answer such a deviant question?"

Wu Kongjia looked at the effect, nodded secretly, and then shouted loudly: "This test is so unfair, we will have to pay for it in the future? We can't let those deviant people live in the court, we can't just let it go, go, Follow me to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites to file a complaint!"

That's right, we can't just leave it at that!

We have to make a fuss, if things get serious, the emperor will have to give in.

At this time, many people who were eager for quick success thought of the Hongwu Dynasty's North and South List case. In the end, Emperor Hongwu gave in and took the exam again, and those who made the list were all the troubled northern students!

Can the current emperor be more powerful than Emperor Hongwu?

So what if there is another North-South list case?

If we don't make a fuss, it's over this time. If we make a big fuss, it's very likely that we will be on the list!

Why not make trouble?
Countless people responded to Wu Kongjia's outcry, and as many as five or six hundred people followed him all the way to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites!

Fuck, these people want to make trouble!
The officers and soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion guarding the list finally understood that the guy holding the portrait wanted to take the lead in causing trouble!
The problem is that they have no right to deal with these juren, they can only report it quickly.

Now, the capital was in a state of chaos again. From the Gong Yuan to the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites, more and more common people gathered to watch the excitement, and more and more candidates followed Wu Kongjia.

When the group arrived at the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, there were as many as seven or eight hundred candidates following Wu Kongjia, and countless ordinary people followed to watch the fun.

Wu Kongjia came to the gate of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, held the portrait of Confucius and knelt down on the ground, and then shouted loudly: "The test is unfair, please Da Zongbo uphold justice!"

Li Jiantai, Zhang Douyao and others immediately knelt down, took out the testimonials they had prepared, and shouted loudly: "The test is unfair, please be fair, Uncle Da Zong!"

Seeing this, the candidates behind also knelt down and shouted loudly: "The exam is unfair, please be fair, Uncle Da Zong!"

Da Zongbo is a respectful title for the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, because the Minister of the Ministry of Rites is in charge of etiquette, sacrifices, imperial examinations and other affairs.

At this moment, Zhang Ruitu, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, is also an eunuch. He has already been hinted by Wei Zhongxian that he must help Wu Kongjia and others to make things worse!
A group of students shouted loudly for a while, and he hurried out to cooperate.

He first pretended to be surprised, then saluted the portrait of the sage Confucius, then took the certificates from Li Jiantai, Zhang Douyao and others, pretending to be impartial and said: "I accept the certificate, and I will deal with this matter." Play as appropriate, you go back first."

It is naturally impossible to go back.

Wu Kongjia pretended to be sad and indignant and said: "My lord, you also know the hardships of scholars. Ten years of hard work is nothing. I believe you also have a deep understanding of the hardships on the road to the exam. We traveled thousands of miles to catch the exam. How can we face such injustice?" Go back? If the imperial court does not deal with those who practice favoritism and fraud, we will not go back!"

The stupid cannon fodder behind him roared angrily: "Yes, if the imperial court does not deal with those who practice favoritism and fraud, we will not go back!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited and lively.

All right, you play your part, I play my part.

Zhang Ruitu pretended to let out a long sigh, and then entered the yamen of the Ministry of Rites with the certificate, while Wu Kongjia and others sat down neatly on the square in front of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites.

Immediately afterwards, the memorials of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites were quickly handed over, and the six departments followed up immediately, and there were a lot of inspectors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

This is not a big deal, Wu Kongjia, Li Jiantai, Zhang Douyao and others said they would not leave, but encouraged those foolish cannon fodders to run around the capital, shouting grievances along the street, blocking officials' sedan chairs to complain, and Posted notices slandering Xu Guangqi, Bi Maokang and others.

This time, the entire capital city was full of rumors.

Some people said that the deputy chief examiner took money from some candidates and used his power for personal gain.

Some people said that the deputy chief examiner deliberately asked some deviant questions so that other students could not answer them, so as to help their relatives and friends get on the list.

Some people even said that Xu Guangqi and Bi Maokang were two treacherous ministers who deceived the emperor and deceived the emperor!

When Taichang received the news, Longyan couldn't help being furious.

Wei Zhongxian, are you courting death?
I originally wanted you to live a few more days, but you are in such a hurry to reincarnate!
(End of this chapter)

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