Chapter 408
On the morning of the New Year's Eve, at about [-]:[-] am, on the sea between Beiwo City and Wubei City.

A fleet consisting of an Aegis ship and more than ten Spike warships is moving forward at full speed.

The king of North Korea, Lingyang Jun Li Zhen, is on the top floor of the Aegis ship at the moment.

He didn't wander around, though, and he didn't aim around.

He was sitting on the bench outside with a complex expression in a daze.

At this moment, there was not only shock in his eyes, but even a little fear.

Naturally, there was a reason why he came to Daming Chaohe in person.

Because he came to power through a coup in the palace, Daming, the suzerain country, has never issued him a canonization edict, and His Majesty the Emperor of Ming has never paid any attention to him!

If Daming is too weak to turn back and is unable to manage any national affairs, then that's all.

Anyway, he had already secured the position of king, and Daming couldn't do anything to him. This imperial edict would be issued to him sooner or later.

However, at this moment, Daming was so powerful that it was terrifying. Not only was Jiannu beaten up by Daming, but even Dongpu was wiped out by Daming!

You know, their North Korean strength is far worse than that of Japan.

If Daming Xingshi asks for a crime, they won't be able to resist it at all!
At this moment, Dongpu was destroyed by Daming, so he was so frightened that he hurried over to plead guilty to His Majesty Emperor Daming in the name of Chaohe.

He is really afraid that Da Ming will send troops to wipe him out tomorrow!
In fact, he misunderstood.

The reason why Taichang didn't pay any attention to this Lingyang Lord Li Yu was mainly because he didn't have time.

Naturally, he has heard about the civil strife in the subordinate country of North Korea, and he also knows that Lingyang Lord Li Zhen came to power through a court coup.

The problem, this matter is still a little complicated, and it is not that simple to figure it out.

Therefore, he simply ignored them.

However, this time, people have personally come to plead guilty in the name of Zhao He, so this matter cannot be delayed and must be resolved.

This guy must be a ruthless person if he dared to kill the king and usurp the throne, but because of the reason, he couldn't just kill this guy.

Therefore, he chose to demonstrate the strength of Daming first, to frighten others, and let this guy understand how easy it is for Daming to clean up a small vassal state.

He just wants to tell this guy, no matter how ruthless you are, you have to lie down obediently in front of me, otherwise, I will punish you!
This move of his really stunned Lingyang Jun Li Zhen.

Lingyang Lord Li Yu originally thought that one Aegis ship and more than ten Spike warships were scary enough.

When the fleet arrived outside the port of Wubei City, he was dumbfounded.

Because there are huge ships and warships densely packed on both sides of the port, the number is countless, and the end can't be seen at a glance!

When he boarded the pier, he was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out, because standing on the high pier, he could just see the densely packed Gecheng and the countless soldiers of the Ming army outside the Gecheng.

However, this is just the beginning.

It's still far away from Daming capital.

As a king of his country came to congratulate him, it was naturally impossible for the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to come to greet him in person, not even Zou Weilian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Zou Weilian also sent Ni Yuanlu, the new right servant of the Ministry of Rites, to wait on the pier.

As for the reason, Lingyang Jun Li Yu should be clear in his heart.

Ni Yuanlu didn't say anything after receiving Lingyang Lord Li Yu, he directly took this guy on a Spike warship, and then ordered more than ten Spike warships to set off together, and went upstream along the Haihe River until Go to the station of Jingwu Railway.

There is no way, it is more than 100 miles from the estuary to Wubeicheng Station, if you go ashore and take a carriage, you will have to travel for more than half a day.

This Spike warship is different, the distance of more than a hundred miles, just over an hour.

However, after more than an hour passed, Lingyang Jun Li Yu was almost scared to death.

Because the Ming army is densely packed on both sides of the strait, I don’t know how many there are.

Moreover, the two sides of the strait are still densely covered with piers, and the grid city is continuous.

This is the case for more than 100 miles!
How strong is this Great Tomorrow Dynasty?

After he boarded the train, he was as shocked as a sculpture.

It's nothing more than a steel monster that can run by itself, he is already numb, after all, he just drove over from Beiwa City on a giant ship like a steel monster, and the Ming army on both sides of the railway is terrifying.

It was more than an hour, and it was more than 100 miles, and there were still densely packed Ming troops on both sides, which had never stopped, and there were still armored cavalry in the middle, I don't know how many there were!
When he arrived in the capital, he was really numb.

He had heard about the size of the Ming capital.

However, he didn't expect that the capital of Ming Dynasty would be so big. After entering the city gate in a carriage, it took more than half an hour to reach the imperial city. Moreover, there were still densely packed Ming army soldiers on both sides of the road!
Immediately afterwards, he had no choice but to walk. He followed Ni Yuanlu and walked in from the East Chang'an Gate, passed the long corridor, passed the six-section guard room, entered the imperial palace from the left gate, passed the Jinshui Bridge, and passed the Huangji Gate. , walked for nearly two quarters of an hour, and then came to the huge square of Huangji Temple.

At this moment, all civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty were neatly lined up on both sides of the Royal Road, and the Emperor of Ming Dynasty was already sitting at the entrance of the Huangji Hall far away.

He is indeed a ruthless person, but right now he really dare not have any small thoughts.

Because he had clearly seen Da Ming's strength along the way, if Da Ming wanted to deal with him now, it would be like crushing an ant to death!
How dare he be dishonest!

