Chapter 163
Not long after the news of the troubled student who failed the ranking came, memorials from the Ministry of Rites, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Officials and other yamen came like snowflakes.

Taichang couldn't help sneering when he saw the memorial handed over by the eunuch party.

These corrupt officials are still playing this trick with me!
He originally planned to do it after preparing for the imperial examination, but now it seems that the eunuch can't wait to reincarnate.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me like a sick cat!
Favoritism, right?

He picked up his pen and scribbled down a list.

These are eunuch proctors who cheated for personal gain in the general examination, and they were also the examiners who allowed Wu Kongjia and others to pass the primary election.

There are records of which numbered transcripts the examiner allowed to pass the primary selection. Matching the numbers of the transcripts with the answer sheets of Wu Kongjia and others is an ironclad proof!
The ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and it is not easy to clean up your bunch of things!

After finishing the list, he immediately said in a loud voice: "Tell Luo Yangxing."

After this period of training, Luo Yangxing has a little bit of ability.

So, this time, he is going to let Luo Yangxing have sex, and clean up the eunuch proctors.

Luo Yangxing didn't know that the emperor had prepared a big meal for him, and he just thought it was the emperor who was planning to let him accompany him on a private visit to Weifu.

Although the microservice private visit is a bit dangerous, it is actually quite fun. The last time his father went with the emperor, he still has a little regret.

This time the emperor found him again, he was really happy.

He came to the imperial study in a hurry, and after paying respectful salutes, he waited for the emperor to order him to gather his men and prepare to set off.

Unexpectedly, Taichang directly picked up a list, and said coldly: "Put all these people in prison, torture them severely, and let them tell the truth about how they cheated in the exam, and who are the candidates who cheated with them? !"

Will try the fraud case!
This is a big case.

Let him handle such a big case?
He really felt a little bit driven out.

To be honest, he used to be a second-generation ancestor, the kind who specialized in mischief.

His father even looked at him with a headache, and Zhang Miaoling, the eldest sister among the noble children, had caught him and scolded him countless times.

During this period of time, he took over Beizhen Fusi's errand, and he really matured a lot. At least, he didn't go around making mischief anymore.

However, for him to handle such a big case, he really didn't know what to do.

He thought for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, are you going to torture him directly? What if they don't recruit or just grab and bite randomly?"

This kid still has some brains, but he is too lazy to be the second generation ancestor.

Taichang taught solemnly: "How did they cheat, and who were the candidates who cheated with them? There is evidence for these. Bi Maokang has already sorted out the evidence. You can ask him to get it."

Uh, torture if there is evidence!

Does this mean to catch people to death?

Luo Yangxing asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, do you want to beat them until they recruit themselves? What if someone dies after being tortured?"

Taichang said coldly: "This is not the point. After these people have been tortured, you can show the evidence of cheating to make them sober. Then continue to ask them about all the deeds of the eunuchs. They won't do it. Just beat them to death, and if you beat them to death, you beat them to death, and you just beat them to death in front of all of them to show others, what happened to how many people died in the prison?"

Well, the emperor means that he is going to attack the eunuchs!
Luo Yangxing quickly took the list, bowed his hands and said: "I understand, I will do it now."

After speaking, he respectfully backed out.

These officials who practice favoritism and cheating can be caught to death, but the way to participate in the examination cannot be so perfect. If they fail, they will offend all the scholars in the world, and then they will be in big trouble. Emperor Hongwu dared not Do it!

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then said loudly to the door: "Go, enter the palace five times before the recruitment test, and have lunch with me."

It is not surprising that the emperor entertained candidates who made the list, but Qionglin Banquet was usually held after the palace examination.

It is really strange to entertain the candidates after the test.

Wen Zhenmeng, Ni Yuanlu, Huang Daozhou, Liu Lishun, and Wang Duo entered the palace inexplicably, and came to the hall where the emperor had meals.

To their surprise, the emperor had already been sitting there waiting for them!
This was a bit too much face, and the five of them quickly kowtowed respectfully on the ground: "Students pay homage to the emperor."

Seeing this, Taichang stood up hurriedly, walked to them, bent down, took Wen Zhenmeng's arm, and said kindly: "Get up, get up, this is a place for eating, not in the hall, there is no need to wait." Do this great gift."

The five people are inexplicable, what exactly does the emperor want to do?

Just like that, they were pulled up by Taichang, and then sat down around the big round table one by one, until the emperor ordered the food to be served, they were still dazed.

What is the emperor's royal banquet like?

Six people, six dishes, chicken, duck and fish soup, and a small dish, just like entertaining guests!
Seeing this, the five people were all shocked.

Seeing this, Taichang smiled slightly and said: "Why, do you want to eat delicacies from mountains and seas? Those things are not cheap, and the court will spend money everywhere, and I don't have the money to buy them. Besides, I can't get used to them either. You just get on with it."

Uh, that's what I said.

Wen Zhenmeng quickly got up and cupped his hands and said, "Your majesty, it's not that the students want to eat delicacies from mountains and seas. The students just didn't expect the emperor to live in such poverty."

The other four also nodded repeatedly to show their agreement.

Taichang waved his hand, asked Wen Zhenmeng to sit down, continued to smile and said, "You may think that I am just pretending to show you? To tell you the truth, I am really not pretending. When I led the soldiers to fight in Liaodong , each meal is at most one stew, which is not as good as this."