Just like a courtier from the previous court, he hurriedly bowed and walked to the steps in front of the Huangji Hall, and said respectfully on the ground: "Little Wang Li Zhen paid homage to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

This guy's official words are really standard.

In fact, this is not surprising, because many officials of the Ming Dynasty not only have to learn the characters and language of the Ming Dynasty, but even take the imperial examination, and the imperial examination is the "Four Books and Five Classics", which is the same as that of the Ming Dynasty.

As for the kings of the vassal state, not to mention how good the "Four Books and Five Classics" must be, the official Chinese of the Ming Dynasty must be learned well.

This guy's Ming Mandarin is really good.

However, this guy came to power through a coup, so no matter how well he learned Mandarin, he cannot be praised!
Taichang stared at him for a while, and then said solemnly: "Li Zhen, I heard that you killed Guang Haijun and Li Hui usurped the throne, is there such a thing?"

Uh, this, indeed.

Lingyang Lord Li Yu quickly explained: "The emperor forgives the crime, Guanghai Lord Li Hun abolished his mother and killed his brothers and murdered his brothers. He was violent and reckless, which made the sky angry and people resentful.

Xiao Wang had no choice but to follow the public opinion and replace him.

Xiao Wang also knew that there was no way to atone for the crime of usurping the throne, but for the sake of the people of the country, Xiao Wang had no choice but to risk this disgrace. This Xiao Wang also wrote many times to explain.

Moreover, Xiao Wang has been governing the subjects with benevolence and righteousness since he came to power, and has never acted recklessly. I also ask the emperor to bypass Xiao Wang this time for the sake of the subjects of the country. "

This guy didn't lie either, that Lord Guanghai Li Hun was indeed not a thing, he was cruel and violent, he didn't recognize his relatives, and ran amok.

He is indeed a well-known benevolent monarch. Even if he pretends to be kind, he pretends to be quite good. All the subjects of the country are saying good things about him.

However, such things as regicide and usurpation of the throne cannot be tolerated.

Taichang snorted coldly, and then said majesticly: "Guanghai Lord Li Hun's actions are really a bit lawless, but if you want to punish, you have to be punished by Daming, and it is up to me to punish. It is wrong for you to kill the king and usurp the throne without authorization."

Lingyang Lord Li Yu quickly kowtowed and said: "The emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin, Xiao Wang really has no choice but to do it!"

Taichang pretended to frown and pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "You are kind and righteous to the people of the country, and you are really respectful to Ming, so I will forgive you this time. However, if you are guilty, you should be punished, and you can't just forget it. Well, all the rewards from the court congratulations will be confiscated this time as a punishment. In the future, if you dare to do anything wrong, or even disrespect Daming, I will definitely kill you!"

Well, no reward, no reward, as long as you don't care about it.

Lingyang Jun Li Yu hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Majesty's teachings, Xiao Wang, will definitely be kept in mind."

Taichang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said: "Give me a canonized edict, making Lingyang Lord Li Zhen the king of the vassal state of Korea."

Oops, after waiting for several years, I finally got this imperial edict.

Ling Yangjun Li Yu repeatedly kowtowed: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness."

He kowtowed for a while like pounding garlic, then raised his hands above his head, and respectfully accepted the canonized edict.

This guy should know Daming's Tianwei.

Taichang waved his hand directly and said, "Go down."

After hearing the words, Lord Lingyang Li Zhen held up the imperial edict and kowtowed respectfully, then got up carefully, bowed and retreated.

The next thing will be arranged by the officials of the Ministry of Rites, so don't worry about it.

Looking at this guy's back, Taichang couldn't help but smile slightly.

The reason why he dispatched millions of troops and put up such a big battle is that he doesn't want to send troops to clean up if something happens to this guy in the future.

At that time, it is not enough to send troops to rehearse the array in Wubei City and the capital. It is an expedition spanning thousands of miles to go to the vassal country North Korea!
Judging by this guy's attitude, he probably won't dare to bother him to send troops in the future.

Next, the Ryukyu King Shangfeng.

Shangfeng was already too shocked right now.

The strength of Da Ming Chao was far beyond his expectations.

No wonder Dongpu was wiped out by Daming!

However, his feeling is not the same as that of Lingyang Jun Li Zhen. He feels safe in his heart, not panic or fear.

Because he didn't make a mistake to apologize, he came here specially to thank him.

If it wasn't for Daming not to destroy Satsuma or Dongying, their Ryukyu Kingdom would still be in their hands right now.

For such a great kindness, he naturally wanted to thank Emperor Ming personally.

The fact that the Great Ming Dynasty is so powerful also makes him feel at ease, because under the protection of such a powerful Ming Dynasty, no one will dare to bully them in the future!
Taichang also knew what this guy was here for. This Ryukyu country has always been honest, and only asked for the protection of Ming Dynasty, and did not do anything wrong.

There is no need to criticize education for this, just follow the formal process.

King Shangfeng respectfully offered a bunch of congratulatory gifts after paying homage.

Taichang ordered people to accept the congratulatory gift, and after a few words of encouragement, he gave silk and satin, porcelain tea and other items worth tens of thousands of taels.

This Chaohe is like this, people come here from thousands of miles or even thousands of miles, and Daming, who is the kingdom of heaven, wants to give something.

In short, we can't let people make a trip for nothing, let them earn some money.

(End of this chapter)

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