When the five people heard the words, their faces showed reverence, and they didn't even dare to speak.

The emperor's personal expedition to Liaodong, everyone in the world knows that on the battlefield, it is naturally impossible to eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and there is no need for the emperor to deceive them with this.

Taichang ordered people to serve wine again, and then introduced: "This wine is a high-quality tribute wine, and it is very valuable outside, but don't worry, this wine is a tribute from the local government, and there is no need for the court to spend money. Drink whatever you want."

He was trying to create an image of himself as frugal. As for why, he naturally wouldn't tell the five people.

Immediately afterwards, he poured himself another glass of wine, then stood up and toasted: "The five are so talented, I have never seen them in my life. Come, I will toast you."

The five people quickly stood up and toasted, saying repeatedly, "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it."

Taichang made a toast to this glass of wine, greeted everyone to eat a few mouthfuls of food, and then raised his glass again: "The heart of the five to serve the country is overflowing with words, I am very relieved, come, I will toast you again."

This cannot be said to be unreasonable.

The emperor could see that they were really touched by their dedication to serve the country with fists, and they quickly stood up and raised their glasses to thank them.

Taichang toasted this glass of wine, then greeted everyone to eat a few mouthfuls of food, and then raised his glass again: "Come on, I'll toast you again, I hope you can become truly virtuous ministers for the country and the people."

The emperor has clearly taken a fancy to their talents, and is going to train and reuse them!
This is the time to show your loyalty.

The five of them quickly stood up and toasted, expressing their loyalty very sincerely.

After drinking three glasses of fine tribute wine, it was somewhat superior. After the five of them showed their loyalty, they really regarded themselves as loyal ministers and virtuous officials.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang picked up his chopsticks and greeted earnestly: "Come on, finish the three glasses of wine, everyone can eat as you like."

After three glasses of wine, the five of them also felt that the emperor was getting closer, and they were not so restrained, so they all picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Seeing this, Taichang said kindly to Ni Yuanlu: "Ruyu, your name comes from the same school as Ni Yuangong, the prefect of Suzhou, right?"

Ni Yuanlu nodded quickly and said, "Master Ni is the student's cousin, and he often mentions your kindness to the people of Suzhou in front of the students."

Taichang couldn't help but sighed: "Oh, those gang of mine supervisors, tax envoys and corrupt officials are really daring. Not only did they catch the common people, but they even dared to kill me! You don't know, that time was really dangerous!"

Immediately afterwards, he actually described in detail what happened to Suzhou Mansion.

The five of them didn't follow him, so they naturally didn't know the danger, and neither did Ni Yuanlu, because Ni Yuangong took office after the danger passed.

When Taichang said it himself, the five of them were stunned.

These guys are so brave, they even blatantly chased and killed the emperor!

Taichang just told the five people his own story like this, and asked them their views on corrupt officials and eunuchs. The enemy, of course, is the eunuch!

The wine was almost done, and the five of them couldn't help scolding those corrupt officials and eunuchs, and the fire was almost over.

Taichang suddenly put down his chopsticks and sighed: "Wu Kongjia, Li Jiantai, Zhang Douyao and others are making trouble with the students who failed the exam, don't you know?"

These five people naturally knew, but they were on the tribute list, and they were in the top five, and they were not familiar with the students who failed the list, so they didn't care much.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said coldly: "Actually, those leaders have long been secretly worshiped under Wei Zhongxian's sect, and have become Wei Zhongxian's henchmen. Moreover, there are eunuch officials to help them cheat during the test. Such scum, I will not let them be on the list!"

Fuck, it turns out that these people are eunuchs, and they even cheated in the exam!

Huang Daozhou couldn't help cursing angrily: "It's shameless for a thief to call for a thief! Your Majesty, the students are not talented, but they can't see such shameless people. The students are going to expose their true colors."

After finishing speaking, he actually got up to leave, and the other four also quickly stood up and bowed to leave.

Don't scold people!
I didn't ask you to scold people.

Taichang quickly got up and waved his hands: "Don't worry, I have already ordered people to arrest those eunuch officials who practiced favoritism. You don't need to expose the true colors of Wu Kongjia and others. Now, the most important thing is other scholars. You all understand that this test is fair, you know?"

This test is naturally fair for the five of them, and they are all in the top five.

The question is, how can scholars all over the world feel that this test is fair?
When the five people heard the words, they were all stunned and did not move.

Suddenly, Ni Yuanlu had a flash of inspiration and said, "Let's go to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites and compete with them. We don't want to compare them with anything. If we compare them in public, everyone will know that this test is fair or not."

This method is good, and you can know who is better by comparing them on the spot.

This kind of competition is also quite popular among scholars these days. It seems that there is such a famous scene in a book called Tang Bohu Spotting Qiuxiang.

Of course, that is a fiction. It is impossible for King Ning to go to Grand Master Hua for a competition.

However, it is true that scholars compare each other.

Moreover, the five of them are very confident in their knowledge, and Taichang also has confidence in them.

Ever since, Taichang ordered Luo Sigong to recruit a hundred elite guards, pretending to be ordinary people, and secretly escorted them outside the yamen of the Ministry of Rites.

(End of this chapter)

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